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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Daraa Lachhab Cooperative Update

by Zineb Laadam HAF colleagues Houria, Hassan and I went to Chouirig Village in order to meet Daraa Lachhab Cooperative. Since cooperatives are enterprises that place people before profit, they uphold values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equity and solidarity. They practice honesty, openness and social responsibility in their operations. The Daraa Lachhab Cooperative was officially

Amizmiz Update

By Zineb Laadam The Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) team went to Amizmiz in order to meet two agricultural cooperatives to identify their needs, priorities and challenges. The two host organizations are Zaouia and Tigudelt cooperatives. Zaouia is an agricultural entity that aims to contribute to the development of the olive oil sector and strengthen its role in

Farmer to Farmer Visits Nisaae Tinmel Cooperative

Zineb Laadam, HAF Field Officer Women of the Nisaae Tinmel cooperative meet with the HAF F2F team The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team visited the Nisaae Tinmel women’s cooperative in Tizaghrin village (Talatnycoub municipality, Al Haouz province, Marrakech-Safi region) in November. We spent an unforgettable day with 20 incredible women who shared their personal and

Update: 11 Janvier Cooperative

By Bouchra Zine The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team of Errachid Montassir, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, and Bouchra Zine visited the 11 Janvier agricultural cooperative on December 10 in order to collect data, listen to the people, learn their technical needs, and discern how the F2F team could help. The nine male cooperative members represent different

Spreading the Organic Farming Principle

Arabic version Errachid Montassir HAF Program Manager The U.S. Volunteer Jennifer Sopoci and the F2F team members with local farmers from Oulad Mbarek municipality – Beni Mellal region during a field visit Organic farming is an agricultural approach that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, crop residues, compost and biological pest control.

Update: Tigmmi n’Targa Activities

By Zineb Laadam HAF Field Officer September 2021—The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team members met with the TIGMMI cooperative members in Tissfan municipality (Taroudant province) to identify their needs and challenges. The TIGMMI cooperative was created in Tigmmi n’Targa village in 2007 by 17 women and 24 men, and was supported by the local Targa

Now is definitely better than before!

By Moulay Hassan Aladlouni Country Director, HAF-F2F Program The High Atlas Foundation’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team met the members of the Adfal Association in a very remote mountain area. During the trip, the team had to unexpectedly leave the car and walk for 1.5 hours to Timichi village, which sits at an altitude of 1,920 meters,

USAID Farmer-to-Farmer in Beni Mellal

By Errachid Montassir HAF Program Manager This week, the Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) team launched two different assignments in Beni Mellal region, aiming to enrich two local agricultural cooperatives and assist them to achieve their goals. The first host organization (HO) “Tamghart group” aims to value and promote Moroccan plants nationally and internationally through their cosmetics products.

New Approaches to Seed Delivery Solutions

Samarth Saksena HAF-UVA Intern In the recent webinar titled “Crops to End Hunger: Accelerating Seed Delivery through Sustainable Seed Systems” hosted by Agrilinks, speakers described the challenges, new approaches, and potential solutions surrounding commercial seed delivery in developing nations in Africa. Some of the panelists had recently developed a whitepaper making recommendations on how to

The Significance of the New Signage at the Ouarzazate Tree Nursery in Morocco

– The Significance of the New Signage at the Ouarzazate Tree Nursery in Morocco, The Policy Times. By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech Twenty-seven years ago, I lived in a village called Amsouzerte in the Tifnoute Valley, the south side of the High Atlas Mountains, closeby to the burial location of the Moroccan-Hebrew saint David-Ou-Mouche. The Tifnoute

Productively (and Joyfully) Meeting (Again) Members of the Aguerzrane Women’s Cooperative

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir HAF President The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) implements the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F) in Morocco. As part of this volunteer initiative team members visited the members of the Aguerzrane women’s cooperative located in the Toubkal Municipality of the Taroudant Province on Thursday the 8th of July. It was a follow up

Between the Anvil of Water and the Hammer of Spirituality

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi HAF Program Manager Twenty-three women from the village of El Kdirat in the Jnane Bouih commune of the Youssoufia province, participated in a four-day Imagine women’s empowerment workshop that took place between June 21-24. There are approximately 36 households in El Kdirat, the average size being between 6 to12 people. There

Nature’s Secret Healing Powers: A Look into Nature Therapy

By Noah Ginsburg This morning I had the privilege of attending a very special event, hosted by the Beyond Trees Network’s Dr. Tamberly Kerr Conway, a trained and licensed nature therapist who has spent the last several years training more and more nature therapists and spreading this practice across the world. Although the pandemic is

Green Spaces and Community Programs

Carlie Daniel HAF-UVA Intern Farmer-to-Farmer Local Volunteer Hicham Amarouch during his second visit to Aguerzrane village in the High Atlas Mountains. As time progresses, we see more people glued to technology and staying indoors for hours on end. Many people don’t even go outside to take a walk or experience the green spaces in their

My Identity, My Origin: A Personal Reflection on Sustainable Development

– “هويتي، منبع انطلاقتي”, Al Watan Voice. Zineb Laadam HAF F2F Field Officer Nothing stops the pen from reaching its goal, for the book is written entirely in their hearts. Nothing stands between it and them; they put their hearts into it and fill in what they feel, dictating simply and clearly. It is a

تيديلي مسفيوة، رحلة إنجاز

زينب لعظم مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من فلاح إلى فلاح مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، مراكش ماذا عن حياةٍ رتيبةٍ مفتقرةٍ إلى حماسٍ يهزها إلى حيث تشهد النجاح؟ يزداد هذا السؤال حدةً عندما يطرحه عليك أحدهم، فتجيب عليه وأنت تنظر إلى واقعك بين مكذبٍ ومصدق. وكم نشعر بالخجل حين نسمع ضميرنا يحدثنا ليلاً بدروسٍ تحثُ على الاستفاقة صوب

”…من قلب النساء…”

– ”…من قلب النساء…”, sotal Iraq, Zineb Laadam. زينب لعظم مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع Farmer to Farmer مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير ٬ مراكش كتب هذا المقال عن ورشة تخيل التي أقيمت بالنادي النسوي بأمزميز، اقليم الحوز جهة مراكش آسفي، في إطار التمكين الذاتي للنساء٬ الذي تشرف عليه مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير بتمويل من المشروع الأمريكي (من فلاح إلى

تجربة زراعية مغربية بين الأمس واليوم

بقلم: محمد القادري منذ سنة 2000، ظلت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تدعم التنمية في المغرب، حيث اعتمدت منذ ذلك الحين على أساليب وطرق متعددة من أجل وضع خطة طريق للسير بالتنمية المستدامة في البلاد. لقد بدأت كمرحلة أولى بتوعية سكان الجبال والقرى عبر تنظيم تكوينات وورشات تهدف الى تطوير مهارات وقدرات الأفراد في المجتمعات المحلية أثناء

Harnessing the Sun: Capitalizing on Morocco’s Most Abundant Resource to Power Transformative Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems

October 2020 – Program partners, Ecosia and USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer, visit the solar-powered irrigation system at a HAF tree nursery in Ouarzazate province. Photo by Project Assistant, Hassan Ait Ouatouch.  In a country well known for its expansive desert and dry heat, solar-powered irrigation systems are achieving the impossible by consistently supplying clean water to six

Women’s Empowerment with Farmer-to-Farmer in Tidili Mesfioua


HAF Project Manager & F2F Volunteer Coordinator Women from Tidili Mesfioua created two new women’s cooperatives after attending IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment workshops with the High Atlas Foundation. Women’s empowerment is a crucial aspect of the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) work with the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program. Last week, the F2F team took a trip to

Meet Hajiba Boumasmar, Program Coordinator of the High Atlas Foundation


Meet Hajiba Boumasmar, Program Coordinator of the High Atlas Foundation, freskincare. The High Atlas Foundation The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is an American-Moroccan nonprofit that focuses on different areas: youth, women, water, capacity building, cuture, and agriculture. HAF’s work in the agricultural sector includes building tree nurseries, planting seeds, planting and distributing saplings and monitoring tree growth. HAF

Women’s Empowerment: Growing Seeds of Self-Discovery in Morocco


– تمكين المرأة: زراعة البذور ورحلة اكتشاف الذات في المغرب, Deyar Al Naqab. Caption: The participants doing “twinkles” (in lieu of applause) in Achbaro for Lalla Nezha after presenting her affirmation.  Women’s empowerment is a key to having a successful and bright future for Morocco. The IMAGINE Program’s main objective is to help women discover

USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Local Volunteer Developing Local Capacities


HAF USAID Farmer-to-Farmer team and F2F local volunteer meeting with Ms. Hind, the head of public relations for the Mejji Argan Women’s Cooperative, Essaouira province – Meiji rural commune Dec 17, 2020 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) continues promoting sustainable economic growth, food security, and agricultural development in Morocco through the USAID Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) program.

A New Nursery Is Coming to Life


Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, F2F Program Caption: High Atlas Foundation local USAID Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Hicham (green shirt) seen in the field COVID-19 impeded the Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F) due to travel restrictions preventing U.S. volunteers from traveling overseas. As a solution, USAID encouraged its implementing partners to create paired assignments, linking volunteer experts from the United

Farmer-to-Farmer Local and U.S. Volunteers Collaborate in Morocco


Caption: High Atlas Foundation’s USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Rachida meeting women in Tassa Ouirgane. During the shut-down and uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID encouraged Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) implementers worldwide to support local Volunteers, paired with remote U.S. Volunteers, as they collaborate with agricultural cooperatives and education centers in achieving their goals. The High Atlas Foundation

The I-Tree International Academy Learning Journey


F2F Finance Officer | Lead Empowerment Trainer Photo by: i-Tree One of the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team members, Fatima Zahra Laaribi, was selected from a competitive pool of applicants to attend the “2020 i-Tree International Academy” —a three- month online training organized by the US Forest Service International Programs, Northern Research Station, and

High Atlas Foundation’s Errachid Montassir Wins the 2020 International Open Eye Award

Errachid Montassir at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the Climate Action Summit, September 2019. Errachid Montassir, High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Project Manager and Volunteer Coordinator for the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Program, won the 2020 International Open Eye Award at the Water Journalism Academy organized by Cewas Middle East and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. He is from

It’s Time to Wake Up: Imagining More for Women’s Futures

آن أوان الاستيقاظ: تصور أكثر إشراقًا لمستقبل المرأة, Maghress, By Ibtissam Niri. HAF Empowerment Trainer | M&E Specialist Photo Caption: During one of the Image Women’s Empowerment Workshop sessions, women discuss how they can paint their vision for the future of their workplace. On August 27, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) conducted its twenty-ninth 4-day

Cathartic Returns to Morocco: Mark Apel, from Peace Corps to Farmer-to-Farmer

Cathartic Returns to Morocco: Mark Apel, from Peace Corps to Farmer-to-Farmer, The New Dawn, By Ellen Hernandez and Katie Bercegeay. • Arabic: Voice of Iraq, 18 Septembre 2020. By Ellen Hernandez and Katie Bercegeay Upon hearing the words “Hamdullah wa inshallah,” Mark Apel is transported as if in a time capsule to the many times he and Yossef

Rpcvs: Become a Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer and Continue Your Difference in Morocco

The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is reconnecting with former Peace Corps Volunteers to serve as volunteer experts as part of the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program in Morocco, which is being administered by HAF through 2023. RPCVs are invited to apply for assignments of two weeks or longer to help build the capacities of Moroccan cooperatives,