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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

When Civil and Business Societies Meet

Dr. Yossef BEN-MEIR
Président de la High Atlas Foundation

FENELEC is dedicated to supporting the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in its actions to promote tree nurseries that embody social solidarity. FENELEC is providing the essential solar pumping systems, including pumps, solar panels, control cabinets, and piping.

The first two nursery sites that have benefited from this partnership are both located in the Marrakech-Safi region: at AKRICH (on land made available by the Moroccan Jewish Community) and at TADMAMT in collaboration with the Regional Department of Water and Forests.

Beyond this one-off action which symbolizes the commitment by Moroccan companies, on a voluntary basis, to the implementation of sustainable development that integrates the environmental, social and economic pillars, HAF and FENELEC have signed on June 22 a partnership agreement which aims to:

  • Act on sustainable agriculture by using renewable and efficient resources in pumping and irrigation,
  • Ensure the empowerment of young people and women through training programs, the training of trainers, capacity-building equipment, and the delivery of experiential learning opportunities via internships, apprenticeships, and work-study.

When civil and business organizations partner to combine their productive and organizing capacities, their development impact can be more significant than if each operates alone. FENELEC and HAF plan to also now bring their mutually beneficial collaboration to communities in northern Morocco.

Together, we also gratefully acknowledge the contributions of USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteers, providing key recommendations for healthier nurseries.


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