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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Training is a turning point for Manahil Mallou Cooperative in Guercif

Ibtissam Niri M&E Specialist & Empowerment Coach In the Maskarat village, the Farmer to Farmer program has expanded a cooperative’s beekeeping program, providing in-depth collaborative training for the community. I recently visited Maskarat village for the second time, one year after my first trip there. My purpose in visiting was to complete an impact assessment

Strengthening Open Governance: House of Representatives Hosts OGP Workshop in Morocco

By Ibtissam Niri Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Empowerment Coach On April 27th – 28th, 2023, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) hosted a workshop in Rabat in partnership with the House of Representatives. The event was aimed at strengthening open governance practices and fostering engagement between civil society associations and the government. The workshop focused on

The Journey of Aboghlou Cooperative to the International Agricultural Forum

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer Aboghlou’s president and assistant at the International Forum of Agriculture in Morocco Aboghlou is a cooperative based in Ourika Valley, a rural commune in the region of Marrakech-Safi in central Morocco. It was established in 2016 by a group of 60 women who were looking to improve their financial situation.

From Good Governance to Sustainable Agriculture: Advancing USAID’s Goals in Morocco through the F2F Program

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Assistant and Technical Volunteer The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program is a USAID initiative that promotes sustainable economic growth, agricultural development, and food security by connecting volunteer technical assistance from U.S. experts to farmers, agricultural institutions, and cooperatives in developing countries. F2F began in 1985 and in 2022 volunteer assignments were implemented in

From Personal Growth to Economic Empowerment: The Impact of IMAGINE Workshops with Women in Morocco

Ibtissam Niri HAF-F2F Empowerment Facilitator Empowering women is necessary for creating a sustainable society that challenges gender inequality and encompasses equity in economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions. Pursuing the amplification of women’s voices so that they are drivers in securing their socioeconomic and environmental futures is crucial particularly in rural spaces. Manifesting qualities of

Financial Independence and Empowerment

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer In June 2019, I joined the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team on a field trip with students from the University of Virginia (UVA) to Tassa Ouirgane village. The host association was managed by a group of men who ran different activities related to the development of Tassa Ouirgane village. Furthermore,

Plants for Medicinal and Aromatic Uses

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer Morocco is widely known for its diversity of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP). Thyme, artemisia, lavender, mentha, geranium, spearmint, and chamomile are the most popular plants that can be found in any Moroccan house, either for medicinal or aromatic purposes. If you ask me about the best cooperative that provides

من فكرة إلى واقع

– من فكرة إلى واقع, El Bashayer. ابتسام النيري اخصائية في الرصد والتقييم ومدربة في برنامج التمكين الذاتي للمرأة مصطلح الخيرية هو من بين المصطلحات التي كانت شائعة في وقت معين بمعتقد معين، حيث ظنها الكثير أنها ذلك المستنقع الذي يغرق فيه الكثير من الأطفال الذين عاقت ظروف الحياة معيشتهم وجعلتهم يستنجدون بسقف يحميهم، وقوت

التمكين الذاتي: ورشات عمل للمشاركات و الموجهات

English Version بقلم  :حورية شوهب “مسؤولة ميدانية / فريق “من فلاح إلى فلاح متدربة في مجال التمكين أعضاء تعاونية المصلى خلال مشاركتهم في أحد تمارين الورشة مصدر الصورة: عضو فريق “من فلاح إلى فلاح” التابع لجمعية الأطلس الكبير في الاجتماع الأسبوعي لفريق “من فلاح إلى فلاح” التابع لمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، أخبرتني إحدى زميلاتي عن ورشة

Collaborating for Success: The Journey of Wachmat Cooperative

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Assistant and Volunteer Technical The Wachmat Cooperative in the Demnate municipality is setting an example of how cooperatives can adapt to the challenges they encounter. Wachmat Cooperative was initially established in 2021 and included five women and two men in its membership. The initial goal of this cooperative was to extract

نساءُ كْرونَة

– نساءُ كْرونَة, Aroa Press. بقلم: زينب لعظم ارتدت النساء ذاك التاج للمرة الثانية، و بريقه يخترق حجب الخيال بأشعته تارة، ويتلقى إيحاءات الصمود  المرتقبة تارة أخرى… بريقه جعل ضوء المكان أكثر إشراقا، ضوء مصحوب بظل … وعندما رأت النساء ذاك الظل، انجلى لديهن خياران: إما أن يسلطن بريق التاج، أو يخترن الهروب ومواصلة البحث

Let’s Meet in Dar Malika!

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer HAF’s representatives in a cultural discussion with participants in the GVANIM program. Photo Credit: HAF When I hear Dar Malika, I immediately think of Malika’s lovely smile and welcoming spirit. Malika is a woman in her sixties who invites local and international tourists to have a cup of Moroccan tea

Looking Back on Memories

By Ibtissam Niri Program Manager In order to complete conducting impact assessments with host organizations that benefited from F2F technical assistance in 2020, I went to Ouarzazate and Taroudant for three days and met again with people there. Thursday morning, Mr. Hassan the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) driver, our tree planting colleague Safaa Ben Karoum, and I

Making a Decision is a Change

Ibtissam Niri HAF Program Manager After three years have passed since the establishment of the women’s cooperative. I witnessed its upbringing. I am here today the 6th of January to visit the cooperative again. The women’s cooperative, or rather the group of women, was the first group that was visited immediately after starting work with

An Unexpected Evolution of a Farmer-to-Farmer Training

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer I joined the High Atlas Foundation´s (HAF) Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team in December 2021, and my first field experience was a visit to the Ahl Rhoufrane Cooperative in the Bouchane municipality, in the Rhmana Province with my colleague Ibtissam Niri. On our way there, my colleague explained that the members of

A workshop that empowers mentors and participants

Arabic Version Houria Chouhab F2F’s Volunteer Technical Members of Msalla Cooperative engaged in one of the workshop’s exercises. Photo Credit: HAF/ F2F staff member. In the weekly meeting of the High Atlas Foundation´s (HAF) Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team, one of my colleagues told me about an Imagine women’s empowerment workshop with the Msalla cooperative in the

My Experience as HAF’s Volunteer in a Climate-Smart Agriculture Assignment (Part 3: Post Assignment Meetings)

Jennifer Anne Sopoci F2F US Volunteer F2F intervention during an Environmental Forum at the ENCG in Beni Mellal. Photo Credit: HAF On February 6, at the coordination of Aziz, we were able to go to the University Sultan Moulay Slimane School of Science and Technology to meet with research students and hear about their climate

My Experience as HAF’s Volunteer in a Climate-Smart Agriculture Assignment (Part 2: During the Assignment)

Jennifer Anne Sopoci F2F US Volunteer During the theoretical part of the Climate-Smart Agriculture training course. Photo Credit: HAF On February 2, we conducted the workshop for approximately 3 hours. We spent the first half of the workshop discussing the basics of climate change, global warming, and agriculture’s role in the production and sequestration of

My Experience as HAF’s Volunteer in a Climate-Smart Agriculture Assignment (Part 1: Prior to the Assignment)

Jennifer Anne Sopoci F2F US Volunteer In a meeting with members of Sanad Cooperative and HAF team members. Photo Credit: HAF Prior to my arrival in Morocco on January 30, I had spoken with Aziz Taouri, the president of the Bio-Agri Atlas Farming Cooperative of Oulad Mbark. We discussed the drought that Morocco has been

The Impact of Well-Maintained Solar Panels

Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant Nowadays, many of the communities’ nurseries and farmers in Morocco use solar-powered water pumps in order to irrigate their trees and saplings. This allows them to manage their farming in a climate-friendly way. Akrich Tree Nursery Credit: F2F staff. In March 2022, the Assalam Association, the Adrar

After William’s 2020 Workshop

By Ibtissam Niri HAF M&E Program Assistant and Empowerment Coach “Is this the same nursery land that I visited in 2020?” This is how my conversation started with Hassan Ait Baa in front of the nursery door during my visit to the Imegdal nursery. “No, it’s another one. This nursery emerged as a result of

IMAGINE workshop delivered by HAF F2F facilitators for Msalla cooperative

By Zineb LAADAM HAF Field officer On February 9th, 2023, HAF’s Imagine empowerment facilitators met with 18 women from M’salla Cooperative in Jnanate village, located in the Beni Boufrah municipality of the Al Hoceima province. These women are joining the ranks of 2,373 others from around Morocco that have benefited from the 101 Imagine workshops

Digital Marketing at the Tmount N’tourit cooperative

By Hassan Ahmatay, HAF intern Women of the Tamount N’tourit Cooperative with the F2F team, Mzouda Photo credit: H. Ahmatay “Marketing is very important for the cooperative, right? So what do you think about the importance of digital marketing for you as a cooperative specializing in couscous production?” – This was one of the questions

عطر الخزامى!

زينب لعظم متطوعة سابقة، ومسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من فلاح الى فلاح .ومدربة ببرنامج التمكين الذاتي للمرأة بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير  نساء التعاونية الفلاحية ”أجديد أوشريك” أثناء ورشة التمكين الذاتي للمرأة بالحسيمة في رحلة معرفة أنفسنا قد يكون الأمان بالنسبة لنا مجرد تحقيق ذلك السلام الداخلي ومحاولة إخماد نار الصراع القائم في هذه النفس، وإن كنا لا

E-Marketing with Women’s Cooperatives in Morocco

Karl Thomas Schloegel F2F US Volunteer, HAF The F2F team and the US Volunteer Karl Schloegel during their visit to Mogador Argan Cooperative. Photo Credit: HAF It’s hard to not talk about how much the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted our dependence on social media. For a time it was one of—if not the only—place where people

Strategies for Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment

By Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer The women from 3éme Méllinaire Cooperative during an empowerment workshopconducted by the coach Ibtissam Niri. Photo Credit: HAF Women’s empowerment is the key area of development and focus of action workshops for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in Morocco. Since 2016, under the supervision of two coaches and six

Saplings of Hope

By Houria Chouhab, HAF Program Manager Planting workshop with the U.S. expert volunteer Afra Stenstrom and the children at the orphanage. Photo: HAF Created in 1934, the Dar Tifl orphanage “children’s house” covers an area of four hectares and accommodates approximately 400 residents between three and 30 years old. My expectations before visiting the orphanage

“طُموحات تحملها حبات الكسكس”

– نور الدين البحري : “طُموحات تحملها حبات الكسكس”, El Bashayer. نورالدين البحري متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مراكش صورة تذكارية تجمع بين أعضاء مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وتعاونية تامونت نتوريت على خطى الورشات التكوينية التي يقدمها فريق من فلاح إلى فلاح بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير لفائدة التعاونيات، تمت دعوتي للانضمام إلى ورشة جديدة لفائدة تعاونية معنونةٍ باسم

مواكبة التعاونيات النسائية ضمن فريق من فلاح إلى فلاح

بقلم : عبد العاطي آيت حفيظ مستشار في مجال ريادة الأعمال تحرير: حورية شوهب و زينب لعضم مسؤولان ميدانيان بمشروع من فلاح إلى فلاح تعد مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير منظمة غير ربحية تلتزم بتعزيز التنمية المستدامة، وتنفيذ مبادرات التنمية البشرية كما تشجع على التمكين الذاتي للمرأة وتنمية الشباب سواءً على المستوى الإقتصادي و/أو السوسيو-اقتصادي بمجموعة من

HAF Volunteer Visits Amazigh Women’s Cooperative

Yvette Broex, HAF Volunteer Photo credit: HAF In early September, I visited the women’s Tamount Ntourite cooperative in Tourite village (Mzouda commune, Chichaoua province) with staff from the High Atlas Foundation’s program Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F). We spent two fascinating days with the Amazigh women who live in this small village as they participated in a training