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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


Only approximately 60 percent of rural Moroccans have access to clean drinking water. Though this has increased from 14 percent in 1995, access to house connections and improved water sources has improved only slightly. Clean drinking water projects remain a top priority expressed by rural communities.

Unhealthy drinking water causes alarmingly high infant mortality – and also results in shorter life spans and reduced energy for earning a livelihood. Further, time spent procuring non-potable water adds to the already substantial burden placed on women and girls, preventing their participation in education.

HAF aims to address water access challenges for rural schools and communities throughout Morocco.


  • HAF utilizes a variety of drinking water systems to meet different communal needs. These include digging wells as well as gravity flow systems, which deliver safe drinking water directly from mountain springs, reservoirs, and then to homes. HAF also builds water towers and installs solar pumps to bring water from valleys to villages situated in mountainous areas.
  • Our partners share important health-related information with communities in order to avoid water-borne illnesses. Water-system maintenance and repair techniques are also taught at the grassroots level.
  • By bringing villages clean drinking water, HAF can reduce infant mortality rates, improve public health conditions, and transfer skills at the grassroots level while using local materials and building techniques.


HAF has built 19 clean drinking water systems with Morocco’s remote villages, benefiting approximately 4,000 people. Through Sami’s Project, HAF built clean water systems for 12 schools