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  • +1 (646) 688-2946
  • tel:0016466882946
اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

The purpose of the Empowerment Workshop is to enable participants to create the life they most want. It is considered one of the foremost personal growth trainings available. In addition, HAF aims to strengthen women as rights holders by providing tools to advocate and act on their needs and goals.

Using three complementary activities, HAF aims to create agents of social change with university students and rural women. Our empowerment program reduces barriers to manifest women’s place as pillars of society. The three activities and their objectives are: 

1) “Imagine’” is a self-discovery workshop. Throughout the personal growth process, we assist women in finding their voices and achieving their goals. 

2) Integrated with Imagine is the ‘Moudawana’ Family Code, based on a rights-based approach, bringing together women to learn about legal protections and determine ways to further social justice. 

3) Cooperative-building grows from empowerment gained during the “Imagine-Moudawana” experience and supports women’s cooperatives and their development to create greater financial independence, expand networks, and promote change in women’s roles in their communities.

The format of the workshop is four full days and each day has 4 modules which are divided into 7 key areas: emotions, relationships, sexuality, body, money, work, and discovery. The forming of cooperatives, including the legal understanding of personal and public rights, the growing of medicinal plants and other organic fruit and nut produce, or the weaving of wool and reeds in making artisan items to sell, along with the exchange of expertise are explored, depending on the array of regional production options available.