{"id":23535,"date":"2022-09-21T15:28:18","date_gmt":"2022-09-21T15:28:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/highatlasfoundation.org\/?p=23535"},"modified":"2022-09-21T15:37:03","modified_gmt":"2022-09-21T15:37:03","slug":"mentoring-a-challenge-for-clinicians-a-boon-for-beneficiaries","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-haf.ddev.site\/mentoring-a-challenge-for-clinicians-a-boon-for-beneficiaries\/","title":{"rendered":"Mentoring: A Challenge for Clinicians, A Boon for Beneficiaries"},"content":{"rendered":"

By Soufiane Mouhsine, Legal Aid Clinician 2021-2022 and second year master\u2019s student in business law at FSJES Fes<\/em><\/p>\n


Face to Face Mentorship with beneficiaries: Advisory and Legal Consultancy. Photo: Safae Bouhlala\/HAF<\/em><\/p>\n

Often, project designers are full of ideas, but they find themselves hindered by a lack of means, support, and guidance to pursue and achieve their goals. To enable them to proceed with greater clarity and efficiency, the members of the legal clinic and entrepreneurship program in Fes visited the communities of Sefrou, Azrou and Ifrane for two days each in order to follow-up and support eight program beneficiaries following previous learning and training activities.<\/p>\n

The mentorship and accompaniment portion of the program is being implemented in two distinct phases as described below.<\/p>\n

  1. Follow-up and Personalized Accompaniment<\/u><\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Mentors adopted an iterative and co-constructed approach with each participant that is both participatory and individualized in order to meet each project at its own unique state of progress since projects are in their infancy while others are in more advanced stages.<\/p>\n

    The needs of the project leaders are diverse and eclectic. Some need assistance to build a digital presence, and others aim to provide in-depth legal information to their own constituents and communities. Some aim to expand and broaden their fields of activity and make new partnerships and collaborations, and others seek stability and financial independence.<\/p>\n

    The accompaniment of the beneficiaries was also structured in two phases:<\/p>\n