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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

High Atlas Foundation holds presentations to University students in London

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi The president of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Yossef Ben-Meir, and HAF´s Lead Women’s Empowerment Trainer, Fatima Zahra Laaribi, hold presentations at the UCL Faculty of Laws at the Bentham House in London, United Kingdom. Two presentations about the work HAF does in Morocco and the methodologies it applies, including its

التحسيس بالواقع القانوني وإيصال المعرفة القانونية للمجتمع

بقلم يوسف مزدو متطوع لدى مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير/حاصل على الإجازة الأساسية في الدراسات القانونية    بدأ الأمر على شكل سفينة تحط رحالها على رصيف الشاطئ تبدو فارغة بشكل يقترب من المطلق، وبدأت     عقارب الحنين الى الماضي تعج في ذهني لاستحضار ذكريات جميلة؛ دون الغوص فيها. هنا وسط جدران الجامعة بزي مختلف عن زي الطالب آنذاك؛

TED-Ed: The Story of A Tree

By Ikbale Bouziane HAF Field Coordinator Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir was invited on December 22 to give a talk on tree planting, human development, and the overall experience of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) as a pioneer organization in the Moroccan non-profit scene. We were received by Marrakech’s Elaraki International School’s principal and the president of

Volunteer Coordination at the High Atlas Foundation

By Sanae Benaadim HAF Office Manager and Volunteer Coordinator HAF volunteers on a field trip. Have you ever thought about volunteering and would like to be a volunteer at the High Atlas Foundation? If yes, you may wonder who you will reach. My name is Sanae Benaadim, and I am HAF’s Office Manager and Volunteer

The Legal Clinic at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes

By Kaoutar El Kadi, Legal Aid Assistant, CJFD  Immigrants do not leave their families, friends, and lives in vain. Misery, environmental degradation, and oppression can make life difficult to bear. When war directly threatens the lives of people, flight is sometimes the only option for survival. The reasons why people migrate are multiple and complex.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Aissam Oukerroum, Programs Assistant Meryeme Lakhal, CJFD Student Clinician Student clinicians at the Legal Aid Clinic in Fes participate in an activity to apply principles of conflict resolution and mediation. On December 26, 2020, the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD) housed in the Faculty of Social, Juridical, and Economic Legal Studies at University Sidi Mohamed Ben

National Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Morocco


By Aissam Oukerroum, HAF Programs Assistant January is Human Trafficking Awareness month.Student clinicians at the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes (FSJES-USMBA) will be working with some of the most vulnerable populations in the Fes-Meknes region. January 2021 is National Human Trafficking Awareness

Switching to a Sustainable and Circular Business Model | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Law students at the Legal Aid Clinic housed at the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah participate in a training on Personal Development and Participatory Communication. On November 27, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in

Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling


– Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling, Scoop World, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts. Students at the USMBA Legal Clinic in Fes participate in a roleplay exercise designed to allow them to apply their technical knowledge to a case study related to Moroccan family law. In observance of International Migrants Day, it is important to

Tandem 360°: A Unique Experience in the Time of Corona


Imane Akhezzane HAF Programs’ Director Caption: The hybrid participants’ forum from the 15th to the 20th of October 2020 On June 25, 2020, I participated  in a webinar organized by Darpe regarding a call for applications for a cultural exchange program funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by MitOst e.V., a German

Le Cadre Conventionnel Des Droits De L’homme Au Maroc


Étudiants en droit participant à un atelier pour les préparer à fournir une aide juridique aux populations mal desservies au Maroc (automne 2019) La notion de droits de l’Homme remonte au 18 siècle, plus précisément à l’époque des Lumières. Cette conception se base sur l’idée que l’Homme tient des droits qui constituent la propriété personnelle,

Personal Development & Participatory Communication Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Law students at the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah participate in a training on Personal Development and Participatory Communication. On October 17th and 24th, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes (FSJES-USMBA) held a

Migration and Employment | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Students at University Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences participate in a training on migration and asylum practices in Morocco. On Saturday, November 21, 2020 an expert in the field of migration and asylum conducted a training on Migration and Asylum for students participating in the program to become student clinicians

Migration and Asylum Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Program Manager Students, clinic staff, and facilitators pose for a photo following the technical training on migration and asylum practices in Morocco. On Saturday, November 14, 2020, the newly inducted cohort of student clinicians in the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes attended

The Role of Islamic Philanthropy in Supporting Refugees During the Covid-19 Pandemic


HAF Programs Assistant  Caption: BORGEN Magazine is an initiative of The Borgen Project. “To save lives, stay at home!” These words are an injunction to avoid the worst of the health crisis. It was the necessary collective response to the outbreak of a virus whose human-to-human transmission caused the first pandemic of the 21st century.

Family Mediation & Reconciliation in Morocco | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Students at the USMBA Legal Aid Clinic in Fes participate in a roleplay exercise designed to allow them to apply their technical knowledge to a case study related to Moroccan family law. On November 7, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes

Discussion with Law Students: Understanding Moroccan Culture

HAF Intern and UVA Student Through a Zoom meeting with Moroccan law students from University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes who have been trained to deliver pro bono legal aid to underserved persons, I had an amazing opportunity to discuss current topics and issues as well as acquire a better understanding of Moroccan culture

Final Checkpoint: Civil Society-Government Partnerships for Common Good

On August 10-11, 2020, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team went to Ait Ourir in order to attend the evaluation of the Future Association for Development and Work Camps (AFCD). The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate each stage of the Oxygen project implementation and draft project recommendations that can be implemented in the

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective, Qwenu, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts, 11 August 2020. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 12 Aug 2020. • French: Article19, 26 Jul 2020. Since early June, an estimated 15 to 26 million people across the United States have participated in protests against the death of George Floyd and the persistence of systematic racism

We Are the Change: International Youth Day 2020

HAF Project Manager We, the youth, have a vast and important role in development and nation-building. Societies that have a large percentage of youth are strong ones. This is reflected in the tremendous energy of young people, which clearly contributes to driving and managing global matters and development projects. Climate change is an example. It

Men ‘Imagine’

From February 20th to the 23rd, the High Atlas Foundation conducted a training of trainers with 30 men, 23 of whom came from 4 cooperatives targeted by the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. They were trained in conducting baseline assessments, including empowering methods for envisioning the future and projects of most importance to them, and creating action

Big Delivery Taken to the Schools of Demnate

On Friday, February 28, a new international convoy made its way to Demnate: the Moroccan contingent of High Atlas Foundation staff members Imane and driver/photographer Mohammed; Asmaa, the executive assistant for Yves Rocher Morocco; Jingxin from China, a HAF Intern; and me from France, also an Intern. We were pleased to have Asmaa present to

My Visit to Robert Bosch College in Freiburga

President of HAF Last week I had the immense pleasure of visiting the UWC Robert Bosch College (RBC) in Freiburg, Germany. RBC is replete with global diversity, with 200 students from over 100 countries. I met many thoughtful and hardworking students, and a truly dedicated faculty. On the evening of February 26th, I gave a

A Conference on Race, Gender, and Migration in the Maghrib

Fes, Morocco The introductory panel consisted of Drs. Myriam Cottias, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovich, Salah Trabelsi, Klara Boyer-Rossol, Suzanne Schwarz and Chouki El Hamel. The Center for Maghrib Studies at Arizona State University (CMS) organized a conference on Race, Gender, and Migration in the Maghrib on December 15-17, 2019. The conference was sponsored by L’Unité de Recherche

Soft Skills Development for Participatory Communication | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes

HAF Project Manager Twenty-nine master’s and doctorate-level law students participated in the second of a series of workshops and trainings designed to prepare the students to work in a new law clinic to be housed at the Faculty of Juridical, Economic, and Social Sciences at the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes. Fourteen of

Giving Today for Better Days

Dear Friend, There are fantastic reasons to give today to the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco: Women’s empowerment and girls’ education uplift our life’s fabric and are absolutely real outcomes of our work with families and communities. Fruit tree agriculture, building cooperatives, certifying organic, and processing food products for local and global sales form a

Student Trainings Launched | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes

HAF Project Manager A training program to engage and prepare university law students to give supervised pro bono legal counsel to marginalized persons in Fes was launched during the second week of November. An initial meeting with 37 masters level law students studying at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah was conducted on Thursday, November 14.

Promoting Civil Society – University Engagement in Fes

HAF Project Manager On October 10, 2019, the High Atlas Foundation kicked off a new project in partnership with the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes to establish a Law Clinic and Legal Aid program which actively engages students in experiential and service learning for the greater good of the local community. Born

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations Dear Friend, This Newsletter presents the sustainable development work of the High Atlas Foundation and our fulfilling the Special Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that we have enjoyed since 2011. We are facilitators of development that local communities of Morocco seek, and

Inspiration, Empowerment, (Self-) Growth – Impressions of the u.s. Embassy Youth Exchange Alumni Reintegration Seminar 2019

HAF intern Last week I got the chance to take part in some of the program of the Alumni Seminar. From the 6th to the 10th of the November, 55 youth from all over Morocco who participated in the different U.S. Embassy exchange programs met at the Hotel Dar Atlas in Marrakech to share their

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