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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

HAF Announces Carbon Auction at Cop22



For general inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

Tel: +212 (0)5 24 42 08 21

Fax: +212 (0)5 24 43 00 02

Email: haf@highatlasfoundation.org


MARRAKECH- The 22nd session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 22) is set to take place in less than one month. The 22nd global climate agenda aims to further climate cooperation between various entities and to advance action through the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

In affirmation of the conference’s main objectives, The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is already taking locally-based participatory action. For the past 15 years, the organization has mobilized its partnerships, networks and beneficiary community to highlight its extraordinary commitment towards implementing sustainable plans.

The HAF recently announced that the organization will be auctioning carbon at COP22 within its side-event, “Auction of Carbon Offset and Certified Organic Walnuts and Almonds”.

During the event, HAF will present its sustainable value chain solution and resulting products of carbon offsetting and organic agricultural food products. Proceeding, these products will be auctioned off for participants to purchase. The event includes an address from Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF’s President and Mr. Larbi Didoquen, HAF’s agricultural and forestry specialist.

 High Atlas Foundation works to establish sustainable development projects identified and managed by local communities in partnership with the public, private and civil sectors. Also, HAF uses a participatory approach that is driven by community beneficiaries in every step of the development process, from prioritizing goals to project implementation and evaluation.

The auctioning will take on November 17, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm in the COP22 Green Zone.  You can tweet your bids for carbon offsets here – @HafFdtn.


For more information about the “Auction of Carbon Offset and Certified Organic Walnuts and Almonds” event, please contact the High Atlas Foundation at haf@highatlasfoundation.org  

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