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Tinfidin Community Meeting

By Bouchra Zine
Family Literacy Field Officer

A recent field visit took place in Tinfidin village, Iseksi commune, Azilal province. The Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra had a community meeting with a group of local villagers. They were very welcoming. At the beginning, the women were so afraid and shy, and they hesitated to talk with the team members. But, when they learned that the team members were from the High Atlas Foundation, the only foundation that helped them during Covid-19 by providing them with food and some basic living products, they trusted them, and they were sure that the team was there for the villagers’ best. 

The women of Tinfidin village are fortunate. Their husbands believe that women should study to create a great and positive impact on the next generations. As they mentioned, women are half of the society and the educators of the other half, too. So, in a sense, women are the society. 

In Tinfidin village, 15 women are ready to benefit from the Imagine empowerment workshop, technical training, and literacy classes.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the High Atlas Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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