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F2F Follow-up and Data collection from Bouchane

By Zineb Laadam, HAF Field Officer

On February 1st, the Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team met Mr. Mohamed Lahssini, the representative of a steering group with whom High Atlas Foundation (HAF) grew a tree nursery at a school in the Bouchane municipality (Marrakech-Safi region).

The purpose of this meeting was to follow up and collect data. It was clear how they developed their vision and raised their ambitions toward making more change in the community.

“The scale of the cooperative movement matters. It is a sign of its success, built up generation by generation. But, more than this, its greatest strength lies in its ability to touch the lives of ordinary people and to inspire them with the message that, around the world, people like them, with the same hopes and fears, have managed to make their own lives better through co-operation. It is that ability that will continue to help make cooperatives even more relevant in the years to come ” explained Mr Lahssini.

The steering group shared that HAF recently provided 15,000 olive, 3,000 fig, and 2,000 pomegranate trees to improve nursery productivity. They would also like to create a women’s agricultural cooperative that works on the nursery so that they can more easily provide support and incomes to local families. 

The HAF and F2F teams will continue to provide technical support in the management of these nurseries. 

These meetings are vital to improving the success and impact of HAF. F2F looks forward to its next visit to Bouchane!

Wardat Al-Atlas: A Success Story

By Houria Chouhab F2F team member In the third week of January 2022, the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team traveled to Ouaouizerght commune, Azilal Province, in order to conduct an…

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