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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

The Challenging Yet Beneficial Relationship between Human Rights and Development

Abigail Hall HAF-UVA Intern Although the intersection between human rights and development is clear, the two are often approached separately and have therefore evolved into two separate categories. It can be easy to focus on their distinctions and differences from one another rather than seeing the way that they actually mutually boost and aid each

Alexander von Humboldt: Lunchtime Discussion on Colonialism, Imperialism, Slavery, and Their Afterlives

By Sarah Whiteside Alexander von Humboldt Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler (1843) On September 22nd, 2021, the University of Connecticut Office of Global Affairs and the German Consulate General Boston presented a discussion on Alexander Humboldt and his relationship to colonialism, imperialism, slavery, the lives of indigenous Latin Americans, and American abolition. Humboldt was born

Mutually Inclusive: The Relationship Between Development and Human Rights

Aira Matin UVA-HAF Intern This word “development” is quite heavy. It is not just a matter of improving the economic conditions of a society, but of changing lives and trying to build a better present and future. As a student from the US, it’s valuable to recognize the position that countries such as the US

Academia Has An Obligation to Serve

By Kristin O’Donoghue Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds education as a right to which every individual is entitled. The opportunity to attend an institute of higher learning and improve one’s position in society, however, is available only to those who can afford it. In most nations, the cost of education

In the Hospitality of Sidi Kaouki

By Safae Ben Karroum HAF Program Coordinator Members of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy met with the HAF to plant trees as part of their initiative “The Social Solidarity Project to Reduce the Negative Effects of the Covid-19 Virus.” Since its establishment in 2000, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has witnessed continuous growth and success in

When Fighting Human Trafficking Means Protecting Migrants

How Morocco Can Protect Migrants in Efforts Against Human Trafficking, Morocco World News, By Nicole Luz. Nicole Luz An increased level of global awareness about the issue of human trafficking has shown many that slavery is not a thing of the past, but that it has rather just taken new forms. The UN Office on

The Role of Women in Mimouna: A Moroccan-Jewish Celebration of Creation and Cultural Diversity

Mimouna, Women, and Morocco’s Creative Cultural Diversity, Morocco World News, By Shivani Lakshman  HAF-UVA Intern. By Shivani Lakshman HAF-UVA Intern On Tuesday, April 6, the Mimouna Association hosted a virtual event titled “Celebrating Mimouna: From a Feminine Perspective.” The Mimouna Association is a non-profit founded in 2007 by Muslim students aiming to promote and preserve

The High Atlas Foundation and University Cadi Ayyad Sign a Partnership Agreement

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF President On Friday, March 26, 2021, Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) President Professor Moulay Lhassan Hbid and myself, HAF’s President Yossef Ben-Meir, signed a partnership agreement at the Wilaya of Marrakech-Safi. Also in attendance were Dr. Driss Ouaouicha, the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education in Morocco, and the Wali

Be the Change You Wish to See: Reflecting on Generation Share: Changemakers of Morocco

This article highlights the key message of the Generation Share Changemakers World Digital Tour for Morocco.  Webster Hill IV, HAF Spring Intern Before I begin, I have a simple request to ask of you: take a moment to step outside into the natural environment and look around. What is one issue that you notice and

Factors Affecting the Essential Provision of Clean Water

Megan Williams HAF-IVA Intern According to the World Health Organization, in 2017, 5.3 billion people used safely managed drinking-water services located on premises, available when needed, and free from contamination1. However, this leaves approximately 2.2 billion people without such access, with around 1.4 billion people with basic services (an improved water source within a 30-minute

The Beneficial Intersection Between Development and Human Rights

Megan Sprotte 3/3/21 The terms ‘development’ and ‘human rights’ have become of frequent use in our current society, and one might even regard them as ‘buzzwords.’ While the vast attention given to each of these terms has been a fairly recent phenomenon, the use of them in communion is an even newer occurrence. Given the

Multiculturalism Enables, Reinvigorates Participatory Approach Development

Ian MacPherson HAF UVa Student Intern Nov 5, 2018—  High Atlas Foundation facilitates a women’s IMAGINE workshop adapted for Moroccan cultural and religious practices. Deep relationships maintained over time and a global scope at a local scale characterize the participatory approach to development. Methods grouped under the umbrella of participation vary widely, and are formed

International Women’s Day: Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities

Kaoutar Ait Lahaj Program Coordinator The participants of the International Women’s Day Webinar. On the 8th of March, the US Embassy of Israel hosted a webinar entitled “International Women’s Day: The Middle East & The Abraham Accords” in partnership with the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC, The Embassy of Bahrain, and the Embassy of Morocco.

5 Ways to Learn More about HAF’s Women’s Empowerment Work

This International Women’s Day, the High Atlas Foundation team celebrates all women, women leaders, women who are working to create a more equal future in spite of this current context in which we live -- a context in which deep-seated gender inequalities have exacerbated the consequences of the pandemic for women and girls around the

The Ascendency and Mainstay of Participatory Development


Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech Participatory community movements found a contemporary impetus in post-World War II reconstruction of Europe and decolonization, primarily in Africa. The approach of locally managed change, however, was highly distrusted during these initial years, during which the dominant view was that central-level policy makers are in a better position than the people

The Shared Characteristics of Sustainable Development and Deradicalization

This article in Arabic –  الخصائص المشتركة للتنمية المستدامة ونزع التطرّف Sustainable development refers to the pattern through which we meet human needs without compromising the future generations’ ability to meet theirs. It requires a comprehensive approach with components that can be individually achieved, including but not limited to economic prosperity, independence, and social well-being. In

Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice


On February 25, I attended on behalf of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) the “High-Level Debate on Integrating Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Post-2015 Development Agenda” with the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York City. A full-day event, the debate featured multiple panels and interventions by the Moroccan delegacy. This debate opened