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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

بالتعاون مع المنصة المغربية المهتمة باللامركزية مجال الطاقات المتجددة ،مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تطلق مشروع بإقليم اليوسفية.

بقلم :عبد الإله بوكماز في إطار الانتقال الطاقي الذي يعرفه المغرب حيث يصنف هذا الأخير من بين الدول الرائدة في مجال الطاقات المتجددة ،يعمل مشروع شركات أصحاب المصلحة المتعددين الذي يهدف إلى إحداث نقلة نوعية للطاقة إلى طاقة متجددة. بإنجاز مشاريع صغيرة نموذجية خاصة بالمناطق النائية      شهد دوار القديرات بجماعة جنان بيه إقليم اليوسفية يوم

PMDER: Final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop; 22 & 23 February 2022

By Noah Cedric Kohlmayer On February 22 and 23, 2022, I attended the final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop in Marrakech and Youssoufia. One of the guests included Kerstin Opfer, a Germanwatch representative, HAF long-time friend, and former staff member. Another guest was senior energy advisor for Power Shift Africa: Amos Wemanya. University professor, state engineer, and

ODCO Training at Konouz Lakdirat Cooperative

By Sanae Benaadim Program Manager Women of Konouz Lakdirat Cooperative receive business training Photo: Sanae Benaadim On Wednesday, February 9, ten women from Konouz Lakdirat Cooperative and 11 women from the community received training from the Office for the Development of Cooperation (ODCO) by Mr. Sihmmed Hazil, who accompanied the HAF team. The cooperative was

Renewable Energy in Youssoufia Province

By Mustapha Tarhbaloute, HAF Field Monitor Renewable energy in Morocco is like a newborn, in the relatively early stages of development. It has become more popular in the last two decades as a step to overcome the huge expense of electricity as well as a way to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the High

Update from Douar Lkdirat

By Sanae Benaadim, HAF Program & Office Manager December 6, 2021 HAF team members visit the village of Lkdirat on December 3, 2021. Photo: HAF Last week, several members of the HAF staff, the Aboughlou Cooperative, and volunteers from Austria Service Abroad met at the prospective nursery site in the village of Lakdirat in the

Between the Anvil of Water and the Hammer of Spirituality

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi HAF Program Manager Twenty-three women from the village of El Kdirat in the Jnane Bouih commune of the Youssoufia province, participated in a four-day Imagine women’s empowerment workshop that took place between June 21-24. There are approximately 36 households in El Kdirat, the average size being between 6 to12 people. There

The MSP workshop: Building partnerships and Planning the Nexus Pilot Project for Decentralised Renewable Energy in Youssoufia

Written by Zainab Hachoumi, HAF Intern  On May 27, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation, together with GermanWatch and the Moroccan Platform of Decentralization of Renewable Energies (PMDER), organized an online workshop that gathered different stakeholders and representatives from the public sector, academia, civil society, and the private sector from Morocco, Africa, and Europe.  The main

Lettre De Remerciement


Morocco’s Decentralized Energy Transition to Renewable Energies

Hajiba Boumamsar HAF Project Assistant On 4 and 5 November 2019, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSP) workshop in collaboration with Germanwatch, a German NGO. The workshop aimed at developing a common understanding of the challenges and solutions for a decentralized energy transition towards 100% renewables in Morocco and all Africa.

Séminaire Sur Le Partenariat Multipartite (Pmp) Pour Une Décentralisation Des Énergies Renouvelables Au Maroc

Rabat, les 4 et 5 novembre 2019 – La High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organise en partenariat avec GERMANWATCH le séminaire Partenariat Multipartite (PMP) pour une décentralisation des énergies renouvelables au Maroc et ce à Hôtel Ibis Rabat Agdal. La journée du 04 novembre, sera consacrée au séminaire PMP, ce dernier sera une occasion pour les

A Kick-off for a Decentralized Energy Transition

By Alissa Brenn HAF intern and graduate student at Zurich University of Applied Sciences The Kingdom of Morocco has set high goals: According to the country’s energy strategy, 52% of its energy needs should be met through renewable means of energy production by 2030. However, the ultimate goal in the age of climate change is

How to Achieve a Decentralised, Participatory and People-Centred Energy Transition Towards 100% Renewables on the African Continent?

By Kerstin Opfer, High Atlas Foundation Electricity and energy are two of the key challenges in Africa – 2/3 of Africa’s population still has no access to electricity. Additionally electricity demand is assumed to triple until 2030. Increased use of renewable energy (RE) can help address these challenges. Africa has a considerable and largely untapped

The Importance of Multi-Stakeholder-Partnerships in the Face of Climate Change

By Kerstin Opfer Operations manager High Atlas Foundation Marrakech We are living in a time, where the humankind faces an unprecedented challenge – it is the warmest it has ever been on earth since human presence. The dangers of climate change are known since the 1980s but a lack of political will and societal awareness

Excursion to the Ourika Valley with Participants of the “Kickoff Conference for Decentralization of Renewable Energy in Morocco”

By Celina Böhmer and Kerstin Opfer Last week the High Atlas Foundation in partnership with Germanwatch, a German NGO dedicated to global equity and people’s livelihoods, conducted a kick-off workshop in Marrakesh with important Moroccan stakeholders of energy and decentralization. This workshop marked the start of the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) for an African energy transition