High Atlas Foundation Des pépiniéres et des vergers au service des communautés rurales
High Atlas Foundation Des pépiniéres et des vergers au service des communautés rurales, CFCIM.
High Atlas Foundation Des pépiniéres et des vergers au service des communautés rurales, CFCIM.
.نشاط بيئي بجماعة تمصلوحت بإقليم الحوز, كتب بواسطة نجاة الكوراري – مكتب مراكش
Bravo, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Modern Ghana.
• Arabic: Al-bayader, 26 October 2021.
Hydroponics And Vertical Agriculture In Morocco And The World | By Carter And Henry Prillaman, The Garden Center News.
Women’s Empowerment and Yoga in Rural Morocco and in Your Life, Indepth News.
المسار التنموي بالأقاليم الجنوبية: إلى أين؟, Cawalisse.
Renewable Energy And Bottom-up Decentralization In Morocco, Scoop.
• Arabic: Al-bayader, 07 October 2021.
جريمة الاتجار بالبشر بين الماضي والحاضر/ بقلم: فاتن بلكبير, Al-bayader.
Creating and Codifying the Right to be Remembered, Global Research.
• Arabic: Sot Al iraq, 21 September 2021.
USAID’s Agricultural Transformation for Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, Indepth News.
• Publications from the USAID Religious and Ethnic Minorities Activity (REMA) in Morocco
• University of Virginia Articles
• HAF is Recruiting RPCVs to Serve as Volunteer Consultants Through The Farmer-To-Farmer Program
• 2020 Summer Program: HAF and the University of Virginia
• Students and Volunteers Publish with the High Atlas Foundation
• Participating in the Annual Farmer-to-Farmer Implementers Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina