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Climate Change, Environmental Laws and Environmental Decision-Making Workshop in Mohamed Vi High School

By Karam Yane Azzabi
HAF Project Manager

As part of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) project activities, Imane and I – respectively the OES project manager and the OES coordinator in the High Atlas Foundation –  went to the Mohammed VI Technical High School in Marrakech on Friday 27th of December, to conduct a workshop on Climate Change, Environmental Laws and Environmental Decision-Making.

The workshop started at 4 PM after a session of icebreaking and the presentation of each attendee, Imane made the presentation on the dangers of climate change caused by bad habits of people. Imane also explained how these habits can be changed, by government laws and by personal initiatives.

After that, Imane went to the middle of the courtyard and the students formed a circle around her, in order to explain how to plant a tree and how the tree needs to grow in good conditions.

After we planted the first tree together with students, we started the distribution of trees (13 pomegranates and 10 fig trees) to the students who put themselves in several groups and each group took care of planting the trees in holes previously dug by the school keeper.

The day ended with students singing traditional songs, the visit of the school choir and a last word made by the president Director of the school and the president of the association of parents of pupils.

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يوم في أحضان مشاتل الأطلس

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Planning Hafs New Intercultural Tree Nursery and Philosophical Thoughts on Life

By Nora Martetschläger HAF Intern Last week, I had the chance to experience part of developing our new HAF tree nursery. Together with my colleagues Amina and Said,…