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Even a Stone Can Make a Change

Written by Khomenko Ekaterina HAF Volunteer Land degradation is a large issue for Morocco. The Atlas Mountains dominate the central part of the country, explaining why much of the landscape is mountainous with slopes that gradually transition into plateaus and valleys, which are very dry during the summer. Even such, dry areas can be made

Hydro-Panels: One Great IDEA

By Stefano Dessena HAF Intern What can you do when one cannot count on the abundance of natural resources? You can count on the insights of creative people, and that is our case. This time one great idea can help a lot of people in need and can change their lives. The access to clean

Oujda —> Bouarfa

Georgina Kenchington HAF Volunteer Quote of the day: mother nature is most definitely in charge here. Approximately 270 kilometers, or 3.5 hours drive from Oujda lies Bouarfa, the destination of my first experience with cooperatives as a volunteer with the High Atlas Foundation. More specifically, the Farmer-to-Farmer USAID Project, which aims to harness the potential

Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSP) as a Facilitating Tool for the Process of Ndcs in the Arab Region

By Imane Akhezzane Project Manager As a part of a multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSP) project on renewable energy in Morocco, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) facilitated a conference of Climate Action Network – Arab World in Rabat on September 1st, under the topic: Current State of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Review in the Arab Region Towards

My Impression from a Visit at the Pomegranate Cooperative at Awlad Abdallah, Beni Mellal

By Yaniv Teitel HAF Intern, graduate student at the Glocal program I got the chance to join HAF’s Farmer-to-Farmer staff on their first meeting with the Pomegranate Cooperative at Awlad Abdallah. Farmer-to-Farmer is a capacity-building program that HAF is conducting in rural areas in Morocco as part of a partnership with USAID. It was a

Planting Trees to Support Community Growth

By Isabel Clark World Challenge Team Member As part of my World challenge trip to Morocco I was expecting to work on a local initiative in the Tizian village but I never realised how rewarding the experience would be. On the 7th of July my World challenge team and I said ‘Salam’ to Morocco. We

In the Hospitality of Haf Nurseries

By Hajiba Boumasmar HAF Intern I had the pleasure of accompanying Said, HAF Project Manager; Hassan, an assistant; and Tobi, a teacher at United World Colleges, on two nursery visits in the Marrakech region. As someone who has always been passionate about agriculture and the environment, the nursery visits had a positive impact on my

A Kick-off for a Decentralized Energy Transition

By Alissa Brenn HAF intern and graduate student at Zurich University of Applied Sciences The Kingdom of Morocco has set high goals: According to the country’s energy strategy, 52% of its energy needs should be met through renewable means of energy production by 2030. However, the ultimate goal in the age of climate change is

The Way to Prove Yourself with Imagine Workshop

Hajiba Boumasmar HAF Intern I was fortunate to participate in the four-day Imagine empowerment workshop from the 5th to the 8th of August with HAF trainer Ibtisam and her colleague Rachida. The workshop targeted the women of Ghammat in their process of forming the Cooperative of Chaabat Ghamat for Bees. The workshop was aimed to

Dans L’hospitalite Des Pepinieres De HAF

Hajiba Boumasmar HAF Intern, University student Nous avons visitĂ© deux pĂ©piniĂšres de la rĂ©gion de Marrakech, Cette visite a eu un impact positif sur le choix de la Fondation du Haut Atlas de continuer ma carriĂšre professionnelle aprĂšs l’obtention d’un Master en biotechnologie et dĂ©veloppement durable des agro-ressources. Je suis toujours passionnĂ©e par l’agriculture et

The Power of Imagination

Carol Ma Yau Ka HAF intern, CUHK student On 27th July, I had the opportunity to visit one of HAF’s “Imagine” workshops, organized in the valley of Ourika. The workshops aim at empowering women both financially and personally, providing a space for learning, discussion and inspiration. It was the first time that Rachida, apprentice trainer

Summer School to “Meet a Leader” – Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

On July 26, 2019, Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, President of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), was invited by AFCD Foundation in Ait Ourir as a leader to give a talk about HAF’s scope, activities, and approaches to sustainable community development. The talk, which was one hour long, is a part of the agenda of a workshop

Abu Dhabi Climate Change Meeting 2019

Errachid Montassir HAF project manager “The world is facing a grave climate emergency – disruption is happening now and faster than top scientists predict,” The UN Secretary-General, Mr. Guterres also made an impassioned call for greater support to help develop the green economy. Abu Dhabi hosted the Climate Meeting on June 30th and July 1st,

Aboghlo Women’s Cooperative and Their Business Partnership

Camelia Harkousse HAF Intern On Monday July 1st, a group of students who are on a conflict resolution and peace-building class at George Mason University (GMU) and their professor, accompanied by HAF President Dr. Yossef and HAF Director of Project Ms. Amina, visited the Aboghlo women’s cooperative in T’nine Ourika. This cooperative could be stated

Accomplishing Sustainable Success Through Strategy

By Eliana Lisuzzo Development Manager Working towards any goal—large or small; individually or through a team effort—requires an action plan that will lead to achievement. Particularly for large-scale, simultaneous projects such as those the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and its partners facilitate in communities throughout Morocco, detailing an approach to implementation is vital. On June

Tassa Ouirgane: The Village of Unity and Satisfaction. (Tue 11-06-2019)

By Amine Fattas HAF Volunteer The rendezvous point was the HAF office. I came early and got to meet the whole team. There were two groups: UVA Students who are in Morocco on a research program and with whom I shared a bus, and the Envoys, high schoolers who were on a school trip. As

Essaouira: The Small City Where Three Religious Communities Have Lived in Peac

By Fatima ZAHRA LAHRIRE HAF Volunteer In order to promote and preserve the multicultural past that Morocco is known by, HAF has taken immediate action in partnership with local communities. These actions aim to protect the endemic tolerance and peace in Morocco and the long coexistence between the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities. The mission

Presenting at the Forum : « Economy and Competitiveness of the Mediterranean »

Clarisse ESPIL Intern at the HAF On Monday, the 29th of April, the HAF was invited to the “Economy and Competitiveness of the Mediterranean” forum as part of the Summit of the Two Rivers. This forum was organised by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC). The challenges concerned economic development but also competitiveness in

Advancing Women’s Empowerment and Environment Conservation in Tassa Ouirgane

By Elouahsoussi Rachid HAF Volunteer On the 9th of April, the High Atlas Foundation team visited the Village of Tassa Ouirgane (in the Al Haouz province) in order to conduct environmental activities with women and children. Girls and women, who are planning their own cooperative for medicinal plants and local natural products, are highly motivated

A Diverse Constellation of Projects in Morocco

French version Dear Friends, My name is Martine Roberts and I am the newest member of the Board of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF). I am writing to you from Marrakech, Morocco, where I have spent the last month immersing myself in HAF’s mission and current initiatives. As a Moroccan-American woman, I am honored and

The Environmental Challenge in AĂŻt Ourir

Clarisse ESPIL and Kerstin Opfer This Friday, April 13, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team composed of Kerstin Opfer (operations manager), Errachid Montassir (project manager), Ilyas Dkhrissi (social network manager, photographer and film director), Hassan Ait Ouatouch (coordinator between the HAF and local populations) and myself (intern at the HAF), went to AĂŻt Ourir. We

Haf Enables Dental Care in the Marrakech Region with « Kids »

Clarisse ESPIL intern at the High Atlas Foundation On Monday, April 22, 2019, the HAF visited three schools in the province of Rhamna in the Marrakech region, two in the commune of AĂŻt Taleb and one in the village of Bouchan, this time with the theme of health. Which subject in particular? The oral health

Sois L’ami De L’environnement !

Clarisse ESPIL                                                                                                                                                                                stagiaire Ă  « High atlas Foundation » Ce mardi 9 avril 2019, la HAF s’est rendue Ă  Tassa Ouirgane, une commune qui se situe dans les montagnes de l’Atlas Ă  90 kilomĂštres de Marrakech afin d’y rĂ©aliser une activitĂ© sous le thĂšme de l’environnement.  Le but de cette visite en partenariat avec le Programme

Les Objectifs De Developpement Durable Ne Pourront Etre Atteints sans Le Concours De La Societe Civile

Par Peter J. Jacques La vie et la mort de communautĂ©s entiĂšres dĂ©pendent de la rĂ©alisation des 17 objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable (les ODD) adoptĂ©s Ă  l’unanimitĂ© par les Nations Unies en 2015, dont l’éradication de la pauvretĂ©, la conservation des forĂȘts et la lutte contre le changement climatique. Prenons, Ă  titre d’exemple, le peuple autochtone

Exploring Three Organic Tree Nurseries in Al Haouz

Youssef Moussaoui HAF Volunteer On Thursday, the 28th of March, the team of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) visited with HAF Board Member Martine Roberts the nurseries of Akrich, Imegdal, and Tadmamt. Our first stop was the Akrich nursery where HAF planted over 30,000 almond and fig seeds. Talking about the ways to preserve and

Former Fulbright Scholars Visit Haf

By Yossef Ben-Meir HAF President The High Atlas Foundation had the great pleasure to welcome former Fulbright Scholars from the United States to its office in Marrakech. It was a great feeling to be together, people with the shared commitment to utilize opportunities for research and education to measurably move forward the people’s development.  Our

Distribution D’arbre Argan Aux CoopĂ©ratives FĂ©minines À Essaouira Avec FrĂ© Skincare

Moussa SidibĂ© BĂ©nĂ©vole FHA, 15 FĂ©vrier 2019 Une nouvelle journĂ©e, une nouvelle destination qui cette fois-ci se trouve ĂȘtre la province si hospitaliĂšre et chaleureuse d’Essaouira loin de la ville rouge de Marrakech. Une bonne partie des membres du staff de l’ONG High Atlas Foundation et moi y compris se sont alors rendus sur les

Here’s What Makes a Day in Tassa Ouirgane Exceptional!

by Fatima Zahra LAHRIRE HAF Volunteer Early morning on Tuesday, February 19th, we went to Tassa Ouirgane passing by the magnificent view of snowy mountain peaks, wildflowers, and small hills. At a distance of approximately 70 kilometers from the ochre city, Marrakech, the Tassa Ouirgane village stands in its beautiful Azzaden valley. The day started

Students and Interns Publish with the High Atlas Foundation

Work-study students, interns, and volunteers of the High Atlas Foundation have opportunities to analyze development as it is experienced in rural and urban communities, by farmers, women, youth, and people of all backgrounds.  We also give the students and volunteers the encouragement and support that they need in order to write their observations, improve upon their writing,

Pmbf Funds Sustainable Development Research Project in Morocco

Peter Jacques, Ph.D., Professor UCF Political Science Department The Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research & Studies (PMBF) has matched funds awarded to UCF Political Science Professor Peter Jacques to conduct a research project looking at sustainable development, water, and food security in Morocco. Jacques, who is partnering with the Marrakesh-based High Atlas