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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Give to any of our ongoing projects on GlobalGiving’s Bonus Day


Creating a new period of good for all requires giving what we each are able. So, we hope you give on this Bonus Day when your gift becomes amplified.

Today, your donation of $100 or more made to any of HAF’s ten ongoing projects (linked below) between 9:00 AM and 11:59 PM EST will be matched by GlobalGiving.

We are infinitely grateful for your commitment to the sustainable development of Moroccan families and communities.

Yours faithfully,
Yossef Ben-Meir, Ph.D.

Give to any of our ongoing projects on GlobalGiving’s Bonus Day.


Plant Trees to Empower Farming Families in Morocco

Irrigation Systems for Fruit Tree Agriculture

Community Fruit Tree and Medicinal Herb Nurseries

Argan Nursery and Forest in Essaouira, Morocco

Multicultural Cooperation for Fruit Tree Planting

Water & Health

Clean Drinking Water for 1,250 Villagers in Morocco


Improve Rural Moroccan Schools: Sami’s Project

The Bernard Mejean Fund for Girls’ Education

Women & Youth Participation

Field Train Students, CSOs, and Officials in Morocco

Empowering Women for Democratic Participation

Rising Up

HAF Project Managee Anything we have ever achieved began with an initial participatory-approach meeting and local-community collaboration, which clearly necessitated collective and individual imagination and creative thinking. So…

Participatory Development in Practice: A Weekly Conversation Facilitated by HAF President Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

Peoples’ participation in development is the most significant determinant of projects’ sustainability. Let’s learn about it together and participate as colleagues and give honest expression to the thoughts…