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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Students from Darden School at University of Virginia and Cadi Ayyad University visit Anamer

By Youssef Mazdou, HAF Program Assistant

On February 16, 2023, the High Atlas Foundation organized a trip for a group of students from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and Cadi Ayyad University to visit Anamer in the mountainous Setti Fadma municipality outside of Marrakech.

During the trip, students had the opportunity to participate in gender-focused discussions with members of the community. The students were split into groups based on their gender. The women’s group identified and discussed topics related to education access, healthcare, and economic opportunities, and the men’s group discussed their role within the community, challenges related to economic development, access to resources, and family care expectations.

With a cup of tea and some traditional food, the discussions were held openly, and we listened to ideas and experiences between us. The students were grateful for the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with members of the community, and expressed their appreciation for the interest shown by the community in their culture and way of life.

The experience highlighted benefits of intercultural dialogue, exchanging experiences, and promoting relationships between students and members of the community. Students departed Anamer with a deeper appreciation of the challenges faced by members of the community.

Due to the abundant rainfall for which we are all grateful, we were unable to plant tree seedlings in the village, which play an important role in protecting and developing the environment.

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