This blog is a reflection from a recent beneficiary of HAF’s self-empowerment workshop in Douar Sidi Ali Ofaris, Siti Fadma Province.
My name is Malika Jumad. I am 23 years old, and I live in Ourika in the region of Marrakech, Morocco. My dream, from a young age, was to finish my studies and become a lawyer that defends people’s cases, especially women. Unfortunately, I dropped out of school and five years later I got married.
Three years have passed, while all I was doing was sitting at home, doing nothing. I thought of going back to school, but I had a fear of failure. Back then I did not know that failure is not the end of the world, but it is in itself a backward plan to increase your progress.
That was until an association came to my hometown and started a project that aims to help women learn how to read and write, and fate wanted me to be the chosen one to teach them.
In one of the classes, the head of the project visited the town along with the other teachers to deliver a workshop for women on self-empowerment. In the four days of the training, I grew and learned a lot, including how to value myself because it is my right. I also learned to not pressure myself with things that exceed my capacity
This training was delivered to us at a time when we needed it most. For example, as I mentioned earlier, I really wanted to go back to school and develop myself so I can become what I had dreamed of since childhood. However, I was hesitant or more likely afraid that I would fail. This training taught me that the flaw is not in failure, but in my failure to make any effort to reach for what I wanted.
I became convinced and rather determined to fulfill my dream, God willing, and here I am studying with vigor and optimism hoping for the best.

Participants who have completed the IMAGINE women’s empowerment workshops celebrate their success.
Now I am not afraid of failing. Now I am not as weak as I was four days ago. Now I am completely ready to start striving to achieve my dream. Now I have taken a step forward, a step that I was hesitant to take, but not anymore. Now I am a different person than I was before. This is thanks to God Almighty first because it was God who made us cross paths with the High Atlas Foundation.
Second, thanks to the people who made this great effort. At the top of the list are Mrs. Amina, the head of this project, Mr. Hassan and Mrs. Amina, the self-empowerment training teachers. I’d also like to thank Sanae and Imane who became like sisters to me during this workshop. All my thanks and appreciation to them.
I also cannot forget my husband because he has been encouraging since the beginning. Thank you for believing in me and for being in my life.
Now thanks to these people I see myself as a successful attorney, defending a case in court.