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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Women Transform their Horizons in Rural Morocco

– Women Transform Their Horizons In Rural Morocco, Scoop.      • French: Article19, 30 Mai 2023. By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech Imagine empowerment workshop participants join hands in a closing ceremony. Photo by HAF A research study reveals the positive community impact of sustainable agricultural initiatives when preceded by women’s empowerment workshops, leading to participatory action,

From Personal Growth to Economic Empowerment: The Impact of IMAGINE Workshops with Women in Morocco

Ibtissam Niri HAF-F2F Empowerment Facilitator Empowering women is necessary for creating a sustainable society that challenges gender inequality and encompasses equity in economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions. Pursuing the amplification of women’s voices so that they are drivers in securing their socioeconomic and environmental futures is crucial particularly in rural spaces. Manifesting qualities of

International Women’s Day 2023

– Morocco: Literacy program empowers women toward sustainability, Esi-Africa. For International Women’s Day, the High Atlas Foundation team is honored to share with you highlights and milestones from the first year the Family Literacy program we are implementing in the Marrakech-Safi and Beni Mellal-Khenifra regions of Morocco, which is financed by the European Union. This program is multi-faceted, including Imagine empowerment workshops, literacy

لنصنع الواقع الذي نحلم به

فاطمة المريني، مراقبة ميدانية للأشجار لطالما اعتقدت أن مساعدة الناس هي غايتي ، فكلما ارتسمت ابتسامة على وجه شخص ما اشعران روحي ترقص من الفرح والبهجة . لقد خلقنا من أجل التعارف والتشارك من أجل مساعدة ومساندة بعضنا البعض  ، فكيف سيكون الإنسان إنسانا دون التحلي بمشاعر الرفق واللين والشعور بمتاعب الآخرين  فكما نحب أن

No Age Limit to IMAGINE

Rachel Bartkowski Marrakech, Morocco My entire life I’ve grown up with the consistent pressure to figure myself out. As I near my final semester in university, I naively thought I’d have all my questions answered by now. I don’t. This pressure of urgency has always loomed over me, and as I transition into an adult,

في إقليم تارودانت .ODECOمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مع

من إعداد: يوسف الطاهري، مدير مشروع حطت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مرة أخرى الرحال بقرية تفركي، جماعة أدار إقليم تارودانت يوم 29 يناير 2022، بتمثيل من يوسف الطاهري المنسق الجهوي لبرنامج غرس الأشجار وبتنسيق مع مكتب تنمية التعاون أكادير  التي مثلها السيد عزيز النويني، والحدث هو  تنظيم ورشة تكوينية تخص إنشاء تعاونية  لفائدة الساكنة المحلية هناك.

Reflections of the Empowered

By Charmaine Cacho, HAF-Northwest University student volunteer It’s a strange feeling, to feel something so strongly from the emotions and words of others while, on the other hand, not knowing what anyone is saying, completely lost in translation. I felt much like the baby who was sitting across the room from me with his mother,

“Self-empowerment” workshop in the embrace of the High Atlas Foundation

By Hassan Ahmatay, HAF Volunteer HAF Empowerment Leader, Fatima-Zahra Larbi, conducts a workshop for staff and volunteers. Photo: H. Ahmatay, HAF On Saturday, September 10, 2022, I attended an Imagine empowerment workshop on the subject of “how to create your life as you want it,” presented by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF). All staff members

Besides the Everyday

By Zineb Laadam, HAF-F2F Field Officer HAF’s Imagine team and Members of the Damnatena women’s agricultural cooperative during an Imagine session. Photo credit: Bouchra Zine / HAF Members of the Damnatena Women’s Agricultural Cooperative in Demnate (Azilal province, Beni Mellal-Khenifra region) completed the Imagine empowerment 4-day workshop at the end of August with the High

The Aboughlou Cooperative: Women Let Their Hands Speak

By Hassan AHMATAY, HAF volunteer Women of the Aboughlou Cooperative, Ourika   Photo credit: H. Ahmatay When I remember my visit to the Aboughlou Cooperative as a volunteer for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), it is immediately the very beautiful smiles of the women of the cooperative that come to mind, and the pride declared in

ورشة التمكين الذاتي للنساء بإقليم أزيلال

استفادت حوالي 49 امرأة من دواري أيت محمد وزاوية الشيخ بإقليم أزيلال من ورشات التمكين الذاتي للنساء بدعم من فريق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، ، يتجسد دور هذه الورشات في منح دفعة للنساء القرويات من أجل تعزيز ثقتهم بأنفسهم ومنحهم الدعم اللازم لتحقيق أهدافهم وتقوية دورهم في المجتمع تدوم كل ورشة أربعة أيام لكل ورشة تناقش

Between Translation: thoughts from an IMAGINE Workshop (and a Marrakech balcony)

Livie Nute, UVA and HAF intern Whenever I sleep outside, I feel like an infant again. There is something so nurturing, so maternal, about the night sky. The cool air swaddles me. The stars and moon tentatively poke through the dark—like a blinking monitor or a parent’s eye. The sounds of the evening have a

The اشبارو Women

By Kelsey Cashman, UVa student/HAF volunteer Handwoven rugs at Achbarou Cooperative in Akrich village (Tamaslohte). Photo: K. Cashman, HAF Behind every handmade rug, there is a story. Tucked away in a rural community of the Tamaslohte commune in Akrich, a mere 30-minute drive from the center of Marrakech, is a cooperative of women from the

أهمية التمكين الذاتي في بناء وتنمية الجوانب الشخصية

بقلم ربيعة عيش طالبة باحثة في سلك ماستر القانون الإداري وعلم الإدارة بكلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية جامعة القاضي عياض بمراكش كانت لي فرصة كطالبة  ماستر القانون الإداري وعلم الإدارة حضور ورشة التمكين الذاتي التي نظمتها العيادة القانونية القاضي عياض أيام 26- 27- 28- 29 يناير 2022 وذلك برحاب كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية جامعة

United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Maimunah Mohd Sharif—on her experience with urban planning and future development

by Noah C. Kohlmayer HAF Intern Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, gave a public lecture on March 14, 2022, organized by The Bartlett Development-Planning Unit, University College of London. UN habitat executive director, Ms. Mohd Sharif, is learning on the cutting edge of innovation. New tools must be

Preceding Mourchidat and Participation with Empowerment

by Yossef Ben-Meir and Fatima Zahra Laaribi In Morocco, the mourchidat program that trains women in Islamic theology to equip them to deliver the religious-based human service functions as done by imams, other than leading prayers, is an example of having placed women’s advancement within an Islamic framework. The approach, which has gained appeal in some sub-Saharan

A woman’s success

By Howard Sattler, Psychotherapist and HAF Volunteer Photo: Google Images As a psychotherapist, I have heard many stories from a diverse group of both men and women.  An ongoing challenge for women in the United States is trying to work in areas that have historically been dominated by men. Breaking through this system is challenging and

My Daughter: The Woman I Most Admire

By Ellen Hernandez, HAF Writer/Editor In anticipation of International Women’s Day, I have thought about the women I admire. Of course, there are the famous figures in history and current affairs who are respected throughout the world. There are the strong and accomplished women in my family, such as my own mother, my sister, my

International Women’s Day 2022

By Jackson Coldiron, HAF Volunteer On March 8th, 2022, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. First initiated in 1911, IWD was eventually adopted by the United Nations in 1977 as a mainstream global holiday. Today, the day highlights the cultural, economic, social and political achievements of women across the world. The day also aims to

نساء طموحات ومستقبل مشرق

حميد حنتوم، متدرب بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير حاصل على شهادة الإجازة في القانون الخاص صباح السادس عشر من شهر فبراير انطلقت رفقة أعضاء مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير: السيدة حورية شوهب (منسقة ميدانية) والسيد حسن آيت واتوش (مسؤول لوجيستيكي) وسط دروب جبال الأطلس الكبير قصد القيام  بزيارة  ميدانية  لمنطقة اجوكاك،       تلخصت الجولة في زيارة لمجموعة نسائية بدوار البور،

“رحلة لاكتشاف الذات”

رشيدة الشانع ، طالبة باحثة بسلك الدكتوراة قانون عام صفاء أكرجوط ، طالبة بسلك الماستر قانون خاص نظمت  مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بشراكة مع جامعة القاضي عياض بمراكش، العيادة القانونية للدراسات والابحاث، كلية العلوم القانونية  و الاجتماعية  و الاقتصادية القاضي عياض بمراكش، و الصندوق الوطني للديمقراطية من يوم 26 إلى 29 من يناير 2022 دورة تكوينية

Farmer to Farmer and women’s cooperatives: the empowerment workshops

Ibtissam Niri, HAF Empowerment Trainer | M&E Specialist Farmer to Farmer team in the Impact Assessment sessions Two years after starting the Farmer to Farmer (F2F) project in Morocco, the program was able to work with a wide range of agricultural cooperatives, reaching 58 agricultural cooperatives in three regions (Marrakech-Safi, Beni Mellal-Khnifra, and the Oriental

Farmer-to-Farmer and women’s cooperatives: the Impact assessment

– تأطير برنامج من مزارع إلى مزارع للتعاونيات النسائية: دراسة الأثر العام لمشاريع البرنامج, Sot al iraq. Zineb Laadam, HAF Field Officer Over 12 percent of humanity contributes to one of the 3 million cooperatives on the planet. Cooperatives not only stimulate local economies, but also act as a vehicle for bringing opportunity and profit

Family Literacy Meeting in Ouaouizert

By Ilham Safi and Bouchra Zine, Family Literacy in Beni Mellal-Khenifra Team Women of Ouaouizeght village explore ideas for starting a cooperative Photo credit: HAF team On 3 February 2022, two members of the Family Literacy Program team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra region went to Ouaouizert village (Azilal province) in order to have a community meeting

Women Who Defy Stereotypes

Safi Ilham, HAF Volunteer Women of Errouichia village planting a tree  Photo: Bouchra Zine, HAF “A woman is a superheroine. Besides raising children, she can help build houses, manage offices and plant trees. She just needs to be trusted,” said Souad. On 17 January 2022, my colleague Bouchra and I went to Errouichia village where

Morocco, Education, and Empowerment

By Ellen Hernandez, HAF Writer/Editor Imagine Empowerment Workshop Photo: HAF Imagine Trainers 24 January 2022—On this International Day of Education, we recognize that education is a human right. We reflect on the role of schooling in all communities of the world, not just in the most developed countries and not just in the most affluent

Our Culture Is Our Wealth

By Bouchra Zine, HAF Field Officer I have always believed that training is an important and interesting way to meet people who you might not normally connect with: people from different age groups, ethnicities, or social groups. It is like some kind of magic that allows you to meet a wide variety of people from

Imagine Graduation Ceremony

Houria Chouhab HAF Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant, Farmer-to-Farmer Program On December 17, 2021, a ceremony through the Zoom platform celebrated the graduation of people from High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and other NGOs being certified in the Imagine Program. From the HAF particularly, seven members graduated as coaches, mentors, or apprentices. The program aims to

Willingness is the key

By Houria Chouhab There is only one thing required to change one’s life: willingness. On December 7th, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team consisting of Zineb Laadam, Houria Chouhab, and Lahcen Ait Ouattouch visited the Daraa Lachhab cooperative in the village of Douar Chouirij, in the Sidi Badhaj commune, Haouz Province, Marrakech. The aim of

Nissae Tinmel: Cooperation and Empowerment

By Houria Chouhab On December 09, a Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team conducted an IMAGINE workshop for 18 members of Nissae Tinmel Cooperative in Douar Tinmel, Ijoukak Commune, al Haouz Province. These women were eager as this was the first training they ever attended. At the same time, they were a little bit shy; that