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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Unique English Teaching Experience in Morocco

By Pommelien da Silva Cosme, Intern
November 10, 2015

In May 2015, HAF Development Director, Jacque Seeley taught an English class to a group of young, enthusiastic students at the University Hassan II in Mohammedia. It was the first time HAF engaged in teaching English at the University. It proved to be a great experience and demonstrated how  our partnership with the University can grow by providing an English teaching program to students.

With 22 students from all different backgrounds ( finance, international trade, computer sciences etc.), the class mainly focused on developing language skills the students could use for their professional career. The class covered different subjects while working on reading comprehension and conversation skills. Other beneficial aspects to the class were resume writing and  preparation for a job interview. These are necessary skills that will enable them to be workforce ready when applying for a job and to also have the tools and knowledge to keep that job.

“I really enjoyed this experience,” Jacque explained, “it was a pleasure working with the students and everyone worked so hard!”. Jacque’s experience showed us how English classes like these can make a real contribution to the students’ professional careers.

Since youth development and training play such crucial roles towards sustainable development in Morocco, we strongly believe teaching English can benefit young students in achieving their goals. We believe there’s great potential in teaching English for both volunteers and Moroccan students and therefore continue to develop programs like these:

Are you a dedicated teacher aspiring to gain experience in teaching English in Morocco?
HAF is currently looking for three English teaching interns, with opportunities to teach at the University Hassan II Faculty of Science and Technique in Mohammedia to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral students and possibly, faculty.

As an English teaching intern, you will be able to put your knowledge to good use. You will be responsible for elaborating a syllabus and developing lesson plans of your choosing, (syllabus approval will be necessary). The purpose of the English courses is to assist individuals in achieving their academic and career goals. You will be working closely with the HAF team at the Center in Mohammedia, who will help provide guidance and knowledge.

English teaching interns will gain insight into the High Atlas Foundation’s operations and activities in Morocco while gaining valuable teaching experience with a group of non-native English speakers. This is a full-time position, with approximately 20 hours of in-class teaching per week. Internships are unpaid and 3 months in duration.

In order to apply for an internship please send your resume and a letter explaining why you are interested in an English Teaching internship with HAF to haf@highatlasfoundation.org.

Required skills:
Interns should be education majors/minors or have previous teaching/education experience. Although a teaching license is not required, experience with youth, teaching ESL/EFL, or education training is preferred.

All interns are be expected to display:
–    Thorough attention to detail
–    Excellent written and oral communication skills in French, English, or Arabic
–    Ability to work in a multicultural environment
–    Capacity to manage multiple tasks simultaneously

If you have any further questions about the internship contact us at haf@highatlasfoundation.org.

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