Bouchra Zine,
HAF Program Coordinator

« If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. » Nelson Mandela
In regard to Nelson Mandela’s sentiment, the EU Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra didn’t hesitate to ask Lalla Rachida to conduct an IMAGINE workshop in Tinfidin village, Azilal province, for a group of local women whose mother tongue is Tamazight.
The bad weather, the difficult road, and the harsh conditions made the EU team afraid that women would not attend. But, despite all the obstacles, 15 women benefited from the workshop’s activities. They showed their higher motivation to change their situations. They are sure that the “journey of one hundred miles starts with a step,” and their journey starts with literacy classes.
IMAGINE in Tinfidin was full of tears and joy. Women found the activities funny and motivating. In particular, the meditation and the painting phases were well received because they had never seen or heard about that. But, when it came to expressing problems and fears, some women answered with tears.
People in Tinfidin village are really suffering. There is a huge lack of access to clean drinking water; it is more than 20 kilometers from the village by donkey for the women to retrieve it, and it is eventually going to end, too. For the water they use in their daily housework, they get it once every three or four months. Because of that problem, no one in the village has a toilet or a bathroom. Women were clearly begging the team for help.
The women of Tinfidin village were so happy because of our visit because no one had come before and asked them about their problems or tried to help them to change their situation. That’s why they attended all the workshop’s sessions, and they are ready to start the literacy classes.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the High Atlas Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.