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Interview with President of the High Atlas Foundation, Yossef Ben-Meir, ph.d.

This interview was conducted by Hajar Ennamli, a student of the National School of Commerce and Management in Oujda, with Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, president of the High Atlas Foundation. 29th October 2018 Q: Tell me a little about your negotiation experiences? A: One can make the case that community development is ultimately a negotiation challenge. Can



Six Weeks Before the Birth of a New Planting Season

The planting season, which starts Morocco in December and concludes in March, is like no other time of year. It offers a window for sowing the best of benefits this world could offer–sustenance, livelihoods, flourishing nature, and justice, for now and for generations. This precious time opens its door in just six weeks, and for

Environmental and Water Campaign in Boujdour: A Project of Haf and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

By Amina El Hajjami (HAF’s Director of Projects), Hana Ezaoui (HAF’s Project Manager in Boujdour), and Indrianty Lihardinata (HAF Intern from Pepperdine University)   The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) have been partnering since July 2018 to promote an environmental campaign and to provide clean drinking water for nomadic communities

Collaborations That Make a Difference: Investing in Rural Girls

  By Errachid Montassir HAF Project manager   According to UNESCO, there are 10 million people who are illiterate and 1,137,546 youth who have not received a primary or secondary education. In Morocco, nearly 20,186 girls did not attend school in 2014, in contrast to 17,183 boys that same year. Female youth are often deprived

HAF on Moroccan Radio – Come Listen (In Arabic)

The Moroccan national station “Radio Plus” interviewed Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, President of High Atlas Foundation (HAF), and talked about the participatory approach to implementing development projects with communities in Morocco. He focused on participation’s intrinsic link to sustainable development, and HAF’s vision in building agricultural projects throughout the Kingdom. Errachid Montassir, HAF Sami’s Project Manager, spoke about the

Global Perspectives and Shared Visions for Advancing Human Development in Morocco

  By Eliana Lisuzzo Program Assistant A typical day’s work for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) varies greatly depending on the role of a staff member, the region of Morocco in which they work, and projects that are being planned, prepared to be implemented, or that are currently being administered. During any given day, organic

Fulfilling Moroccan Development Visions

    By Fatima Zahra Laaribi HAF Financial Manager and Women’s Empowerment Trainer The event “Fulfilling Moroccan Development Visions,” held the 9th of October 2018, began with expressions of gratitude to The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) for organizing such an important gathering. Gratitude was extended to all staff members of the Mohammed VI Museum for

HAF Integrates Cultural Preservation and Human Development

By Eliana Lisuzzo HAF Project Assistant The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is a United States-Moroccan nonprofit organization committed to facilitating community-identified initiatives that catalyze sustainable human development in Morocco. One initiative we are extremely proud of is Cemetery Preservation in Essaouira that rehabilitates Jewish cemeteries and makes them more welcoming for families and visitors, to

Changing the World Across Generations: The Story of Fadma, Amina and the Izourane Cooperative

Jenny Spencer HAF’s intern. Ask an American college student what they want to do in their life and inevitably, at some point, they will say some version of “to make a difference.” Ask a young professional why they are transitioning in their careers and you are likely to hear “I want to find more meaning

How Can We Know If a Project We Took Part In, Really Had an Impact?


Gal Kramarski From Jerusalem, in Marrakech Several months after finishing my internship with the High Atlas Foundation, I got the chance to go back to Marrakech, this time, only for a visit. Though the purpose of the travel was truly exciting, an interfaith conference in Essaouira, I was more excited about visiting my friends from

HAF and MEPI in the Oujda Region with Its Cooperatives

  The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has worked in the Oujda Region for three years. HAF’s Marrakech and Oujda teams came together in August to facilitate women’s empowerment and cooperative development workshops and are touring the region, now joined by our counterparts from The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Since September 5th, we have met with cooperative members from four provinces, with two

Organic Farming in the Oriental Region


Yahya Rhomari Member, Cooperative of Organic Agriculture in Berkane The development of organic agriculture in Morocco faces various technical, commercial, financial, and organizational constraints. Organizational constraints—primarily poor coordination between local cooperatives and associations—are of particular importance and must be addressed. The lack of effective relationships between such entities can consequently impede upon the interests of

Haf’s Participatory Approach and Cooperative-Building Efforts Intertwined


By Eliana Lisuzzo HAF Program Assistant In a little under just one week, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has met with members of 21 cooperatives throughout four provinces of the Oujda Region in Morocco. We have learned the stories behind the development of their cooperatives, about their products, unique manufacturing techniques, the highs and the

The Impact of Cooperative-Building Training on New Cooperatives’ Development and the Individuals Who Lead Them


Khalid (left) tells HAF about the challenges of starting a new cooperative and the solutions he and fellow Alaymoune members identified as a result of attending HAF’s training. By Eliana Lisuzzo Project Assistant The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) staff has met many driven Moroccan people with big plans to make a difference in their lives

The Power of Passion for Development Work, Sharing Knowledge, and Cooperative Building: Nordine’s Story


By Eliana Lisuzzo HAF Project Assistant We met Nordine on a sunny Wednesday morning. His tan skin revealed how he spends many hours outside planting as well as tending to the already planted almond trees throughout Irzaine in the Berkane province, Oujda region. He proudly walked us through one of the fields with growing trees

The Free Trade Agreement Affirms Environmental Protection


By Hajar Ennamli and Amy Zhang Marrakesh, Morocco On June 15th, 2004, Morocco and the United States signed their free trade agreement. In addition to removing informational frictions and trade barriers between them, these countries committed to sustainable environmental protection through consistent enforcement and administration of environmental laws.  In the environmental chapter, the two nations

My Work with HAF – HA3, Social Media and Tourism for Development

By Jamal Sebnat July 11, 2015 Jamal Sebnat reflects on his first two months as an intern with the High Atlas Foundation, specifically his work with High Atlas Agriculture and Artisanal. As an Intern at the High Atlas Foundation, the months May and June have been very enriching for me. I have participated in various

“Human Development in the Arab Spring” – Foreign Policy Journal

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir July 11, 2015 The implications of decentralization for societies in the context of human development. The Arab Spring signals a time of great potential to address the primary challenge currently facing governments and people in the Middle East and North Africa: to advance human development at a hitherto unseen pace and

The Peace Corps in the Arab Spring

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir July 15, 2015 Dr. Ben-Meir discusses the Peace Corps and its untapped potential for the Arab Spring and for international development as a whole. While typical two-year Peace Corps volunteer assignments are likely prohibitive in many Arab Spring countries, Peace Corps Response, the agency’s program for shorter, specialized assignments is perhaps

Reflections of Throne Day 2015

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF President July 31, 2015 Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir reflects on this year’s Throne Day by recognizing King Mohammed VI’s promotion of sustainable development and the potential for progress in not just Morocco, but all of the Arab Spring countries. Morocco’s experience during this tumultuous time in the region is largely due

The High Atlas Foundation August Newsletter

August 10, 2015 The High Atlas Foundation’s August Newsletter features updates on the HOUSE OF LIFE initiative, as well as Sami’s Project and the “Baby Booties” initiative in the Tassa Ouirgane community. High Atlas Foundation’s Commitment to Action HOUSE OF LIFE is an innovative agricultural initiative whose implications are broad and resonate acutely with current

Sharing HAF & HA3 Success in Essaouira

August 14, 2015 By Hannah Rickard, Intern HAF interns travel to Essaouira to donate some of HA3’s own walnut oil to members of the culturally diverse HAF community.   (Date of Essaouira trip: 08/5/15) Escaping from the heat of Marrakech, HAF intern for technological and social media initiatives, Miranda LaBrash, and intern for multicultural initiatives,

Participatory Democratic Planning and Project Management, Boujdour Province

August 31, 2015 The following text (translated from Arabic) discusses the most recent democratic planning workshop in Boujdour Province, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The workshop is part of a 12-month training program for 40 members of local civil society organizations. Training In Boujdour: August 6, 2015 Location: Associative Space Time: Half

UNDP Launches Storytelling Contest to Amplify Climate Coverage on the Run up to Paris Summit

September 7, 2015 The following press release comes from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The release is also available in French and Arabic. Geneva, Switzerland UNDP has launched today a global story-telling contest, Voices2Paris, to contribute to raising public awareness on the negative impacts of climate change as well as on the opportunities and solutions seen in actions

Socrates in the Classroom and the Community Hall

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF president September 28, 2015 Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir explains the importance of a collaborative, sustainable approach to human development, which enables communities, assisted by trained facilitators, to plan their own projects. Socrates, I imagine, might well have found himself at home at a modern-day community meeting, during which local people discuss the

Tapping the Market for Blanched Almonds: A Value-Added Opportunity for Rural Moroccan Communities?

By Ida Sophie Winter September 28, 2015 The following blog post details how the High Atlas Foundation is helping rural Moroccan communities reap the benefits of value-added almond processing.   The High Atlas Foundation and 693 rural High Atlas families have produced 100 tons of almonds this year, many of which are grown on over 100

HAF’s Gender Perspective

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF President September 28, 2015 Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir discusses the goals of Gender and Development (GAD) and HAF’s work on gender empowerment in Morocco. Gender and Development (or Gender Empowerment) refers to measures needed to give women more control over their lives.  Among the goals of GAD is increasing women’s participation in

UN statement submitted by HAF

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF president October 5, 2015 The following statement was written by HAF president Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir for the UN Economic and Social Council. The statement discusses the importance of strengthening the means by which nations can implement the overall sustainable development global vision. We believe people’s participation, capacity building amongst stakeholders, cultural sensitivity

A Celebration of Haf’s House of Life Project and 15 Years of Development

On October 22, 2015 the United States Ambassador to the Kingom of Morocco, Mr. Dwight Bush, hosted in his Rabat home, Villa America, a reception to celebrate the human development work of the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco. The special gathering included 100 guests from different walks of life but who all share a dedication to