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A Radical Rethink: Aligning People’s and Donors’ Priorities
Morocco World News

– A Radical Rethink: Aligning People’s and Donors’ PrioritiesMorocco World News, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 23 November 2014.

Development Visions from the Impoverished
Modern Ghana

– Development Visions from the ImpoverishedModern Ghana, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 16 October 2014.

Organic Agriculture: Will the ‘Meek’ Inherit the Earth?
Morocco World News

– Organic Agriculture: Will the ‘Meek’ Inherit the Earth?Morocco World News, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 15 October 2014.

Decentralize for People’s Power in Arab Spring Countries
The Salone Monitor

– Decentralize for People’s Power in Arab Spring CountriesThe Salone Monitor, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 7 October 2014.

Building World Peace, Locally
The Will Nigeria

– Building World Peace, LocallyThe Will Nigeria, 25 September 2014.

UN International Day of Democracy – Engaging Young People on Democracy
Jerusalem Post

– UN International Day of Democracy – Engaging Young People on DemocracyJerusalem Post, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 15 September 2014.

Market Oriented Development
CFR Development Channel

– Market Oriented DevelopmentCFR Development Channel, 4 August 2014.

Une résolution pour la Fête du Thrône
Libération Maroc

– Une résolution pour la Fête du Thrône, (Article in French), Libération Maroc, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 31 July 2014.

Morocco’s 15th Anniversary of Sustainable Human Development
Morocco World News

– Morocco’s 15th Anniversary of Sustainable Human DevelopmentMorocco World News, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 25 July 2014.

Morocco’s Future in Farming Cooperatives
The Globalist

– Morocco’s Future in Farming CooperativesThe Globalist, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 19 July 2014.

L’ambassadeur américain en visite au maroc

– L’ambassadeur américain en visite au maroc, (Article in French), Yawatani, 13 June 2014.

World Environment Day
Modern Ghana

– World Environment DayModern Ghana, 5 June 2014.