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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Planting Hope: Fruitful Partnerships in Dakhla and the Sahara

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The High Atlas Foundation is an organization committed to inspiring the next generation of environmentally-conscious individuals. Recently, the HAF team planted fruit trees with schools in Dakhla, which marked the beginning of a successful collaboration in the region.Three schools participated in the fruit tree planting – Nahda

Seeds of Change: Empowering Saharan Nomadic Farmers through Tree Planting

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Tree planting in the desert. Credits: Volunteer Recently, HAF embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor: planting trees with the Saharan nomadic community for the first time. During initial community forums between HAF and the Saharan nomads, there was significant interest in growing fruit trees despite the challenge of

Tree Planting Day at the Abdellah Oueld Bahia School

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab region The first tree planting day event I participated in as a new HAF member was very meaningful to me. I witnessed the greatest miracle of all. Life. It was a perfect, sunny day. I met with the team members at Abdellah Oueld Bahia School to plant fig and

Tree Planting Day: Let’s plant together

By Youssef Mazdou, HAF Program Assistant Saman and Ms. Kabira plant olive trees in Ftala. Photo: HAF staff The sun was shining and there was a sense of hope and anticipation that filled the morning of Monday, January 16th. It was the third Monday of January, which is the day the High Atlas Foundation (HAF)

Planting Day of January 16

by Larbi Didouqen The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) makes the third Monday of January a national meeting point for planting trees and the official opening of the tree crop campaign. During this commemorative day, all HAF staff in collaboration with partners and volunteers dedicate themselves to planting trees in school spaces, agricultural and forestry grounds,

Tree Planting Day 2023: Standing Together, Growing Together

Ellen Hernandez HAF volunteer writer The HAF Family Literacy team plants trees with an artisanal women’s cooperative in Rhamna province on the organization’s Annual Tree Planting Day, January 16, 2023. Photo: High Atlas Foundation Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” – Dr. M. L. King, Jr. From Al

High Atlas Foundation Plants Thousands of Trees with Moroccan Communities for Annual Tree Planting Day on January 16

النسخة العربية Version française Press Release MEDIA CONTACT: Safae Ben Karroum Program Coordinator, Tree Planting Tel. +212 (0) 62 550 4527 safaebenkarroum@highatlasfoundation.org High Atlas Foundation Plants Thousands of Trees with Moroccan Communities for Annual Tree Planting Day on January 16 Marrakech, Morocco – The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), a non-profit organization based in Marrakech and

عبر الشقوق لتبث الضوء فينا من جديد (HAF)تنبثق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير

تهدف مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في إطار الاجراءات المتخذة لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة وبشراكة مع مصلحة خدمة الغابات والمياه الأمريكية  إلى تبني برنامج فيلق حماية الشباب ، للقيام بدور المحفز للتنمية على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية، في المجتمعات المحلية الضعيفة في جميع أنحاء المغرب، عن طريق تيسير برامج التنمية القائمة على المشاركة، على أساس وأساليب وتقنيات مضمونة النجاح

نحو عالم خالي من الكربون

في إطار المحافظة على الغابات والتنوع البيولوجي والوعي بأهمية أدوارها، فإن المبادرة التي أطلقتها مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تلعب دورا مهما للمساهمة في تحقيق هذا الهدف. حيث تم تنظيم ورشات تحسيسية تطبيقية للمرة الثانية  في بعض المؤسسات التعليمية بالدار البيضاء يوم السبت 14 ماي 2022، تم خلالها توزيع 150 شجرة  لفائدة مؤسستي إبن بطوطة والفارابي بالحي

The distribution of trees during 2021/1022

By Fatima El Mrini “Among the activities and programs carried out by the High Atlas Foundation in supporting investment in Morocco’s sustainable development is encouraging its population of 11 million people to consider the transition from barley and corn cultivation to the planting of more profitable crops and fruit trees.   To advance and achieve this

Taounate Region

By Abdelilah Ghmiza, YCC Tree Monitoring Officer  Taounate is located in the Rif mountains region in northern  Morocco and is the capital of the Taounate region. Taounate is said to mean jbala, referring to the inhabitants of the mountains, and it is the name associated with the natural geography of the region. In Morocco, there

Tree Planting in Casablanca Province

By Fatima El Mrini, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer March 26, 2022—As part of the activities carried out by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in partnership with the BeGreen program, the HAF team revived tree planting with some schools in Casablanca province. There, over 1,300 male and female students at Al-Farabi Prep and Ibn Battouta High

Environmental Workshop in Jerada Province

By Lahcen Ben Moula On March 28, the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with Zrayka Association for Development and Cooperation organized an environmental workshop for the students of Ibn Battuta School in the village of Ganfouda in Jerada province. Students of all school levels were involved in the planting process for more than 20 trees

To Eradicate Poverty

To Eradicate Poverty, The Policy Times. Arabic: Sot al Iraq, 14 November 2021. French version By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech When we think about eradicating poverty on earth, solutions are as old as can be, and at the apex of our most forward-reaching innovation. The pathway forward is the complete blending of ancient knowledge and the

First Time Volunteering

Soufiane Amarirh, HAF volunteer On Monday, January 17th, I had the honor to come and participate in an exceptional work with the High Atlas Foundation. It was actually my first time doing tree-planting activities and giving students awareness of the benefits of tree planting. We started with a primary school in Marrakech, called al Mokef,

Update: Tree Planting in Boujdour

Hajiba Boumasmar YCC Program Coordinator Children outside school in Boujdour with HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui  Photo by: Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui, reports that 570 fig and pomegranate trees were planted with 9 schools in 5 Moroccan provinces: Boujdour, Akhefir, Tantan, Sidi Ifni, and Semanara, Hana conducted the tree-planting workshops with

When nature and culture converge

By Amal Mansouri, HAF Field Coordinator, DAKIRA HAF staff explaining the objectives of the tree planting activity to the students  at Abed Rahim Bouaabid-Saiss high school, Fez, 2022. Photo: HAF staff On the third Monday of January 2014, the High Atlas Foundation planted its millionth tree, and with that it reached one of its major

Bouhlou Nursery

By Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF Program Coordinator (YCC) Students from Oued Amlil visiting Bouhlou Nursery in Taza arranged by Mr. Aziz Rhmouni Mr. Aziz Rhmouni with ReForestaction arranged a field visit from a group of students from Oued Amlil to the Bouhlou nursery in Taza. He explained that the idea was to teach them the first

Forging Community Ties Through Celebrating Nature

By Jamal Maghiouzi, HAF Field Coordinator On January 12, the Amazigh people celebrated their New Year 2972 which corresponds to the Gregorian calendar of 2022, Hebrew calendar of 5783, and lunar calendar of 1443. They refer to it as Yannayer which means January in both Amazigh and in Arabic. It is also called Ighf n

Tree Planting Day in Sidi Bennour

By Fatima El Mrini, HAF Monitoring Officer (YCC) Planting trees in Sidi Bennour with Fatima El Mrini, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer and driver Mohamed bin Yassin Last month, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) monitoring team visited Sidi Bennour province (Casablanca-Settat region) on the annual tree-planting day in coordination with Al-Bar and Al-Ihsan Association for Development

يوم مع البيئة

صفاء أكرجوط طالبة باحثة بالسنة الثانية ماستر القانون الاجتماعي ومنازعات الشغل/ متدربة في العيادة القانونية بمراكشفي إطار الشراكة المبرمة بين مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وجامعة القاضي عياض، كلية العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية في يونيو 2021، ممثلة في جمعية العيادة القانونية للدراسات والأبحاث والتي تهدف إلى تأطير 67 طالبا من مختلف التخصصات من تسعة ماسترات متخصصة في الدراسات

I’m Planting Green Machines

By Errachid Montassir, Country Manager – HAF Farmer-To-Farmer Program (From right to left) HAF-F2F Country Manager Errachid Montassir, former F2F Volunteer Hicham Amarouch, Dar America Deputy Director Staci Dawson, Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies Director Jennifer Rasamimanana, representative of the American Legation Itimad, and F2F member Hassan Ait Ouatouch. Exactly one year after

Tree Planting Day 2022: Faces of Hope

Ellen Hernandez HAF Writer/Editor Tree Planting in Ouaouizeght. (Photo: HAF, January 2022) 17 January 2022 — In the early morning hours, the entire team at High Atlas Foundation began to orchestrate an event that would last all day and take place from Tangier to Boujdour, from Oujda to Ouarzazate. Trees were planted at dozens of

Green Hope – Tree Planting Day 2022

Tune in as we plant trees across Morocco. On Monday, January 17, 2022, the High Atlas Foundation team along with hundreds of people from dozens of communities across Morocco will mobilize to together plant thousands of fruit trees during our annual tree planting event, which we are calling Green Hope this year. You’re invited to tune in on Facebook and Instagram throughout the day

رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بجهة فاس مكناس

في إطار مشروعها الهادف لتوزيع مليون شجرة مثمرة بالمغرب قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبيرة بتوزيع أكثر من 80000 شجرة مثمرة على عدة أقاليم بجهة فاس -مكناس وتهدف  هذه العملية إلى المساهمة في الحد من التغيرات المناخية وتحسين مردودية وإنتاج الفلاحين ابتدأت عملية رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم إفران، بالضبط بواد إفران بتنسيق مع جمعية أيت لياس

Taourirt School Tree Planting

By Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) On Saturday, December 04, 2021, the space of the Mohamed Belkhayat School in the city of El-Ayoun, Tourert province, witnessed a group of diverse and distinguished activities for the conclusion of school cooperation days celebrated by all educational components in Morocco. This was done to promote school

Monitoring Trees in Guercif

Lahcen Ben Moula Tree Monitoring Officer The visit to the province of Guercif is among the distinguished trips to monitor the trees that were distributed to farmers by the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with local cooperatives in order to inspect the condition of the trees and communicate with farmers while providing them with information

Fruit Tree Planting in the Bible

By Sarah Whiteside Throughout the Bible, trees are mentioned multiple times, often in relation to the production of fruit; the first mention of trees is in Genesis 11:9-10 where “God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds,

Tree Monitoring in Errachidia Province

by Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager, and Mohamed El Kadiri, Tree Monitoring Officer Mohamed El Kadiri, Mohamed Ben Yassine, and Said Bennani visited Errachidia province to monitor fruit trees that the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) planted there with local communities. At the end of September, 12,000 fruit trees were monitored, as were 5,000 more in

Monitoring Trees in Guercif

by Lahcen Ben Moula HAF Tree Monitor 9 October 2021—Monitoring trees in the Guercif province began in early September and continued throughout the month and into early October. These trees have been grown in the Guercif nursery and distributed to farmers by the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with local cooperatives On 9 September, 3,300