{"id":19643,"date":"2021-02-05T17:07:46","date_gmt":"2021-02-05T17:07:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.highatlasfoundation.org\/?p=19643"},"modified":"2021-03-01T14:27:34","modified_gmt":"2021-03-01T14:27:34","slug":"haf-celebrates-tree-planting-day-2021-with-the-people-of-morocco","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-haf.ddev.site\/haf-celebrates-tree-planting-day-2021-with-the-people-of-morocco\/","title":{"rendered":"HAF Celebrates Tree Planting Day 2021 with the People of Morocco"},"content":{"rendered":"

La HAF C\u00e9l\u00e8bre La Journ\u00e9e De Plantation D\u2019arbres 2021 Avec Le Peuple Marocain<\/a>, World News, <\/strong>By Sanae Benaadim.<\/p>\n

\u2022\u00a0<\/strong>Arabic: World News<\/a>, 11 February 2021.<\/p>\n

Sanae Benaadim<\/em>
\nHAF\u2019s Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator<\/em><\/p>\n


Caption: The High Atlas Foundation, led by President Yossef Ben-Mier, planting the first tree with a farmer in the Herbil commune to inaugurate Tree Planting Day 2021.<\/em><\/p>\n


“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?'”<\/em><\/p>\n

-Martin Luther King, Jr.<\/em><\/p>\n

Martin Luther King Day, a holiday in the USA, is celebrated annually on the third Monday of January. On this day each year, America remembers this charasmatic leader, fighter for justice, protestor against racial discrimination, and advocate for the civil rights. HAF\u2018s foundation of volunteerism takes inspiration from this day, and celebrates his memory by devoting this day to tree planting in communities across Morocco, paying honor in particular to those communities who have engaged with HAF since 2000. Volunteerism is an essential core to HAF\u2019s mission, for it teaches the individual the culture of sharing and solidarity.<\/p>\n

On January,18th, at 10 am, HAF President Dr.Yossef Ben-Meir, Agricultural Technician Abdejlil Ait Ali, Project Assistants Lahcen Ait Ouatouch and Mustapha Id Said, and I headed toward the village of Lmrades in the Herbil Commune of the Marrakech province. Our mission was to meet with local farmers in order to plant trees.<\/p>\n

Thanks to HAF\u2019s coordination with the Al Jail Saeid Association, farmers are able to plant 27,000 trees in Tamnsourt\u2019s lands this tree-planting season. The families welcomed and hosted the members of the HAF team with great joy.<\/p>\n

Planting trees in Morocco<\/h2>\n

To begin our Tree-Planting Day celebration, HAF launched various Facebook lives throughout the day to enjoy this event with people all over the world, allowing them to also experience the moment and be part of this special day. HAF believes that by celebrating this special day planting trees, we can more easily reach a sustainable culture and community. Local farmers and associations will have a stable income from the fruit yielded from these trees, the youth will be aware of the importance of tree planting, and the physical location will become a healthy green space to live in.<\/p>\n

Tree-Planting Day was an opportunity for the local farmers to learn the correct way<\/a> of planting trees by following the steps provided by Abdejllil, a member of the HAF. In order to plant a tree correctly, Abdeljalil suggests the following steps:<\/p>\n