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South-South Youth Cooperation

HAF Project Manager

South-South regional blocs led the world to go through a major economic and political transformation over the last two decades. The advances, particularly in the South, have been more rapid than at any time during a similar span in world history. Relationships within the South and between the South and the North have taken on entirely new dimensions. Key current issues such as the environment and climate change, energy and food security, global poverty, the linkage between growth and equity, and migration are today more global than North-South in nature.

HAF Project Manager Errachid Montassir served as a panelist for the international webinar “South-South Youth Cooperation for Global Action,” organized by the Youth for Environment Education and Development Foundation. Errachid reflected on one of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) major principles, which is supporting Morocco’s vision towards decentralization of decision-making and management from the central level to provincial, municipal and community levels. The event was held as a celebration of the 2020 International Day of Friendship with the main theme of ‘’Sharing the Human Spirit through Friendship.”

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