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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تحتفل بحدث التشجير بمجموعة من المناطق بالمملكة المغربية

عبدالهادي كستيح متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير دعت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير الاثنين الماضي والموازي للواحد والعشرينمن ينايرالجاري الساكنة المحلية المغربية لغرس آلاف الأشجار التي قامت بتوزيعها بمناسبة “يوم غرس الأشجار”، وهو حدث سنوي تقوم به المؤسسة، نظرا لما له من مساهمة في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية عبر المملكة المغربية. وكباقي المناطق التي تشتغل بها المؤسسة عرفت

Les Trésors Cachés De Sidi Zouine

Par Karam Yann Volontaire FHA  Honnêtement je ne savais pas comment commencer cet article, ce qui m’attendait durant cette sortie allait au-delà de ce que j’imaginais. Commençons alors par le tout début. A huit heures du matin, je rencontrai mes deux compagnons du voyage, Kerstin et Juliana pour prendre un grand taxi de la gare

Save Oxygen!!!: High Atlas Foundation’s Tree Planting Day

Youssef El Moussaoui HAF Volunteer Once in a lifetime experience. Annually, on the third Monday of January, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organizes a nationwide tree planting campaign. On this January 21st 2019, the HAF team planted trees with communities in many places, including Sidi Bouathmane (Ait Imloul). Ait Imloul is an arid village about 20

About the Tree Day

by Juliana B. Feltrin HAF Intern The HAF National Tree Day was very rewarding. We went to the Sidi Zouine Hospital, to plant trees. We were greeted by Mustafa, the president of Association El Wafa, who told us about the place. We started counting the amount of trees that would be planted, together with children

HAF’s National Tree Planting in Morocco, 21 January 2019, Mlk Day-USA

It was a beautiful day today, the 21st of January 2019, meeting farmers and members of associations, meeting high school students, kindergarteners, and municipal representatives. We loved today, learning from elderly people who planted fig trees 80 years ago, and from volunteers who planted pomegranate trees at a newly constructed school.  We were in villages,

Trees for Learning and Teaching

by Rachael Diniega Peace Corps Morocco Volunteer My town’s middle and high school campus with olive trees Fifty trees for the middle and high school, and over one hundred trees for the elementary school, equaling more than 150 chances for youth in my town to dig in the soil, care for another living organism, and

7,100 Trees Grown in Fes Nursery Improving Livelihoods in Midelt

HAF volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow On Monday, project manager Said Bennani, volunteer Celina, and I began our weeklong excursion to Fes and Midelt for environmental workshops and tree-planting activities.  On Tuesday, we visited the Abdelaziz Ben Driss child protection center to conduct an environmental workshop with the boys, plant trees, and help load 7,100

Tree-Planting at the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine

By Aitana Arias, HAF volunteer Members of the HAF team had the chance to visit the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine and get involved with the village community. HAF has previously planted trees in schools but this time we had the chance to plant trees at a hospital yard for a good reason: to make

Last Moments to Support Haf in 2018!

Greetings Friends, Here we have a final moment in 2018 where we can give to uplift the course of families, communities, schools, cooperatives, women’s groups, and youth. Morocco is creating opportunities for its people by encouraging through its policies and programs public participation in all aspects of development. For local communities of the nation to

ورشات بيئية لفائدة ساكنة جماعة ايت الطالب بإقليم الرحامنة

عبدالهادي كستيح متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير  يأتي الصباح ليذكرنا بإشراقة جميلة ويوم جديد ويعطينا أمل جديد للاستمرار في تحقيق أهداف نبيلة.  بصفتي متطوع مع مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير حظيت بشرف الانضمام الي ورشة بيئية لفائدة ساكنة دوار أعربات رفقة مجموعة من طلاب الجامعة الخاصة بمراكش وتحت اشراف مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير وبدعم من المكتب الدولي للمحيطات و الشؤون

Tree-planting event at Albayrat primary school

by Nisreen Abo-Sido, HAF volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow Over the weekend, part of the HAF team visited a primary school in Rhamna to check in with community leaders, distribute 140 fruit trees, and join in the excitement of playing and planting with energetic children and volunteers.  Activity organizers welcomed us with warm bread and

Branching Out: New Tree-Planting Opportunities for Morocco’s Schools

HAF Intern- Marrakech  Lund University, Sweden As part of my field visits to HAF’s partners and beneficiaries, I had the opportunity to see and speak to teachers from two schools who are hoping to undertake planting initiatives in January, one in the High Atlas mountain community of Tagelft, the other in the flatter commune of

Six Weeks Before the Birth of a New Planting Season

The planting season, which starts Morocco in December and concludes in March, is like no other time of year. It offers a window for sowing the best of benefits this world could offer–sustenance, livelihoods, flourishing nature, and justice, for now and for generations. This precious time opens its door in just six weeks, and for

المشاريع المستدامة في المغرب

 سعيد بناني  مدير مشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مشتل للأشجار المثمرة في مركز عبد العزيز بن ادريس لحماية الطفولة بفاس “نموذجا” حسب وزارة الشباب والرياضة، فمراكز حماية الطفولة هي تلك الفضاءات التابعة لوزارة الشباب والرياضة تتولى مهمة إعادة تربية الاحداث الجانحين المحالين عليها من طرف السلطات القضائية طبقا لمقتضيات قانون المسطرة الجنائية، وتعمل على تقديم خدماتها

Effective Practices to Sustain Development in Morocco

– Effective Practices to Sustain Development in Morocco, Scoop World, by Kerstin Opfer (Graduate Student and HAF Volunteer), 11 October 2018. • Arabic: Ach Press, 17 October 2018. Natural landscapes are declining worldwide. Approximately 30 percent of the world’s natural forests are expected to be lost by the end of this century. Further, 25 percent of all land on

Swiss Embassy Offsets Carbon Footprint by Planting Trees

– Swiss Embassy Offsets Carbon Footprint by Planting Trees, Scoop, 15 July 2015. MARRAKESH – The Swiss Embassy in Rabat is offsetting its carbon emissions by supporting Sami’s Project, an initiative from the High Atlas Foundation that is dedicated to increasing the quality of education in rural Morocco. The Embassy’s donation of 46,800 MAD, implemented through the

Tree Planting & Cgi Commitment to Action Certificate Signing

January 21st, 2016 Monday, January 25th, 2016 – Akrich, rural commune of Tamesloht, Al Haouz province (25 km south of Marrakesh): At what has become an annual, intercultural celebration of the new planting season, a further milestone in the calendar of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is set to take place. The event will be

Between Despondency and Hope in Morocco’s Oriental Region

– Between Despondency and Hope in Morocco’s Oriental Region, The Perspective, by Elle Houby (HAF writer), 29 January   2016. – On the fringes of the Saharan desert, skirted by the rocky coastline of the northern Maghreb where it meets the blue Mediterranean, lies the Oriental region of Morocco. Nestling within an often verdant, predominantly mountainous terrain is Oujda, the largest

Fruit Tree Distribution with the Girls and Boys of Bouchane Schools (Rhamna Province)

By Lisa Maria Wiese, Social Media Intern February 9, 2016 On February 8th, I had the great joy of accompanying the HAF team and HAF’s president Yossef Ben-Meir to the rural province of Rhamna. There, I attended my first tree distribution which took place at Bouchane schools in the area. The first school I visited

A Unique Partnership for Youth, Farming Families and the Environment


The High Atlas Foundation has a unique partnership that launches an initiative to profoundly benefit Morocco’s youth and farming communities in the Ifrane province.  Ifrane’s Education Delegation (the provincial office of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training) and HAF signed an agreement that enables the lending of underutilized land near schools to be lent

High Atlas Foundation Selects January 16th as Day of Tree Planting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  11/3/2016 For general inquiries, please contact: Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir Tel: +212 (0)5 24 42 08 21 Fax: +212 (0)5 24 43 00 02 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”>haf@highatlasfoundation.org HIGH ATLAS FOUNDATION SELECTS JANUARY 16TH AS DAY OF TREE PLANTING  MARRAKECH- According to the United

Achieve the Dream of Planting Trees in Schools


Amina El Hajjami Project manager with High Atlas Foundation It’s amazing when you have a dream in life and you see this dream becoming reality. This happened to me when I was a student in primary schools. I walked 6 km from my home to my school and on the road; all the farms have

Visionaries Then and Now

– Visionaries Then and Now, by Thomas Kimmel (Agricultural Expert), 21 March 2018, HAF Blog. • Arabic: Maghress Cawalisee, 16 April 2018. • French: HAF Blog, 14 November 2018. In the 1980’s, a solo American made a huge impact on Ouaouizerth, Morocco, an Amazigh village, located in the western High Atlas Mountains.  His name was J. Christopher Stevens, a Peace Corps.

Conserving Traditional Crop Diversity and Wild Medicinal Plants in Morocco

– Conserving Traditional Crop Diversity and Wild Medicinal Plants in Morocco, by Abderrahim Ouarghidi (Agricultural Expert), Worldstage, 21 May 2018. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 12 May 2018. Morocco is a key producer of fruits and vegetables for global markets thanks to the government’s push for commercialized crop production – but at what cost? This article explores how “modern” crops

16 January Anniversary Planting


Fatima Baamrani HAF Project Manager, Taroudant Province I arrived at ten o’clock at “Lycee College Tifnout” in the village of Amzerko, of the High Atlas Toubkal municipality, together with Aisha Amazal (HAF community facilitator), Khadija Himmi (tree nursery supporter) and Mahjoub Imgdouin from the Parents Association. In the beginning, Abd Aziz Fidoum, the director of

Press Release: 1 Billion Tree Campaign

Morocco, El Haouz province: 60 thousand fruit trees to be planted and distributed at Jewish sacred site as part of High Atlas Foundation ‘One Billion Tree Campaign‘. At midday on Monday February 9th, 2015 the honorable governor of the province of El Haouz, Mr Younès El Bathaoui, together with local community members and representatives of

Meet a 2015er: Yossef Ben-Meir

– Meet 2015er: Yossef Ben-Meir, U.N. Dispatch, Mythili Sampath Kumar (staff writer), 18 February 2015. This blog post is taken from an article written by Mythili Sampathkumar and published on February 18, 2015 for UN Dispatch. This is the second installment of our new “Meet a 2015er” series that profiles the women and men who are helping to

Tree Planting at Sidi Bouskri School, Essaouira


On a Saturday last March, the Teachers Association of Life Sciences and the Earth, partnering with the High Atlas Foundation, completed planting 110 Argon, carob and olive trees with students at the Sidi Bouskri School in Smimou, Essaouira. With the support of the PaperSeed Foundation and the Embassy of Switzerland, Rabat, this project is also planting


Le 16 janvier 2014, un événement historique dans le calendrier de la Fondation du Haut-Atlas se déroulera simultanément dans différentes zones du Maroc, pour célébrer la réussite de la “campagne Un Million d’arbres“. En dix ans, nous estimons avoir aidé 50.000 personnes à sortir de la pauvreté. Le projet devrait se poursuivre indéfiniment, à un


Here at HAF, we hope that our friends, colleagues, partners and supporters have enjoyed the recent holidays and festivities of Aid el-Kebir, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving. We would like to give thanks to each and every one of you for what you have made possible for Moroccan families and communities. On Giving Tuesday, we ask you