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WECAN Event November 14

October 6, 2016


Emily Arasim

Communications Coordinator

Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network

+1 (505) 920-0153


Global Leaders To Speak Out On Climate Change Solutions and Women’s Leadership

At Public Event During the United Nations COP22 Climate Talks

SAN FRANSISCO BAY AREA, California (October 6, 2016) – On November 14, 2016, women leaders from across the world will unite to speak out against environmental and social injustice, draw attention to root causes of the climate crisis, and present the diverse array of strategies with which they are working to shape a healthy and equitable world.

 ‘Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Marrakech’ is a public event organized by the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, to be held in downtown Marrakesh during the United Nations UNFCCC COP22 climate talks.

This event is organized with the conviction that real forward movement to address climate change and meet the demands of the Paris Climate Agreement depends on the full and equal participation of women in all stages of decision making and implementation, and that the indispensable solutions required at this time will come from women taking action at the local, national, and international level. Women stand on the frontlines of climate change impacts, and now it is time for them to be at the forefront of all climate policy and action plans.

Included in the discussion during ‘Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Marrakech’ will be vital topics such as Indigenous rights; the connection between gender and environment; rights of nature; frontline movements; and women’s leadership and calls for action within a climate justice framework.

Policy makers and international advocates will speak alongside grassroots, Indigenous, grassroots and frontline women leaders from around the world. The event will be opened with traditional music of the Tamazight peoples, and highlight the voices and work of Moroccan women leaders throughout.

WHAT: ‘Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Marrakech’ – public event in downtown Marrakesh during the United Nations COP22 climate talks.


  • Honorable Mary Robinson (invited, to be confirmed) – Mary Robinson Foundation Climate Justice; Former President of Ireland
  • Neema Namadamu – SAFECO; Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Ruth Nyambura – African Eco-Feminists Collective; No REDD in Africa Network; Fellow of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation
  • Rachida Outouchki – Tamazight Representative of the High Atlas Foundation
  • Amina El Hajjamc – Tamazight Representative of the High Atlas Foundation
  • Tamazight Women’s Movement Representative
  • Simone Lovera – Global Forest Coalition
  • Thilmeeza Hussain – Voice of Women Maldives
  • Marta Cecilia Ventura – Indigenous Campesinos CONID, Mayan People of Quiche, Guatemala
  • South African Rural Women’s Assembly Representative
  • Global Grassroots Justice Alliance Representative
  • Women and Gender Constituency Representative
  • Indigenous Representative from the Amazon Rainforest
  • Osprey Orielle Lake – Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network, USA

WHEN: Monday November 14th, 2016 from 13-18:00

WHERE: Kenzi Farah Hotel (Avenue du Président Kennedy, Hivernage District, Marrakech 40000, Morocco)

Women leaders are available for interviews ongoingly. More information and registration at:  https://wecaninternational.org/pages/cop22


Photo: Neema Namadamu of SAFECO and WECAN Democratic Republic of Congo speaks during COP21 in Paris – Photo by Emily Arasim

About The Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN) International



The Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN International) is a solutions-based, multi-faceted organization established to engage women worldwide as powerful stakeholders in climate change, climate justice, and sustainability solutions. WECAN unites women globally for mobilizations, just solutions, and worldwide movement building. Work includes the International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit, Women’s Climate Declaration, and WECAN Women’s Climate Action Agenda. International climate advocacy is complemented with on-the-ground programs such as the Women for Forests, US Women’s Climate Justice Initiative, and Regional Climate Solutions Trainings in the Middle East North Africa region, Latin America, and Democratic Republic of Congo. WECAN International was founded in 2013 as a project of the 501(c)3 Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus (WECC) organization.

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