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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Q&A with HAF President Yossef Ben-Meir about HAF’s Carbon Sequestration Model

By HAF Team Approximately 100,000 almond, walnut, and cherry saplings grow in the Tadmamt nursery on land lent in-kind by the Department of Water and Forests – Marrakech-Safi. HAF has ambitions to enhance the monitoring of its trees, measure carbon sequestration at a scientifically and socially responsible standard, and promote reinvestment back into the sustainable

Climate Change, its Relationship to Afforestation, and the Contribution of the High Atlas Foundation

Arabic version Written by Youssef Taheri, HAF Volunteer Translated from Arabic by Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator A photo exemplifying the effect of climate change What is meant by climate change? The concept of climate change is generally defined as the changes that occur at the level of the climate with a rise in

A Gathering Among Partners for Opportunities in Fes

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir President, HAF On April 9, the High Atlas Foundation and the University Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes shared together a wonderfully memorable afternoon with the United States Chargé d’Affaires, David Greene, and his colleagues from the U.S. Embassy and USAID. The purpose of our gathering was to discuss the

In the Hospitality of Sidi Kaouki

By Safae Ben Karroum HAF Program Coordinator Members of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy met with the HAF to plant trees as part of their initiative “The Social Solidarity Project to Reduce the Negative Effects of the Covid-19 Virus.” Since its establishment in 2000, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has witnessed continuous growth and success in

A Baraka Day: The High Atlas Foundation Signs A Partnership Agreement with Cadi Ayyad University

Sanae Benaadim HAF Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Dr.Yossef Ben-Meir and President Moulay Lahcen Hbid signed the partnership agreement at Wilaya of Marrakech. On Friday, March 27, I was honored to accompany my colleagues, the President of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir,  and HAF Program Assistant, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, to the regional

Visite de Monsieur David Greene, Chargé d’Affaires de l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Maroc, à la Clinique Juridique de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah à Fès

Par : Nabil Bouagba – Coordinateur de programmes L’Université de Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah Fès (USMBA) et la Fondation du Haut Atlas (HAF) ont eu l’honneur, vendredi 9 avril, d’accueillir M. David Green, Chargé d’Affaires des Etats-Unis d’Amérique à Rabat et membres du corps diplomatique américain, accompagné du président de l’université et du doyen de

Unfavorable Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Morocco

Why Morocco Must Address Climate Change’s Threats to Water Resources, Morocco World News, By Megan Williams and Megan Sprotte HAF-UVA Interns. Megan Sprotte and Megan Williams HAF-UVA Interns Climate change is impacting water resources in Morocco, creating aggravated conditions as a result of both the environmental characteristics and social vulnerability that are present in the

The Decentralization of Renewable Energies: Youssoufia, a City with Potential

By Zainab Hachoumi HAF Volunteer A meeting of the MSP steering committee members with the citizens of Youssoufia, March 2021. Youssoufia is one of the rapidly growing provinces in the region of Marrakech-Safi. It is known for its phosphate production, crafts, and traditional textiles. The area where it is located allows it to have a

Decentralization of Renewable Energies: Akrich is the First Step of Many

By Zainab Hachoumi, HAF Intern Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator The general assembly of the Moroccan Platform for the Decentralization of Renewable Energies visiting Akrich. The High Atlas Foundation together with GermanWatch and the steering committee of the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Project (MSP) have been carrying out their work on the decentralization of renewable energies

The Power of Trees for a Sustainable Future

Bezawit Mesfin Bogale HAF-UVA Intern  Trees play a vital role in preserving the environment for generations. The environment is key for survival in terms of not only health but also association with one another in our community. It is known that trees give off oxygen, reduce the amount of stormwater, provide natural habitat, and contribute

Achieving Environmental and Economic Sustainability Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management

Shivani Lakshman HAF-UVA Intern The Moroccan government recently laid out a new forestry strategy intended to meet five major goals: sustain natural resources in forests and National Parks, engage local users in forest management, promote rural development, strengthen forests’ productive potential, and preserve biodiversity (Ministre de l’Agriculture). By 2030, Morocco aims to restore 133,000 hectares

FENELEC: Renewable Energy in a Moroccan Jewish Community-Managed Nursery

Kaoutar Ait Lahaj Social Media Program Coordinator On Sunday, February 20, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation inaugurated the solar water pumping system at our Akrich nursery. We are grateful to our partner FENELEC for donating the system and for their commitment  to promoting renewable energy solutions in Morocco.  On February 28, 2021, the High Atlas

Love Your Mother (Language)


Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, Katie Bercegeay, and Sofia Ashooh A mother language is the language of the heart. This Mother Language Day the High Atlas Foundation celebrates the people of Morocco and recognizes the importance of human connection and understanding to achieve sustainable development. We are able to express ourselves in our mother language unlike any

Climate Literacy: Educating the next Generation for an Environmental Revolution


Earthday’s Climate Literacy webinar  announcement During the last week of September, the Earth Day organization held a webinar entitled “Igniting Climate Literacy: Creating a Citizenry Ready and Willing to Act Now and Build a Sustainable Economic Future” to celebrate the 50th annual Earth Day. Organizers of the event gathered notable panelists from around the world

Cool News in a Warming World: Why Invest in Future Forests

Cool News in a Warming World: Why Invest in Future Forests, Daily News, By Finn Grundmann. HAF Volunteer, Plant Enthusiast, and Scientific Assistant in Ecosystem Restoration Projects Forests capture more than carbon. While through the mechanism of photosynthesis, plants are experts at retrieving carbon dioxide from the air, they have also perfected strategies to retain

Reaching Climate Justice

Arabic version A photo taken by Ilyas Dkhissi during a participatory approach meeting with men and women farmers in Fquih Ben Salah province – Beni Mellal region, on Sep, 4th 2019 For decades, climate change has been left to scientists – and they, to their credit, have given us the strong indication we need that

My First Experience with Haf

HAF Volunteer On January 15, my journey with Nora to Toubkal Mountains began with much enthusiasm and excitement. On the first day, we headed to the first village, “Missour,” where we felt very welcomed. We tried to create a comfortable environment for families, make the communication as smooth as possible, and establish a good atmosphere

Let’s Make It Green on January 20th: High Atlas Foundation Will Plant Thousands of Trees

– Let’s make it green on January 20th: High Atlas Foundation will Plant Thousands of Trees, The Policy Times, 18 January 2020. MARRAKECH, Morocco – Jan. 10, 2020 – As the new year begins, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) would like to invite Moroccan communities to aid in the planting of thousands of trees on Monday,

Planning for Planting Day

By Professor Ellen Hernandez HAF Volunteer The High Atlas Foundation’s office in Marrakech is a beehive of activity. I am a new volunteer who arrived in Morocco yesterday and already met with office staff. Today, I have been invited to return to meet Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, the HAF president, and I have just entered during

Strategic Planning Training Summary

Karam-Yane Azzabi, Tahannaout HAF Financial Manager From 25 to 27 November 2019, in Tahannaout (Al Haouz province, Morocco), several public sector actors local association representatives participated in a strategic planning training session along with High Atlas Foundation (HAF) members Amina El Hajjami (Project Director) and Karam-Yane Azzabi (Financial Manager). This event was sponsored by Morocco’s

Climate Change, Environmental Laws and Environmental Decision-Making Workshop in Mohamed Vi High School

By Karam Yane Azzabi HAF Project Manager As part of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) project activities, Imane and I – respectively the OES project manager and the OES coordinator in the High Atlas Foundation –  went to the Mohammed VI Technical High School in Marrakech on Friday 27th of

Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco’s Sustainable Development

– Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco’s Sustainable Development, Journal of Global initiatives, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 15 November 2019. Abstract This essay explores the vast potential for participatory and sustainable human development in Morocco. Though Morocco is a country with many diverse resources, it remains burdened by severe levels of poverty and illiteracy, and

It’s the Time to Plant Trees

Dear Friend, The year has almost reached its end. For HAF, it’s the time to plant trees. Planting trees with farming families and schools in Morocco is an act of empowering recognition and strategic development. It acknowledges the priorities of rural communities and is a vehicle for people’s driven change and transformation. With complete hope

Climate Change Sensitisation and Adaptation: Planning in Zagora

By Kerstin Opfer Operations Manager North Africa is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change and characterised by severe environmental degradation. This compromises already scarce natural resources and thereby the countries’ economic performance, which is heavily dependent on natural capital such as agriculture, phosphates, mineral resources and fisheries. This in turn also

Presenting at the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference 2019

By Kerstin Opfer HAF’s Operations Manager We are living in a time where humankind faces an unprecedented challenge – it is the warmest it has ever been on earth since human presence. The dangers of climate change are known since the 1980s but a lack of will and societal awareness has inhibited the necessary vigorous

2020 Summer Program: HAF and the University of Virginia

Dear Friend, We at the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) wish you a happy end of year and a fulfilling year ahead This Newsletter is an expression of our appreciation for the students from the University of Virginia (UVA) and elsewhere who spent the last two summers with us and will hopefully join us for summers

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations Dear Friend, This Newsletter presents the sustainable development work of the High Atlas Foundation and our fulfilling the Special Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that we have enjoyed since 2011. We are facilitators of development that local communities of Morocco seek, and

Climate Protection and Sustainability as the Greatest Global Challenge Un Climate Action Summit – New York

Errachid Montassir HAF Project Manager The challenges facing our world at the moment are highly complex, and they are going to affect us all sooner or later: climate change, dwindling natural resources and scarcities of fresh water and foodstuffs. One thing seems clear: we must not waste any more time discussing the problems we are

Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in Morocco and Jordan – High Atlas Foundation

By Imane Akhezzane Project Manager The Small Grants project of the High Atlas Foundation, which is funded by the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs within the U.S. Department of States aims to encourage the development of innovative, sustainable environmental projects that encourage local sustainable resource management and engage civil society to

Cherries in Morocco

By Stefano Dessena HAF Volunteer                             Cherry cultivation in Morocco offers almost 15,000 tons of this fruit every year putting the country on the 25th spot in the global producers’ scoreboard.[1] The main production areas are in the High Atlas Mountains and