{"id":2119,"date":"2018-04-06T17:04:04","date_gmt":"2018-04-06T15:04:04","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/didouqen.com\/?p=2119"},"modified":"2018-04-06T17:04:04","modified_gmt":"2018-04-06T15:04:04","slug":"getting-to-know-civil-society-in-boujdour","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-haf.ddev.site\/getting-to-know-civil-society-in-boujdour\/","title":{"rendered":"GETTING TO KNOW CIVIL SOCIETY IN BOUJDOUR"},"content":{"rendered":"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012<\/strong><\/p>\n

I first saw the operations of civil society agents of Boujdour Province at the workshop room at the Associative Space, where the INDH training started on Tuesday. Wednesday was the second day of the first training session, which was organized by Boujdour Province within the framework of INDH and in implementation of the Provincial plan of Trainings for the Year of 2012, for the benefit of local associations and coops. This first training session was lead by Mohammed Mustapha Ben Daoud, a member of Expert\u2019 Networks of INDH. There were two groups each one at a room. For the first training session, I attended with the group Animated by Mr. Mustapha Ben Daoud.<\/p>\n


Mr. Mohammed Ouhmidou, the president of Social Action Division \u201c DAS\u201d stated that this first training session was under the title \u201c The Financial Management of Associations and Coops\u201d taking into consideration a series of remarks presented by the committee of monitoring the financial reports of the Associations and Coops.\u00a0 These remarks emphasized that local associations and coops should be learn the proper form to write financial reports correctly.<\/p>\n

After Mr. Ouhmido\u2019s words, Mr. Ben Daoud asked the participants, \u201cWhat do you want to get from this workshop, what are your goals?\u201d After a while of brainstorming, it became clear that the general objective is the development of participants\u2019 administrative and associative capacities\/competences. He quoted Elmahdi Elmanjra, the great Moroccan scholar and said: \u201cDevelopment will not be achieved only when science becomes culture.\u201d<\/p>\n

The workshop\u2019s activities came out of the brainstorming and answers to the following questions:<\/p>\n