Dr. Ruth Huwe, a professor at the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington, recently taught a course, Organizational Behavior: Construction Management. This course included case studies for construction management projects in Africa. The culmination of this course included a final project where they sought to find solutions that would assist with projects related to schools,
Two cellphones. Three numbers. Thirty to forty phone calls a day. A road trip-based work life, which, for seven years, has been separated from luxuries like regular hours, weekends and sleep. Needless to say, Dr. Abderrahim Ouarghidi, is a busy man. Officially the High Atlas Foundation’s director of programs in Marrakech, Ouarghidi, who focused his
Dr. Abderrahim Ouarghidi, Project and Training Manager at the High Atlas Foundation, recently visited a community in Burkina Faso, made possible by partnership the Center for International Forestry Research. Part of the Darga tribe, which borders Ghana, lives in the Dano commune, where Dr. Ouarghidi conducted his visit. Their commune is approximately a four and
This year, the theme for UNESCO’S International Literacy Day is “Literacy and Sustainable Development,” recognizing that literacy is key for sustainable human development. This is also recognized at the High Atlas Foundation, where many of our community-led initiatives work to empower and educate marginalized and rural Moroccans. In many rural communities, education takes second priority to sustaining livelihoods,
How to link students learning at universities with civic engagement and service in communities? To answer this question, 40 representatives of universities and NGOs from 10 Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East were gathered from 1-3 September 2014 for a conference at the American University of Cairo. The aim of the conference
Gal Kramarski Introduction Il existe un lien intrinsèque entre les droits de l’homme et le développement. Le développement, dans de nombreux cas, implique un processus de sécurisation de l’accès aux droits, et leur mise en application, alors que l’existence de droits, elle, tend à améliorer les processus de développement. Les droits de l’homme et les
This 2014 day of democracy brings to the fore a great question – that begs an answer – facing the youth of the world and especially in countries in the Middle East and North Africa. How can widespread and apparently uncompromising socio-economic despondency be addressed in a sustainable manner? The answer lies is an applied action
Par le Dr Yossef Ben-Meir La vision marocaine de la durabilité Au Royaume du Maroc, il existe un certain nombre de programmes et de politiques de développement durable innovants et favorisant la solidarité sociale. Ces initiatives démocratiques participatives sont conçues pour catalyser un développement des populations qui répond à de multiples besoins humains en même
Par Yossef Ben-Meir À quoi ressemble-t-il lorsque l’approche locale pour réaliser des projets de développement durable guide non seulement la façon dont nous gouvernons, mais également implémentée stratégiquement par des candidats pour les aider à faire campagne et à obtenir un poste élu? Tout d’abord, considérons les processus les plus efficaces pour faire progresser les
بقلم : الدكتور يوسف بن مئير رؤية المغرب للاستدامةفي المملكة المغربية عدد من برامج وسياسات التنمية المستدامة التي تبيّن الإبتكار وتعزز التضامن الإجتماعي. وتهدف هذه المبادرات الديمقراطية التشاركية إلى تحفيز تنمية الناس التي تلبي الاحتياجات الإنسانية المتعددة في نفس الوقت. على سبيل المثال، يتطلب ميثاق الدولة للبلديات تطبيق أساليب تشاركية للتخطيط الشامل للمشاريع المجتمعية.
بقلم: يوسف بن مئير كيف يبدو الأمر عندما يؤدي النهج المحلي لتحقيق مشاريع التنمية المستدامة ليس فقط إلى الكيفية التي نحكم بها، ولكن أيضا ً إلى تنفيذه إستراتيجيّا ً من قبل مرشحين لمساعدتهم للقيام بحملات إنتخابية وضمان منصب مُنتخب لهم ؟ أولا، دعونا نتأمل أية عمليّات تعتبر أكثر فعّالية في الدّفع بمبادرات المجتمع المحلّي
Dr Yossef Ben-Meir, Marrakech Dans l’esprit d’un grand nombre, le Maroc est un pays où tout est possible. En effet, dans sa quête vers le développement durable et la décentralisation, le Royaume du Maroc s’est doté d’une série de politiques et de programmes imprégnés de méthodes démocratiques participatives. Les associations de la société civile sont
بقلم : د. يوسف بن مئير، محسن تدلاوي – شرقي و كاتي روماني الضعف. قاسم مشترك يتقاسمه العديدون فى المغرب، بما فى ذلك طلبة وخريجون عاطلون عن العمل ومعتقلون .سابقون شباب لدى هذه المجموعات في الواقع عوامل مشتركة اكثر مما يبدو للوهلة الاولى. نسبة كبيرة من الشباب المغاربة الذين يتمكنون من إتمام الدراسة الثانوية والإلتحاق
بقلم: مارك أبل، برنامج مزارع لمزارع ومتطوّع في مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير كنت خلال الفترة مابين 1985 – 1986 متطوعا ً بهيئة السّلام وأعيش في وادي عزّ الدين حيث كنت أعمل لصالح المديرية الاقليمية للمياه و الغابات و محاربة التصحر بالمغرب لدراسة وإحصاء آخر ما قد يكون من قطعان المغرب البريّة البربريّة. هذه القطعان البريّة من
بقلم السيد يوسف بن مير، رئيس مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تبدأ كل تجربة جديدة بمسار شيده شخص ما، و الذي أعطى من وقته و قوته و فكره، و كذا اهتمامه دون أي مقابل مادي، كل ذلك من أجل أناس يبحثون عن تغيير حقيقي. قد يبدأ المتطوع الذاتي رحلته من خلال الاهتمام الكلي بالمجهول، و بالإيمان اللامحدود
بقلم: جوليا العقاد مراكش أسفرت عقود الصراع وديناميات السلطة المعقدة ، بين المجتمعات اليهودية والمسلمة عن نفور عميق تجاه المشاركة الثقافية. وهذا لا يزال يعرقل العلاقات المتعددة الأعراق في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. ومع ذلك ، لا يزال التاريخ غني بالتنوع العرقي والديني يشكل تجسيدا لا ينفصم عن الأجواء الثقافية في المغرب.
The mutually enforcing nature of bottom-up social development movements and top-down laws, policies and treaties, gives recognition to all people and groups that assist the coming-together of people to achieve the change they seek. It should be clear that if peace is to exist among humanity it must be rooted in local circumstances and local
The practice of organic agriculture combines traditional methods with today’s knowledge of health and environmental sustainability. In Morocco it is generally observed that the more remote the farming communities – and most often the more disadvantaged – the less they apply pesticides and other chemicals to grow their crops in a productive way. That is
In June of 2013 the Peace Corps Regional Directors held a meeting in Morocco. Susan L. Q. Flaherty attended the meeting and has shared her photographs from the trip with the High Atlas Foundation. One scrapbook displays photos of a Peace Corps meeting where attendees enjoyed a day of discussion, comradery, and singing. The second
HAF project manager Amina El Hajjami, who oversees Sami’s Project, an endeavor focused on enhancing primary school education and facilities in rural Morocco, recently went on a follow up visit to schools that participated in High Atlas Foundation’s tree planting day on January 16th 2014. During the event HAF reached a milestone of planting 1
Ignacio Trincado Ruiz is responsible for the oversight and operation of HAF’s social enterprise HA3 and the organic certification of this season’s harvest. His work with HA3 began in May, in the region of Tifnout in the rural communities of Toubkal composed of 48 villages. Ignacio first assisted 22 villages in Toubkal become certified organic
By Jamal Sebnat July 1, 2015 The following is the first of several posts in Swedish about The High Atlas Foundation’s work in organic agriculture. Detta blogginlägg är det första i en serie som handlar om Non-Profit Organisationen, The High Atlas Foundation. I varje avsnitt kommer jag att skriva om ett område som The High
By Hannah Rickard July 2, 2015 HAF interns tag along with a HAF employee and site director to observe a participatory meeting with the Ourika women’s cooperative. I gave a big yawn, the original plan was to depart the HAF office at 7AM and watch the HAF participatory method in live action! As I am
The High Atlas Foundation is pleased to announce its new clean energy initiative! With community partners we will repurpose agriculture waste into biomass briquettes, compressed bricks of waste that can be used as a coal or wood replacement. These bricks release fewer greenhouse gases when burned, and help HAF maintain its zero waste campaign. HAF
On December 5, we celebrate the International Volunteer Day, an international observance designated by the United Nations since 1985. On this special day, volunteer organizations and individual volunteers worldwide celebrate and recognize volunteerism, and make visible their contributions – at local, national and international levels – to the achievement of development driven by the people. This
In partnership with National Endowment for Democracy, the High Atlas Foundation seeks to meet the critical needs ofagricultural associations and cooperatives of the Al Haouz and Taroudant provinces. Creating federations is an important step towards achieving this goal, because it is an effective approach to break the cycle of poverty and build democratic processes in the
HAF attended the 5th session of the Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, 25-27th November. As of 2011, HAF has Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, allowing the Foundation to contribute to design of new sustainable development goals by the international
A letter from HAF President, Yossef Ben-Meir, to the family and friends of Victoria and Kate Jeans-Gail, who died on 28 December 2003 and in whose name was created a community nursery in the High Atlas Mountains. Dear Kevin and the Jeans-Gail family and friends, I write this thinking of what Victoria’s and Kate’s Memorial
مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير كلية العلوم القانونية، الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية بالمحمدية بعد ان حضرت لدورة تكونية نظمت من طرف مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير , اثار انتباهي الاسلوب الذي قدم به العرض من طرف الملقي . بعد هذه الدورة قادني فضولي للبحث عن معلومات تخص هذه المؤسسة , بعد بحثي علمت بالدورة التدريبية التي تنظمها المؤسسة للفائدة طلبة
Join us in the 30 day countdown to HAF’s 1 millionth tree! Celebrate Moroccan communities by participating in our social media campaign. See below for how you can contribute to the planting events on 16 January 2014. Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates as we approach HAF’s 1 millionth tree event!