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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Visiting tree nurseries and farmers with Cultivaid

Mustapha Tarhbaloute, HAF Tree Monitoring Coordinator

On February 21, Executive Director Tomer Malchi and Chief Technical Officer Ben Cohen from the not-for-profit organization called Cultivaid visited the team members of the High Atlas Foundation and community tree nurseries that HAF supports.

We started with the nursery at the Jewish cemetery in Akrich, where we saw the different types of trees and how tree seedlings were planted. We also heard about the history of the nursery, its creation on land lent by the Moroccan Jewish Community as part of the House of Life Program, and its full integration with the local community.

Representatives from Cultivaid and members of the HAF team examining tree seedlings.

Then we went to Tadmamt, where we met the caretaker of the nursery, Si Omar, who told us about its history. He said his favorite part about running the nursery is planting the tree seedlings every year. He was very grateful for HAF´s efforts to empower farmers, associations, and cooperatives across the country. We also met a farmer from the area, who received trees from HAF three years ago. This is one of the many ways in which HAF assists rural farmers in achieving their goals.

Members of Cultivaid and HAF exchanging information about tree planting.

During our visits, the guests from Cultivaid asked the caretakers of the nurseries many questions about the planting time and grafting of the trees and which types of trees suit the climate of each nursery. They were also interested in learning when and why the greenhouses at the nurseries were covered. The answers to their questions varied depending on the location of the nursery.

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