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Challenges of Transitioning to Renewable Energies in Africa and Morocco

By Aleksander Esmann On December 16, 2022, Germanwatch, in cooperation with Power Shift Africa, CESAO-AI and Misereor, organized a webinar about “Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa.” The webinar was intended as a forum for actors in the renewable energy sector in Africa to discuss challenges, issues, and policies and to exchange their experiences and knowledge.

Transformational Development in Decentralized Renewable Energy in Morocco

Transformational Development in Decentralized Renewable Energy in Morocco, Scoop world. Arabic: Cawalisse, 22 March 2022. French version By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech, Morocco What we know Renewable energy (RE) sources power transformational outcomes for community development projects from all sectors. To secure cross-cutting benefits, localized (or decentralized) RE initiatives need to embody the same essential feature

Youssoufia Pilot Project

Mustapha Taghbalout, Project Coordinator Given the added value that decentralized renewable energies can bring to Morocco’s contribution to the field of green energy, a pilot project in the Youssoufia province was undertaken with a participatory approach. The selection of the small, 36-household El Kdirat village in the rural Jnane Bouih commune took into consideration its

Moroccan Innovation and the Journey to Solar Vehicle Races

By  Sami Kissai, HAF Volunteer “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla The Kingdom of Morocco has a reputation for its diverse climate and natural resources, among which is solar energy. In fact, Morocco hosts the world’s largest concentrated solar power