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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

For Morocco’s Sustainable Development, Argan Trees are Deeply Rooted

By Lydia Grossman, HAF’s Intern It’s impossible to travel to Morocco without encountering the Argan tree (Argania Spinosa L.) or its products. Morocco’s multipurpose Argan trees are known around the globe; particularly for Argan oil, which is used in cosmetics and cooking. While argan oil only emerged as a worldwide household name in recent decades,

Planting Argan Trees in Morocco

By Abderrahim Ajarif HAF Project Coordinator The argan tree holds a special place in Moroccan culture and heritage. Morocco is the largest producer of argan products worldwide. The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) with community and worldwide partners celebrate the International Day of Argania on May 10 by increasing awareness of the tree, its surroundings, and

Innovation and Creativity in the Dakhla Oued Ed-Dahab Region

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator The 2nd International Congress on Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Managerial Innovation was held on November 9th, in Dakhla, with the participation of researchers and academics from Morocco and abroad. Ph.D students specializing in entrepreneurship management participated in the  . Photo Credits: Cheikh Akmach/HAF Organized by the National School of Business and

The High Atlas Foundation: A Living Instance of Multiculturalism for Sustainable Development

Dr. Afaf HAMZAOUI Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Ibn Zohr University On the 9th of December, 2022, I visited the High Atlas Foundation (HAF). It was my first visit to the Foundation. I have never forgotten that day. Before I went to the Foundation, I was all the time thinking about the building, the

Participatory Governance in Dakhla’s Bir Gandouz Municipality

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab region Communication meeting with local CSOs in Bir Gandouz Commune. Photo credit: Hajiba Boumasmar/HAF Our team took the road across the vast desert to get in touch with the people of the Bir Gandouz municipality. The long road, the immense desert plains, the incomprehensible geological formations shook me to

Participatory Governance in Dakhla

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab region At the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) office in Dakhla, December 13th marked the official start of the Implementation of the participatory governance program. Our collaborators from the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) were present to see us in live action hosting a gathering of local civil society organizations

ورشة الصحة الحضرية

بقلم مصطفى آيت يحي متطوع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير من أجل إنتاج المعرفة النظرية والعملية حول العلاقات المتبادلة بين السياقات الحضرية غير الرسمية، والتفاوتات الصحية، والعدالة الاجتماعية، والتخطيط التنموي في دول الجنوب. تم يوم الجمعة بمقر مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير عقد لقاء بين الدكتور خايم يعقوب من جامعة لندن وأعضاء ومتطوعين من المؤسسة، وذلك لتدارس مجالات اشتغال

World Toilet Day 2022

By Yvette Broex In 2021, 3.6 billion people did not have access to good working toilets. This is a consequence of the fact that toilets are underfunded, poorly managed, or neglected, which causes the spread of diarrheal diseases and negatively affects health, economics, and the environment. One consequence is the fact that 1,000 children die

Empowering Moroccan communities through community Agency Building

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is piloting a new project called IMAGINE Peace On Earth by 2030 or POE Zone for short, in partnership with the Empowerment Institute, New York. The main goal for HAF is to Empower Morocco’s NGOs, faith-based groups, and businesses, among others, to lead Reweaving the Social Fabric

World Health Day

By: Salma Derkaoui World Health Day is a vastly celebrated global event each year on April 7.  This day has been recognized by the United Nations as an observance day rather than a holiday. It is also the day when the World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948 right after World War II, considering

United Nations- High-level Thematic Debate “Galvanising Momentum for Universal Vaccination”

Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student On February 25th, I attended the United Nation’s High-Level Thematic Debate, entitled “Galvanising Momentum for Universal Vaccination.” The event highlighted the importance of ensuring that everyone has the ability to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as it is essential to transitioning out of the pandemic. The debates

The High Atlas Foundation is essential for the advancement of cooperatives

By Youssef Sikou, HAF Volunteer The basis for the success and rebirth of nations lies in facilitating the means of development as much as possible and preparing the conditions for all who seek success. In order to activate the territorial activities of the organization affiliated with the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), and in accordance with

How to Achieve the 2030 SDG Agenda through Effective Partnership and Collaboration

Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student On February 2, I attended the 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on behalf of the High Atlas Foundation,  along with HAF President Yossef Ben-Meir. The theme was “Building Back Better from the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) While Advancing the Full Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,”

Uniting the Middle East with Climate Policy

Gabrielle Rosario Recently, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, was held in Glasgow, outlining the impending need for international climate policy and action. Climate change will raise temperature extremes globally, but even more so in the Middle East, which will already be 4 degrees Celsius hotter by 2050. Not only must

Sharing Moments of Peace in Online Spaces

Catrin Waters HAF-UVA Intern This past Friday, a lovely moment of peace was shared across continents with a short yoga class led by High Atlas Foundation-University of Virginia Intern, Catrin Waters. The HAF members and trainees present were able to collaborate to create a multilingual and restorative few minutes of presence, with HAF President Yossef

When Civil and Business Societies Meet


Dr. Yossef BEN-MEIR Président de la High Atlas Foundation FENELEC is dedicated to supporting the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in its actions to promote tree nurseries that embody social solidarity. FENELEC is providing the essential solar pumping systems, including pumps, solar panels, control cabinets, and piping. The first two nursery sites that have benefited from

Public Participation in Environmental Protection in Jordan and Morocco


Caption: MIRRA irrigation project: Farm 2 after repairing the well and the preparations to plant crops on the land Within the framework of a Small Grants’ project that the High Atlas Foundation administers in collaboration with the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), the U.S Department of State  (DOS),  to promote

في اطار رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بالمؤسسات التعليمية


بقلم: محمد القادري تأتي عملية التتبع والتقييم كأخر مرحلة في المشاريع، بعد الثلات مراحل الأولى ، حيت تعتبر مرحلة مهمة وحاسمة في المسار والأشواط التي يقطعها المشروع، كما تعتبر كركيزة أساسية لانجاح اي مشروع تنموي، من خلال مقارنة الأهدافه بالنتائج، ومعرفة مدى ملائمة المشروع للفئة المستهدفة،  تقف كذلك مرحلة التتبع والتقييم على الفعالية والكفاءة ثم

Development as Reconciliation of Colonialist Bias


Arabic version A recent interview of researcher Imane Ismaili Alaoui by High Atlas Foundation President Yossef Ben-Meir explored the ways in which colonialist British diplomats’ writings about their travels to Morocco justified the imperialism of the time. The perspective of writers such as Walter Harris (in 1889’s The Land of the African Sultan and 1921’s

Digitalization: Enough Ideas, More Action

Weekly Debate: Embracing Digital Cooperation. As a part of the Debating Africa-Europe series, participants debated about the following topic: “A new era of digital cooperation: Embracing Africa and Europe’s 4th industrial revolution.” The debaters for this edition were Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid, African Union Commissioner of Infrastructure, Energy,

A Common Vision: Multi-Actor Partnerships Worldwide for Renewable Energy

Project Assistant During the first week of September, representatives of the Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) project from around the world gathered for their monthly virtual meeting. The participants were from Morocco, represented by the High Atlas Foundation, India, Ukraine, Kenya, Kosovo, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. The meeting’s purpose was to monitor the progress of the

20 Years: A Generation and a Day in Development Life – Happy Anniversary HAF

20 Years: A Generation and a Day in Development Life – Happy Anniversary HAF, Global Research, 6 September 2020. • French: Libération, 07 Septembre 2020. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 09 Septembre 2020. Dear Friends, As so many of us ask when we commemorate an anniversary of decades: where have all the years gone? Have we done all we

Compte Rendu De La Reunion De L’equipe De La Clinique Juridique De La Faculte De Droit De Fes (Cjdf), De La Fondation Du Haut Atlas


100% Renewable Is Loading…

Project Assistant The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) for an African energy transition towards “all-renewable” is a project that the High Atlas Foundation is working on alongside GermanWatch, a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Bonn, Germany. GermanWatch seeks to influence public policy on trade, the environment, and relations between countries in the industrialized north and underdeveloped south

في زيارة للمشاتل (فاس، مكناس، افران)

في اطار المشاريع التنموية والمساعدات الاجتماعية التي تقوم بها مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير ثم المبادرات وكذا التوزيع المستمر للأشجار المثمرة على الفلاحين، جاءت في هذا الاطار زيارة ميدانية لجبال الأطلس المتوسط مرورا بمدن فاس ومكناس، رفقة السيد سعيد البناني مدير مشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بدأت رحلتنا  من مدينة مراكش في اتجاه مدينة مكناس كأول محطة، يوم

Changing the Destiny of Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Can you imagine that due to COVID-19, several problems related to women have only increased, but these issues haven’t been given attention? For years, different NGOs worked on empowering women and gender equality, but with the unexpected appearance of an invisible enemy (the virus), those activities that used to raise awareness about injustices and discrimination

هيئات دولية اجتماعية تزرع البسمة لبعض الأسر ببوجدور

French version .تماشيا مع أهدافها الاجتماعية فقد قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بتوزيع عشرات قفف لمواد غذائية أساسية بإقليم بوجدور نظرا للظروف الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية التي تسببت فيها جائحة كورونا بجنوب المغرب على غرار كل الجهات بالمملكة فقد قامت العديد من الهيئات بمساعدة الأسر المعوزة ولم تكن مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وشركائها إلا من أوائل المساهمين والمساعدين

Return Visits to Uplift Communities of Morocco

To all former Peace Corps Volunteers who served in Morocco, and to all others who wish to return to this fulfilling land and continue to benefit its remarkable people: The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is administering the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program during the next three years, and we sincerely hope that you will give your needed

Participatory Development in Practice: A Weekly Conversation Facilitated by HAF President Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

Peoples’ participation in development is the most significant determinant of projects’ sustainability. Let’s learn about it together and participate as colleagues and give honest expression to the thoughts and ideas that we have. I feel bound to do my utmost to draw out from all participants their immeasurable understanding and capacities that are within each

Give to any of our ongoing projects on GlobalGiving’s Bonus Day

Friends, Creating a new period of good for all requires giving what we each are able. So, we hope you give on this Bonus Day when your gift becomes amplified. Today, your donation of $100 or more made to any of HAF’s ten ongoing projects (linked below) between 9:00 AM and 11:59 PM EST will

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