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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Planting Hope: Fruitful Partnerships in Dakhla and the Sahara

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The High Atlas Foundation is an organization committed to inspiring the next generation of environmentally-conscious individuals. Recently, the HAF team planted fruit trees with schools in Dakhla, which marked the beginning of a successful collaboration in the region.Three schools participated in the fruit tree planting – Nahda

Seeds of Change: Empowering Saharan Nomadic Farmers through Tree Planting

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Tree planting in the desert. Credits: Volunteer Recently, HAF embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor: planting trees with the Saharan nomadic community for the first time. During initial community forums between HAF and the Saharan nomads, there was significant interest in growing fruit trees despite the challenge of

Driving Change Together: Insights From The First Community Forum in Dakhla Municipality

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Part of the Dakhla Community Forum. Credits: Cheikh Akmach/HAF As the inaugural community forum in Dakhla took place on March 3, 2023, it was a momentous event that brought together a variety of stakeholders from the local community. The trainers for the event were HAF Managers Hana

The First Community Forum with Members of the Nomadic Community

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Nomad community forum. Credits: Hajiba Boumasmar/HAF On February 20, 2023, the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab regional team organized its first community forum with a group of local nomadic people. The HAF team met with their community members in the village of Bir Gandouz, a location

HAF Planting Seeds of Change: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Planet Earth is in dire need of environmental protection and sustainable development. Every day, we witness the devastating effects of climate change and the gradual depletion of natural resources. There are organizations and individuals who are working tirelessly to create a greener, healthier world. And the High

Unlocking the Potential of Cooperatives and Associations of Bir Gandus: The Promising Future of the Morocco’s Southern Regions

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The first community forum in the Bir Gandouz municipality (credit: Hajiba Boumasmar/HAF). On February the 21st, the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) Dakhla Team organized its first community forum in the Bir Gandouz municipality. This community forum is part of a Middle East Partnership (MEPI) program for participatory

Nomadic Women Share Joys and Challenges

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region February the 16th marks the start of the training series provided by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) with nomadic people in the Bir Anzarane municipality of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region. We began the four-day Imagine women’s empowerment workshop. The training is part of a Middle East Partnership

شيفرة البدو الرحل

حجيبة بومسمار كثبان ذهبية كثيرة و أعشاب مستوطنة في الصحراء كالطلح و ام ركبة و السدر؛ و و في كل مرة قطيع مهيب من الإبل يقطع علينا السير و هو أ حق بالمرور في صحرائه و الأغنام هنا و هناك ترعى باحثة عن الكلأ، صوت الرياح يكسو المكان ما يقطعه إلا رغاء و ثواج القطيع؛

Imagine Candles Light The Way For Women In The Dakhla Municipality

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region On February 6th, the HAF team in Dakhla commenced a workshop series aimed at empowering women in the municipality. These special workshops are a crucial aspect of the High Atlas Foundation’s approach to achieving sustainable development. The training is part of a MEPI (Middle East Partnership Initiative)

The Candles of Imagination shine brightly at the women’s empowerment workshop in the Bir Gandouz Commune

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The women stand up after the ´Room Exercise´. Credits: Hajiba Boumasmar/HAF On the 5th of January, the High Atlas Foundation´s (HAF) women’s empowerment trainers Hajiba Boumasmar and Hana Ezaoui embarked on a journey to the distant Bir Gandouz Commune to conduct a women’s empowerment workshop for the

A Remarkable Meeting with Nomadic Communities

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab region On January 2nd, 2023, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Dakhla team embarked on a 143-kilometer-long journey to visit the Bir Anzarane municipality. This is one of the three communes selected for the implementation of the Participatory Planning and Implementation of Community Initiatives in Oued Ed-Dahab Region, in collaboration

Candle Light and Women’s Empowerment in Bir Gandus

Hajiba Boumasmar HAF Program Manager A remarkable candle was lit with a group of women in Bir Gandus commune. Forty civil society representatives attended the women’s empowerment workshop conducted by HAF trainers Hajiba Boumasmar and Hana Ezaoui under the program “Participatory Planning and Implementing of  Community Initiatives in Dakhla Oued Ed Edahab Region,” in partnership

Innovation and Creativity in the Dakhla Oued Ed-Dahab Region

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator The 2nd International Congress on Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Managerial Innovation was held on November 9th, in Dakhla, with the participation of researchers and academics from Morocco and abroad. Ph.D students specializing in entrepreneurship management participated in the conference. Photo Credits: Cheikh Akmach/HAF Organized by the National School of Business and

HAF Takes A Step in the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab Region

Cheikh Akmach Site Coordinator As a young man who seeks to make a positive impact in my region, I believe in the ability of youth in preserving Moroccan natural resources, and this would be possible by empowering and accompanying them until they become responsible and visionary leaders. Since 2000, HAF’s mission has been promoting sustainable