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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Besides the Everyday

By Zineb Laadam, HAF-F2F Field Officer HAF’s Imagine team and Members of the Damnatena women’s agricultural cooperative during an Imagine session. Photo credit: Bouchra Zine / HAF Members of the Damnatena Women’s Agricultural Cooperative in Demnate (Azilal province, Beni Mellal-Khenifra region) completed the Imagine empowerment 4-day workshop at the end of August with the High

A Common Goal, A Common Success

By Zineb Laadam, HAF-F2F Field Officer The F2F team and the U.S. F2F volunteers discussed their assignments with the members of Wachmat and Sanad Cooperatives. Photo: Zineb Laadam/HAF On July 19, the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program team traveled to Demnate in the Azilal province of the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region, accompanied by U.S. F2F volunteers Alena Klimas

To the Base of the High Atlas Mountains

Written by Zia Brady with contributions from Joshua Kishi, HAF Interns Local F2F volunteer expert Abdelouafi with the women of Nissouate Regraga Cooperative. Photo: Hassan Ait Ouatouch/HAF When I first visited the Regraga Cooperative in August with HAF’s Farmer to Farmer (F2F) program team as a volunteer, I was acquainted with the concept of helping

لقاء بعد اشتياق!

– زينب لعظم تكتب : لقاء بعد اشتياق! El Bashayer. أن ترتبط أرقى مشاعرك بمكان ما، أن تتمثل اجمل ذكرياتك في هذا المكان، أن تجد نفسك مشتاق لكل شيء فيه، المنازل، الطرقات، تناوب الفصول والألوان، الجو البارد، الشمس الدافئة، الأطعمة الروائح، ملامح الصغار والكبار…. كل شيء هناك يردد عندك شعور واحد ولا شعور سواه، شعور

Cosmetics making in Tendrara Commune

By Mohammed Kerzazi F2F Expert Local Volunteer On July 23rd, and as agreed with the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF’s) Farmer-to-Farmer team, we went to Tendrara Commune in order to meet up with the members of Les Hauts Plateaux Cooperative at the Tendrara’s cooperatives’office. After the warm welcome of the cooperative’s president, we organized a small

From Raising Domestic Animals to Manufacturing Cosmetics Using Local Herbs

Houria Chouhab HAF-F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The members of Les Hauts Plateaux during the conceptual part of the workshop conducted by the HAF’s Farmer-to-Farmer local volunteer (Photo by HAF) During the third week of July, the High Atlas Foundation’s USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program traveled with the local F2F volunteer to conduct training about

تقرير حول يوم تكويني من تنظيم مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير

 بقلم: نجوى عبدالسلام الموضوع : التسيير الإداري للتعاونيات   المكان:مقر تعاونية اجيال ببلغياضة منطقة بني كيل-إقليم فجيج   الزمان : الأربعاء 20 يوليوز 2022   الفئة المستهدفة  :تعاونيات جماعة معتركة و جماعة تندرارة   عدد المستفيدين : 11 تعاونية في بداية اليوم التكويني كانت لنا فرصة للتعرف على المشاركين من خلال  تقديم أنفسهم وكذلك التعاونيات التي

Welcome to Bni Guil

By Houria Chouhab, HAF-F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The F2F local volunteer conducting training for AJIAL co-op and other farmers.      Photo credit: Houria Chouhab/HAF On July 18, the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF’s) USAID Program Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team drove all the way from Marrakech to the Oriental Region, accompanied by the F2F local volunteer, Najoua

Imagine Workshop Updates from Tamount Ntourit Village

By Houria Chouhab Day 1: The first week of July, the HAF USAID program Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team members, Zineb and Houria, accompanied by the facilitator, Hajiba, held an Imagine workshop for the benefit of the women of the Tamount Ntourit cooperative in M’zouda commune, Chichaoua Province. It was a pleasure for us to have the

What You Need to Know About Quinoa

By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The F2F volunteer delivering a workshop to the members of Sanad Cooperative. Photo Credit: Houria Chouhab Until recently, quinoa seeds were not widely known in Morocco and only people who had worked with it before knew of its importance and value. In a needs’ assessment visit

Tamount Ntourit: A Proactive Agricultural Cooperative

By Zineb Laadam HAF Program Manager At first glance, Mrs. Nezha Bazzi, and Ms. Hassna Bazzi look no different from any other rural women in Morocco. They live in a far-away area called Tourit in the Chichaoua Province and lead a relatively common country lifestyle looking after their households. But, that is what appears on

لقاء مع طلبة جامعة كارلسون “CARLSON UNIVERSITY”

تحدت السيد الرشيد منتصر  المدير الوطني لبرنامج من فلاح لفلاح الذي تشرف عليه مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير صبيحة يوم الجمعة 27 ماي 2022 مع 29 طالبا و طالبة باحثين بجامعة  “كارلسون” ،عن الارادة القوية  للمملكة المغربية تجاه تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة وانخراطها في هذا المجال، حيث أعطت دفعة قوية و انطلاقة جديدة في تعزيز التقدم والنماء، مؤكدا

Tarsilt Nortane: The Bride of the Field

By Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant The president of Tarsilte Nortane with the F2F and EU Beni Mellal teams. Demnate is a commune in the province of Azilal, Beni Mellal region. This commune is known for its richness of medicinal and aromatic plants, such as thyme and rosemary, in addition to the

Cooperatives of Demnate: Promising Sustainable Development

By Houria Chouhab HAF-F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The F2F team and the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Demnate (ONCA) discussed future steps with the members of Wachmat Cooperative. Photo credit: Lahcen Ait Ouatouch / HAF Early in the morning of June the 13th, the HAF’s Farmer-to-Farmer team (F2F) accompanied by the UVA student Zoe

F2F Africa Regional Meeting

by Zineb Laadam HAF Farmer to Farmer program Kenya’s capital city opened its arms to agriculture organizations throughout Africa at the Farmer-2-Farmer Africa Regional Meeting from June 6-10. Tailored to International Organizations and Implementers (IPs), the conference united organizations from Kenya, Tanzania, Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Egypt, Senegal, and Morocco. The organizations in attendance included International

A Women’s Smile

by Zineb Laadam/ Jo anne Cohn HAF Farmer to Farmer program A HAF Farmer to Farmer team member and a volunteer share their culture. Photo: HAF When most people think about the Farmer-to-Farmer program they think about increasing productivity or selling more products or planting more trees.  But when I think about the Farmer-to-Farmer program,

The Solar Panels and the Windy Summer Season

By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant. Back in March, the Farmer-to-Farmer team and their US volunteer conducted workshops in both Marrakech-Safi and Beni-Mellal Khenifra regions about how to properly maintain the solar panels. Three nurseries were chosen for this training, one being Konouz Lakdirate Nursery. The volunteer provided the essential tools and

ابتسامة امرأة !

زينب لعظم مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من فلاح الى فلاح  أجمل الأزمنة زمان يعرف قدري، ينصفني إذا أعطيت، يعاقبني إذا اخطأت، لا مكان فيه لحاقد أو مزيف، زمان تشد فيه الرحال لحضن الأحباب، زمان تتخلله لحظات نتمنى أن نعيشها ألف مرة ولا نشبع منها أبدا، زمان تسقط فيه كل التعابير لتحل مكانها الابتسامة من مدينة سان

Conference in Casablanca on Ecosystem Innovation

By Errachid Montassir Delegates and tech leaders attended a conference on ecosystem innovation in Casablanca. Photo: E. Montassir/HAF Start-Up Nation Central—a non-profit that promotes Israeli ecosystem innovation around the world—kicked off its first-of-its-kind conference in Casablanca focused on developing innovative solutions to common challenges shared by Israel and Morocco. The ‘Connect to Innovate’ conference held

I left my heart in Morocco

By Jo Anne Cohn Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer In May 2022 I was so fortunate to be a business volunteer in Morocco for the Farmer-to Farmer program. I worked with two cooperatives – The Wardat Al Atlas Cooperative and the Kounouz Almoumtaz Cooperative. The cooperatives were interested in receiving a range of information – everything from creating

The Sky of F2F Team

By Houria Chouhab, HAF Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant, Farmer-to-Farmer Program F2F team member discussing the future assignment with the head of Les Hauts Plateaux Cooperative. Photo: Houria Chouhab, HAF Always in the Oriental region, the F2F team paid a visit to Les Hauts Plateaux (Tendrara Commune, Figuig Province) in order to discuss the upcoming

Making Cosmetic Products Using Aromatic Herbs

By Houria Chouhab, HAF Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant, Farmer-to-Farmer Program   Photo: Women of Laayoune Litanmiat Al Aachab Tibia Cooperative learn to produce cosmetics.  H. Chouhab/HAF Eight motivated women in Laayoune Litanmiat Al Aachab Tibia Cooperative (Laayoune Charkia) participated in a training about manufacturing cosmetic products using aromatic herbs. It was supported by the

New Nurseries Help Taza and Guercif Communities

By Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant Maskarate Nursery in Guercif Province, built in 2021 Photo credit: Houria Chouhab, HAF Since 2000, communities have benefited equally from more than 15 tree nurseries that the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has built in different regions in Morocco. Today, these nurseries are home to fig, pomegranate,

Essential Tools for Cooperative Sustainability

By Houria Chouhab, HAF Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant, Farmer-to-Farmer Program A Farmer-to-Farmer local volunteer conducts training for Zegzel commune members.     Photo: Houria Chouhab, HAF Eleven women and men of Sadaka Slimania and Nayrouz Cooperatives in Zegzel commune (Berkane) participated in a workshop on project identification, management, and development with the High Atlas Foundation’s Farmer-to-Farmer

Planting with the Youth from Dar Tifl

By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant Planting has always been an interest not only for adults but also for younger kids, and this is what our visit to Dar Tifl Marrakech showed. HAF’s Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team, alongside the U.S. Volunteer Mrs. Afra Stenstrom, paid a first visit to the Dar

من نبع الصحراء

زينب لعظم  مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من  من الفلاح الى الفلاج تتناثر في تلك السّماء نجماتٌ لامعةٌ تعكس ضوءها على حبيبات رمل الصّحراء، لتخفي بين رمالها تلك اللمسات التي تشير إلى السكينة التي يستشعرها المرء حينما يكون ضيفًا على أرضها، فالصحراء جمالها ساحر وهواؤها نقي، وما يزيد ذاك الجمال هي تلك الكثبان الرملية التي تبدو للرائي

Solar Panel Maintenance at the Communities Nurseries

By Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant Morocco, as any other country, has increasing energy demands, and electricity demand has been projected to rise by 250% from 2015 to 2030, causing the demand to double. The economic growth, the increasing Moroccan population, and the nation’s industrial sector are all motivating factors that drive

Together We Stand, Divided We Fall

By Houria Chouhab  HAF F2F Field Assistant and Technical Volunteer  As a regular participant in Imagine workshops, I can always feel the difference between each training, and our workshop at La 3éme Millénaire Coopérative did not differ from the previous cooperatives. For their next stop, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team

زيارة ميدانية لمربي النحل بإقليم الحوز وإقليم الجديدة

حميد حنتوم : متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير لازالت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير من خلال مشروع من فلاح لفلاح تعمل جاهدة على تقديم المساعدة التقنية للتعاونيات الفلاحية بالمغرب، وذلك عبر تزويد الفلاحين بالمعلومات والتجارب التي يقدمها لهم مجموعة من الخبراء الأمريكيين المتطوعين حيث يشاركون خبراتهم وتجاربهم في المجالات المتعلقة بالفلاحة والانتاج الزراعي  زيارة ميدانية لمنطقة “التوامة” بإقليم

Teaching Seed Germination and Tree Planting in Marrakech-Safi Region, Farmer to Farmer

By Afra Stenström USAID Farmer to Farmer volunteer planting workshop in Dar Tifl Children’s Center Photo Credit: Jan Stenström As a Farmer to Farmer (F2F) volunteer, I accompanied the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) F2F team to the Dar Tifl children’s home for a workshop on planting. The children ranged from 10 to 13 years old.