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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Talat N’Yaaqoub, Al Haouz Province

By Houria Chouhab, F2F field assistant

The Farmer-To-Farmer team meets a group of women in Talat N’Yaaqoub Commune, Al Haouz Province.

On February 16th, the Farmer-to-Farmer team met with a group of women in El Bour Village, Talat N’Yaaqoub commune, Al Haouz Province. The purpose of this meeting was to collect data from this group and discuss the possibility of creating a cooperative. 

These women are highly motivated and are now enrolled in literacy classes. Their teacher, Miss Salima, is a volunteer at CorpsAfrica, who came from Marrakech to this village in order to make an impact in these women’s lives. 

Salima explained that these women are committed to their engagements and she believes that they will manage a cooperative well. The first step to do with this group is to highlight the possible products their future cooperative will make, and then hold a training that explains the concept of a cooperative and the steps they need to follow to create one. These steps will enable them to have a clear vision of what they want to do next.

Additionally, these women seem to be committed and understanding; therefore, they will appreciate a future Imagine workshop, which will definitely allow them to know more about their current needs and be enlightened about work and its importance in one’s life.

The F2F team is looking forward to working with these women and seeing them achieve their goals and creating a cooperative that will allow them to earn a living.

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