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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Farmer to Farmer Team in Douar Lakdirat

By Zineb Laadam, HAF Field Officer

On December 25th, the Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) team launched an assignment in Lakdirat’s village in the Jnane Bouih municipality of Al Youssoufia province (Marrakech-Safi region), in order to enrich the women’s cooperative Konouz Lakdirate and to help guide their planning, decision-making, and human and material resources allocation.

The HO is aiming to grow a tree nursery, which will provide fruit trees and medicinal plants for farming families, schools, and other co-ops in Al Youssoufia province. Konouz Lakdirate Cooperative aims to increase agricultural revenue for Moroccan families after growing this fruit tree nursery. However, they need capacity-building support so that they can achieve their aim.

Ahmed Boumargoud, the local F2F volunteer, and Alena Klimas, the paired remote U.S volunteer, will work together with the HO members to deliver to them the essential tools for building their business plan on the establishment and management of a tree nursery.

This women’s co-op is looking forward to being able to manage their own nursery of fruit trees where thousands of seeds will be planted, benefiting many households throughout Morocco.

Proactive Agricultural Cooperatives

By Zineb Laadam On 14 January 2022, the Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team met with two agricultural cooperatives in Mzouda (Tamatoust and Tamount Ntourite). Tamatoust is an agricultural…

A Women’s Cooperative and their Nursery Grow in El Youssoufia

Mustapha Tarhbaloute, HAF Project Coordinator The work in the El Youssoufia project is in progress. Last week, we finished the installation of the solar panels. Also, we finished…