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Crop Preservation Methods in Morocco

تقنيات تخزين وحفظ المحاصيل الزراعية في المغرب/ تأليف: أليسا أندروود, Al Bayader. By Alyssa Underwood Farmers employ a variety of post-harvest crop storage to protect crops from post-harvest damage. Many of the methods employed in developing countries and on small-scale farms are traditional methods that use local resources. Modern storage methods use modern technology to

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation, Maravi Post. Zuha Afzal | 2021 HAF-UVA Intern Abstract The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is an international development organization based in Morocco whose mission is to promote sustainable development. By supporting and empowering local communities on capacity building, clean water initiatives, pro bono legal aid, youth

Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops

– Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops, Modern Ghana. By Carlie Daniel HAF-UVA Intern Heart disease is a prevalent chronic disease in Morocco and has been one of the leading causes of death over the last 10 years. Heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes, but people must be made aware of the

Female Empowerment as the Key to Moroccan Development

Female Empowerment Can Drive Development in Morocco, Morocco World News. By Molly Case Charlottesville, Virginia Despite its international reputation as a reformist country, women in Morocco continue to face significant obstacles to social, economic, and political participation. Progressive revisions of the Moudawana Family Code (2004) and amendments to the Moroccan constitution (2011) have aided in

Empowering Women to Combat Climate Change

– Empowering Women to Combat Climate Change, Morocco World News. Shivani Lakshman Charlottesville, Virginia Climate change is likely the most urgent crisis facing us in the 21st century. Rising temperatures are causing increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters, more droughts and heat waves, precipitation changes, and sea level rise. Consequently, this is leading to high

Blooming Morocco: One Argan Seed at a Time

Blooming Morocco: One Argan Seed at a Time, Morocco World News, By Zuha Afzal – HAF-UVA Intern. Zuha Afzal – HAF-UVA Intern Deciphering effective mechanisms for long term growth is a journey that most certainly involves a variety of factors to be considered. Factors such as sustainable growth, women empowerment, clean drinking water, and planting

When Fighting Human Trafficking Means Protecting Migrants

How Morocco Can Protect Migrants in Efforts Against Human Trafficking, Morocco World News, By Nicole Luz. Nicole Luz An increased level of global awareness about the issue of human trafficking has shown many that slavery is not a thing of the past, but that it has rather just taken new forms. The UN Office on

The Role of Women in Mimouna: A Moroccan-Jewish Celebration of Creation and Cultural Diversity

Mimouna, Women, and Morocco’s Creative Cultural Diversity, Morocco World News, By Shivani Lakshman  HAF-UVA Intern. By Shivani Lakshman HAF-UVA Intern On Tuesday, April 6, the Mimouna Association hosted a virtual event titled “Celebrating Mimouna: From a Feminine Perspective.” The Mimouna Association is a non-profit founded in 2007 by Muslim students aiming to promote and preserve

Unfavorable Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Morocco

Why Morocco Must Address Climate Change’s Threats to Water Resources, Morocco World News, By Megan Williams and Megan Sprotte HAF-UVA Interns. Megan Sprotte and Megan Williams HAF-UVA Interns Climate change is impacting water resources in Morocco, creating aggravated conditions as a result of both the environmental characteristics and social vulnerability that are present in the

Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling


– Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling, Scoop World, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts. Students at the USMBA Legal Clinic in Fes participate in a roleplay exercise designed to allow them to apply their technical knowledge to a case study related to Moroccan family law. In observance of International Migrants Day, it is important to

Entrepreneurship Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Law students engaged in the entrepreneurship training at University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah As part of International Entrepreneurship Week, the Legal Clinic (CJFD) of the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at the University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes and the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a training for students in partnership

Migrants Face “Double Threat” amid Coronavirus Pandemic


Migrants face “double threat” amid Coronavirus pandemic, Media Monitors Network, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts. • Arabic: Akhbaar, 22 Octobre 2020. French version As an economic recession looms, migrants vulnerable to poverty, facing conflict, displacement, or unsafe working and living conditions require greater economic support as unemployment rises, access to PPEs, and legal assistance. Migrant workers have been at the

Planting Trees Can Reduce Poverty and Slow Climate Change

Planting trees can reduce poverty and slow climate change, The Daily Guardian, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts, 29 August 2020. • Arabic: Beirut Taimes, 30 Aug 2020. Photo by the High Atlas Foundation, Morocco. Humanitarian crises have recently been declared in Sudan, Yemen, Niger, Mali, and Somalia—affecting at least 450,000 people—due to flash floods and landslides. Areas with

Discussion with Law Students: Understanding Moroccan Culture

HAF Intern and UVA Student Through a Zoom meeting with Moroccan law students from University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes who have been trained to deliver pro bono legal aid to underserved persons, I had an amazing opportunity to discuss current topics and issues as well as acquire a better understanding of Moroccan culture

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective, Qwenu, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts, 11 August 2020. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 12 Aug 2020. • French: Article19, 26 Jul 2020. Since early June, an estimated 15 to 26 million people across the United States have participated in protests against the death of George Floyd and the persistence of systematic racism

My Experience with Grant Writing for the High Atlas Foundation

HAF Intern – UVA student As this was my first opportunity working on a grant proposal, I did not know much about the content and format of proposals previously; however, I knew that writing one was an important skill to acquire. Furthermore, I was able to explore new areas of the High Atlas Foundation’s work.

A Personal Journey with the High Atlas Foundation

As I conclude this virtual internship, I cannot help but reflect on the connections I made and the valuable skills I learned. Firstly, getting the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of people enhanced my communication skills, as I learned to adapt to the new circumstances of a virtual environment and improve my cultural

Learning in Action: Navigating a Virtual Internship and Gaining New Skills

I can’t believe I had my last weekly meeting with all the HAF interns and staff. It feels surreal, because time this summer has been both fast and slow at various points. Throughout my time with HAF, I have kept the words, “your internship will not be what you expect it to be,” at the

The Forgotten Victims of the Pandemic: An Ongoing Migration Crisis

– The Forgotten Victims Of The Pandemic: An Ongoing Migration Crisis • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 16 Jul 2020. • French: Djazairess, 26 Jul 2020. USMBA Law students participate in skills-building workshops in preparation for opening a law clinic. February 2020, High Atlas Foundation. As Europe closed borders and suspended flights in early March to combat the spread of

The Role of Technology in Virtual Work

HAF-UVA Intern When I first started the internship for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), I also had to take a UVA class to complement the internship experience. Our first assignment, Envisioning Your Learning Chart, stated, “it is almost guaranteed that your internship will not be what you expect it to be.” There was no way

World Rainforest Day: Working Towards a Positive Human-Environment Relationship

HAF-UVa Interns World Rainforest Day was started in 2017, with the hope that we take time to collectively recognize the preciousness and the importance of our world’s rainforests and take action to protect and preserve them. This year, World Rainforest Day is being celebrated Monday, June 22, and it is truly worth celebrating everywhere because

How a Parade of Protestors Can Inspire a Worldwide Movement

A young woman rallies the crowd outside the fence of the White House in DC on June 7th. Last Sunday I attended a protest for the Black Lives Matter movement in downtown DC. Despite the heat, hundreds of young people, most wearing masks (to limit spread of COVID-19) and carrying home-made signs, crowded the streets,

Apply by March 1 for the education abroad program by HAF & UVA

Dear Friend, March 1st is the deadline to apply for the education abroad program – Participatory Development in Practice – offered by the University of Virginia and instructed by the High Atlas Foundation. Undergraduate students of the world, we hope that you send in your application to have personal and community development experiences that empower and create sustainable change. For eight weeks this summer, starting May

2020 Summer Program: HAF and the University of Virginia

Dear Friend, We at the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) wish you a happy end of year and a fulfilling year ahead This Newsletter is an expression of our appreciation for the students from the University of Virginia (UVA) and elsewhere who spent the last two summers with us and will hopefully join us for summers

Empowerment: A Solution for Inequality in Rural Morocco

– Empowerment: A Solution for Inequality in Rural Morocco, The Policy Times, By Victoria Burns and Lailah Said (HAF Intern), 02 October 2019. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 3 October 2019. How the practice of empowerment has the potential to be the key for reducing the negative impacts of alienation and inequality among women in rural regions of Morocco. “We

In Morocco Difference Is a Strength

– In Morocco difference is a strength, The Policy Times, By Caroline Kirk (HAF Intern), 28 August 2019. Morocco’s belief in the strength of pluralism has energized me and shown me that difference can serve as a strength for any country, whether it is religious or secular, large or small, developed or developing. I was told

Scalability and Development: The Relationship Between Expansion and the Community

HAF Intern, UVA student What is scalability? At its core, scalability is expansion, and often unlimited expansion without the need to redefine any of the fundamental elements. Such a concept enters the field of development when discussions of projects, organizational capacity, and networks center around expansion. The number of communities that participate in a women’s

UVA-HAF on Participatory Development

Under the auspices of the University of Virginia (UVA) and with the support of the High Atlas Foundation team (HAF), a four-credit academic internship course was taught in Marrakech – Morocco, from May 27 to July 19, 2019. The course, which is entitled “Participatory Development in Practice” focused on local development – from design to implementation and

Agricultural Literacy: A Solution to Youth Idleness and Unemployment

– Agricultural Literacy: A Solution to Youth Idleness and Unemployment, Global Research, By Anya Karaman (HAF Intern),  27 July 2019. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 1 August 2019. Field work for youth: How getting their hands in the soil could help young Moroccans land a job. At a juvenile detention center in Fes, it feels like summer camp is all year round. There, “maximum

Hopeful Futures: The Link Between Agriculture and Deradicalization

– Reintegrating Moroccan Males In National And Global Interest – OpEd, Eurasia Review, By Caleb Tisdale (HAF Intern), 19 July 2019. • Arabic:Al-Watan Voice, 3 August 2019. Attracting young people to radical, extremist ideas is not hard. Just ask the ISIS recruiters behind one of the most effective propaganda presences in the world. Extremist groups are so effective at