As part of the 1 Million Tree Campaign , HAF is currently raising funds for

7 fruit tree nurseries planted in 6 provinces,
totaling 600,000 fruit saplings and costing
$300,000. These trees will benefit approximately
45,000 people,
and by 2018 they will have (on average) doubled household incomes.
Why tree nurseries vs. trees?
Tree nurseries create jobs while raising healthy trees, and after two years, the newly-trained tree cultivators return to their villages to transfer these skills to others.

Rather than begin by purchasing older fruit trees for $2 each (excluding the cost of transport and training), HAF projects begin by planting community nurseries of very young saplings which cost only 50 cents each (all-inclusive). For the first 2 years of the project, each participating community sends members to help run the nursery while being trained in the various skills necessary to raise and cultivate healthy fruit trees. Once the trees are mature enough to be transplanted into their permanent homes, the trained community members in turn train other members in the skills that they have learned, thus transferring skills to a larger number of people.
Why invest in trees?
Trees are helpful to the environment not only for their carbon-offsetting properties, but also because:
- Trees create shade, keep the ground moist, and provide a place to grow smaller plants needing shelter from the sun.
- Trees planted on mountainside terraces help to prevent erosion.
- Trees help prevent desertification.
Fruit trees are especially helpful to the rural communities because:
- Subsistence farming is no longer viable.
- Fruit trees will provide income to enable families to educate their children.
- With fruit trees in the yard, people can afford to add more fruit to their diets.
Along with planting trees, HAF often advocates for irrigation and/or clean drinking water projects, with awareness-raising training to improve health and reduce illness and infant mortality caused by waterborne diseases.
Trees for Kids: Sami’s Project is all about passing along a love of trees to school children. By instilling an appreciation for how trees help the environment and by transferring necessary planting and tree-raising skills to these children, HAF aims to guarantee that the next generation will naturally become proactive stewards of their land.

As with all HAF projects, the decision to plant a tree nursery is made by the community members themselves, resulting from a series of participatory planning meetings, during which the community members democratically seek and identify the project that will best improve the lives of the entire community, now and in the long term.
When you partner with HAF to plant trees, you are transforming the future
PARTNER with us!
Many employers will match your donation to HAF, doubling the impact of your gift. Ask your company whether they will match your gift. HAF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization and a Moroccan association, and since 2011 has Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.