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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Women Who Moved the Mountain in Tassa Ouirgane

French Version  El Hassane Ahmatay, HAF Volunteer Celebrated on December 11th each year, International Mountain Day is an opportunity to highlight the riches and vulnerabilities of high altitude territories, as well as the role of women in the mountains for sustainable development. Morocco, which has major mountain ranges that have shaped its history and identity, is

Les Femmes Ont Fait Bouger La Montagne A Tassa Ouirgane

English Version Par: El Hassane Ahmatay Le 11 décembre de chaque année, le monde entier célèbre la Journée internationale de la Montagne, qui est toujours une occasion pour mettre en relief les richesses et les vulnérabilités des territoires en haute altitude, ainsi que le rôle de la femme montagnarde pour le développement durable. Notre pays,

La journée internationale de la fille le 11 Octobre

By Majda Stitou La journée internationale de la fille est un événement international déclaré par les Nations Unies le 11 octobre de chaque année. L’objectif principal de cette occasion est de soutenir les priorités de base afin de protéger les droits des filles, leur offrir plus d’opportunités pour une vie meilleure, et sensibiliser quant à

ICEQ Conference 2022: A look at current and future approaches on education and sustainable development

by Noah Kohlmayer HAF Intern On Friday the 11th of March, I attended the fifth annual international conference on education quality hosted and organized by the University Ibn Zohr of Agadir. The invited speakers’ talks I heard were focused on the general topic of “national and local policy initiatives.” This set’s chair was Ms. Nena

Education for Sustainable Development

Arabic version By Amina El Hajjami, Program Director The High Atlas Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) together launched the two-year project “Promoting Civil Society-University Engagement” in October 2021 with Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) in Marrakech. A specific partnership agreement was signed in January 2021 with the Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social

Morocco, Education, and Empowerment

By Ellen Hernandez, HAF Writer/Editor Imagine Empowerment Workshop Photo: HAF Imagine Trainers 24 January 2022—On this International Day of Education, we recognize that education is a human right. We reflect on the role of schooling in all communities of the world, not just in the most developed countries and not just in the most affluent

International Day of the Girl Child, 2021

By Sarah Whiteside, UVA-HAF Intern On October 11, 2021, the United Nations will be joined by other UN agencies, NGOs, and CSOs to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child to promote the advancement of female rights across the world. The origins of this global celebration began in 1995 at the World Conference on


Hanna Hassan HAF-UVA Intern My first ever class at university was called Comparative Politics, and for reasons I will explain, I don’t think it’ll ever be a class that I will forget. I remember walking into the mostly full lecture hall on the first day of classes, after having gotten lost in the building. As

Harnessing Science for Sustainable Agriculture

By Samirah Jaigirdar A fruit tree nursery managed by members of the Aguerzrane Women’s Cooperative in Morocco’s High Atlas, a project that has benefited from the expertise provided by the USAID-F2F Volunteer Program (HAF, July 2021). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to achieve

Academia Has An Obligation to Serve

By Kristin O’Donoghue Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds education as a right to which every individual is entitled. The opportunity to attend an institute of higher learning and improve one’s position in society, however, is available only to those who can afford it. In most nations, the cost of education

Education: the Key to Unlock the Door to Freedom

Education: the Key to Unlock the Door to Freedom, Modern Ghana. by Professor Ellen Hernandez On Saturday, June 19, 2021, Americans officially recognized “Juneteenth” as a national holiday. Most Americans understand the holiday to be a celebration of the end of slavery brought about by the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment. However, the day is actually

Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops

– Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops, Modern Ghana. By Carlie Daniel HAF-UVA Intern Heart disease is a prevalent chronic disease in Morocco and has been one of the leading causes of death over the last 10 years. Heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes, but people must be made aware of the

Comparative Service-Learning: Particularities, Transcendent Themes, and Lessons Learned

Tahi Wiggins Student, University of Virginia For all the attention given to service-learning, the concept is extremely broad and can include an enormous diversity of experiences. I am passionate about the essentiality of service learning and have sought out several such experiences. In this article, I will compare three of my own service-learning experiences, analyzing

A Gathering Among Partners for Opportunities in Fes

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir President, HAF On April 9, the High Atlas Foundation and the University Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes shared together a wonderfully memorable afternoon with the United States Chargé d’Affaires, David Greene, and his colleagues from the U.S. Embassy and USAID. The purpose of our gathering was to discuss the

A Baraka Day: The High Atlas Foundation Signs A Partnership Agreement with Cadi Ayyad University

Sanae Benaadim HAF Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Dr.Yossef Ben-Meir and President Moulay Lahcen Hbid signed the partnership agreement at Wilaya of Marrakech. On Friday, March 27, I was honored to accompany my colleagues, the President of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir,  and HAF Program Assistant, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, to the regional

Visite de Monsieur David Greene, Chargé d’Affaires de l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Maroc, à la Clinique Juridique de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah à Fès

Par : Nabil Bouagba – Coordinateur de programmes L’Université de Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah Fès (USMBA) et la Fondation du Haut Atlas (HAF) ont eu l’honneur, vendredi 9 avril, d’accueillir M. David Green, Chargé d’Affaires des Etats-Unis d’Amérique à Rabat et membres du corps diplomatique américain, accompagné du président de l’université et du doyen de

The High Atlas Foundation and University Cadi Ayyad Sign a Partnership Agreement

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF President On Friday, March 26, 2021, Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) President Professor Moulay Lhassan Hbid and myself, HAF’s President Yossef Ben-Meir, signed a partnership agreement at the Wilaya of Marrakech-Safi. Also in attendance were Dr. Driss Ouaouicha, the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education in Morocco, and the Wali

Youth and Environment: Tree planting with schools in Ouezzane province

Karam-Yane Azzabi HAF Program Coordinator It was with great enthusiasm that we – Karam-Yane Azzabi and Mohamed El Kadiri – travelled to Ouezzane on March 12th, in order to distribute trees to schools in the area.  As soon as we arrived, we were received by the Provincial Director of the Ministry of National Education. Our

Women’s Empowerment: Growing Seeds of Self-Discovery in Morocco


– تمكين المرأة: زراعة البذور ورحلة اكتشاف الذات في المغرب, Deyar Al Naqab. Caption: The participants doing “twinkles” (in lieu of applause) in Achbaro for Lalla Nezha after presenting her affirmation.  Women’s empowerment is a key to having a successful and bright future for Morocco. The IMAGINE Program’s main objective is to help women discover

HAF Proposals That Integrate Interfaith, Multiculturalism and Development


Here are six intercultural and interfaith projects in Morocco for which the High Atlas Foundation has full proposals. These projects will assist marginalized communities in meeting their livelihood needs, and embody the Moroccan government’s approach for integrating multiculturalism and local development: Restore four Jewish cemeteries (two in Marrakech region, one in Beni Mellal-Khenifra region and one

Global Handwashing Day: A Day to Celebrate Healthy Hygiene


Program Coordinator The world is currently suffering from a major pandemic, and the most effective way to control its spread is through healthy hygienic practices — regular hand-washing, the use of face masks, and social distancing. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has made October 15 one of the most important days of celebration this year: Global

Haf: 20 Years for the Fulfillment of the Moroccan People


President of the High Atlas Foundation The guiding principle of the High Atlas Foundation over its life of twenty years has remained fixed: sustainability is a function of people’s control over the development that improves their lives. Projects by and for local communities are what is sustainable. This principle has always been both our heartbeat

Haf’s Fruit Tree Nurseries Vision: Fes Province

Tree Monitoring Officer Caption: HAF nurseries, Fes province: tree-planting  skills build good members of society The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) uses land given in-kind by the High Commissioner of Water and Forests and the Fight Against Desertification, local associations, and cooperatives around Morocco to establish organic fruit tree nurseries which provide sustainable projects for the

Integrations Revealed by Participation

There are a number of reasons that explain the ascendency over decades, and now the mainstream, of participatory approaches to meaningful development. We often see that when people decide upon the project or change that they most want, that they will give their energy and time to help ensure its continuity and success. We widely

International Women’s Day

HAF President At the High Atlas Foundation with our community partners, we have learned together that empowered people have self-belief, experience depths of self-discovery, and have capacities and confidence to assess and then make decisions. Empowered people forge and implement plans of actions for development that are considerate of a range of social and environmental

Men ‘Imagine’

From February 20th to the 23rd, the High Atlas Foundation conducted a training of trainers with 30 men, 23 of whom came from 4 cooperatives targeted by the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. They were trained in conducting baseline assessments, including empowering methods for envisioning the future and projects of most importance to them, and creating action

L’expérience De Formation De La Clinique Juridique De La Perspective D’un Étudiant

Étudiant chercheur « Master Juriste d’affaires » Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales de Fès  Faire partie d’une formation qui s’achèvera par la naissance d’une clinique juridique est d’une importance fondamentale et ce pour plusieurs considérations ; mais avant de les décortiquer, je me présente, AININE Mohamed, vingt-deux ans, étudiant en deuxième année Master « Juriste d’affaires » à


HAF Intern This is the story of Selma, a little girl who is 11 years-old. She is one the 38% of the population who live in the rural areas, and of the mere 26% of girls living there who go to school. She lives in a small village in the heights of the Atlas Mountains,

Giving Today for Better Days

Dear Friend, There are fantastic reasons to give today to the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco: Women’s empowerment and girls’ education uplift our life’s fabric and are absolutely real outcomes of our work with families and communities. Fruit tree agriculture, building cooperatives, certifying organic, and processing food products for local and global sales form a

International Day of Childhood

By Anna Ugolini HAF Volunteer On November 20th the International Day of Childhood and Adolescence Rights is celebrated throughout the world. The date reminds us of the day when the United Nations General Assembly adopted in 1989 the Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents and more than 190 countries have ratified it. The

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