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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Seeding New Projects for the 2019 Planting Season

Manon Burbidge HAF Intern- Marrakech Lund University, Sweden January is the traditional tree-planting season in Morocco, meaning that right now, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is gearing up to take on new tree-planting project ideas that are springing up across the country. Last week, I joined Errachid, HAF’s project manager, on his site visits to

Beyond Cultural and Religious Boundaries

By Professor Afaf Hamzaoui  Faculty of Languages, Arts and Human Sciences in Ait Melloul Dr. Yossef Ben- Meir, president of High Atlas Foundation and he is one of my best friends, asked me if I would like to meet a group of American-Jewish ladies who would like to know about the Moroccan historical background as

Interview with President of the High Atlas Foundation, Yossef Ben-Meir, ph.d.

This interview was conducted by Hajar Ennamli, a student of the National School of Commerce and Management in Oujda, with Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, president of the High Atlas Foundation. 29th October 2018 Q: Tell me a little about your negotiation experiences? A: One can make the case that community development is ultimately a negotiation challenge. Can

Fulfilling Moroccan Development Visions

    By Fatima Zahra Laaribi HAF Financial Manager and Women’s Empowerment Trainer The event “Fulfilling Moroccan Development Visions,” held the 9th of October 2018, began with expressions of gratitude to The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) for organizing such an important gathering. Gratitude was extended to all staff members of the Mohammed VI Museum for

HAF Integrates Cultural Preservation and Human Development

By Eliana Lisuzzo HAF Project Assistant The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is a United States-Moroccan nonprofit organization committed to facilitating community-identified initiatives that catalyze sustainable human development in Morocco. One initiative we are extremely proud of is Cemetery Preservation in Essaouira that rehabilitates Jewish cemeteries and makes them more welcoming for families and visitors, to

Muslim-Jewish Goodwill Blossoms in Morocco

– Muslim-Jewish goodwill blossoms in Morocco, Qantara, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 19 September 2018. • Arabic: Qantara, 23 September 2018. • German: Qantara, 27 September 2018. The High Atlas Foundationʹs fruit tree nursery project Since 2012, the Moroccan Jewish community has been helping local farmers by donating land around ancient cemeteries for the planting of fruit tree nurseries. The aim:

The Impact of Training in the Oriental Region


By Ibtissam Niri HAF Empowerment Facilitator Our workshops for cooperative-building efforts in the Oriental Region may have finished weeks ago, but the process for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF)–joined this week by the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)–to follow up with its impact on participants continues. One year of preparation, 35 cooperatives, six provinces,

The Impact of Cooperative-Building Training on New Cooperatives’ Development and the Individuals Who Lead Them


Khalid (left) tells HAF about the challenges of starting a new cooperative and the solutions he and fellow Alaymoune members identified as a result of attending HAF’s training. By Eliana Lisuzzo Project Assistant The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) staff has met many driven Moroccan people with big plans to make a difference in their lives

Celebrating Sixteen Years of Glory with the Moroccan-Jewish Community

By Hannah Rickard, Intern for Multicultural Initiatives August 6, 2015 HAF team members attend the annual Throne Day party as guests of the president of the Jewish Community of Marrakesh-Essaouira, Mr. Jacky Kadoch. On a warm, breezy evening on Tuesday, July 28th, High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Interim Executive Director/Director of Development Jacqueline Seeley, Communications Assistant

Sharing HAF & HA3 Success in Essaouira

August 14, 2015 By Hannah Rickard, Intern HAF interns travel to Essaouira to donate some of HA3’s own walnut oil to members of the culturally diverse HAF community.   (Date of Essaouira trip: 08/5/15) Escaping from the heat of Marrakech, HAF intern for technological and social media initiatives, Miranda LaBrash, and intern for multicultural initiatives,

Experiencing Moroccan Diversity – past and Present

By Caroline Hoffmann, Report & Public Information Officer September 8, 2015 The following post describes a visit by American high school students to cemeteries in Essaouira, for the purpose of developing an understanding of Morocco’s rich history. American high school students on scholarship to study Arabic toured the historic Christian and Jewish cemeteries in Essaouira

Tapping the Market for Blanched Almonds: A Value-Added Opportunity for Rural Moroccan Communities?

By Ida Sophie Winter September 28, 2015 The following blog post details how the High Atlas Foundation is helping rural Moroccan communities reap the benefits of value-added almond processing.   The High Atlas Foundation and 693 rural High Atlas families have produced 100 tons of almonds this year, many of which are grown on over 100

A Celebration of Haf’s House of Life Project and 15 Years of Development

On October 22, 2015 the United States Ambassador to the Kingom of Morocco, Mr. Dwight Bush, hosted in his Rabat home, Villa America, a reception to celebrate the human development work of the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco. The special gathering included 100 guests from different walks of life but who all share a dedication to

A Culminating Event at Villa America

By Elle Houby, HAF Development member October 27, 2015 Last week, on the evening of October 22, 2015, around one hundred guests gathered at Villa America, the U.S. Ambassador Dwight L. Bush’s residence in Rabat to celebrate a milestone for the High Atlas Foundation. In 2000, former Peace Corps volunteers founded the HAF with a vision

An Evening for Morocco’s Future

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir October 28, 2015 HAF president Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir expresses his gratitude for last week’s event hosted by the United States Ambassador to the Kingom of Morocco, Mr. Dwight Bush, in his Rabat home, Villa America, where a reception was held to celebrate the human development work of the High Atlas Foundation

Soutenir Le Développement Économique D’une Manière Enrichissante Pour Tous

Communiqué de presse 27 janvier 2016 POUR DIFFUSION IMMEDIATE Morocco: Soutenir le développement économique d’une manière enrichissante pour tous : la Maison de Vie, une initiative interculturelle d’agriculture bio de la Fondation du Haut Atlas et de l’engagement à l’action de la Clinton Clinton Global Initiative. Monday, January 25th, 2016 – Akrich, rural commune of Tamesloht,

Partage De Liens Et Nouvelle Croissance — Le Gouverneur D’al Haouz, M. Younès El Bathaoui

A qui de droit: C’est avec plaisir que je joins le texte de l’allocution prononcée par M. Younès Al Badawi, gouverneur d’Al Haouz, le 25 janvier 2016 à la cérémonie de signature d’un engagement à l’action de la Clinton Global Initiative, à laquelle a assisté M. Dwight L. Bush, Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d’Amérique au Royaume

Opening Doors Through the Participatory Approach in Essaouira

On Saturday 24 May, our HAF colleagues Abderrahim and FatimaZahra came to Essaouira to train a team of local people in the participatory approaches used by HAF. This training took place in the context of a project which is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and which is a supplement to HAF’s work in

Supporting the Kingdom of Morocco


– Supporting the Kingdom of Morocco, transconflict, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 23 October 2016. In recent decades the Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a path that fully commits the nation to a development and civil course that is at once progressive and strongly connected to its national identity. The Moroccan model for success –

HAF and the “City of Coexistence” – Essaouira

A review of an Al Jazeera podcast By Rachid Montassir HAF Volunteer Marrakech This documentary produced by the Al Jazeera podcast channel takes us to the heart of Essaouira, which is often referred to as “the city of coexistence”. Some say that this is because of a large number of foreigners who call the city

The High Atlas Foundation and the Mimouna association organize a participatory meeting for the commune of Marrakech-Mellah

FOR INTIMIDATE RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: High Atlas Foundation and Association Mimouna Host Breakfast with Participatory Meetings for the Community of Marrakech-MellahJune 8, 2017 Contact : Fatima Zahra Laaribi Tel. (Morocco) : +212 (0) 52 442 0821 Marrakech     This Thursday, June 8, the High Atlas Foundation will jointly host a breakfast at the Synagogue Slat Lazama with the Association Mimouna and the Jewish Community

The High Atlas Foundation and Partners Facilitate Renewal of the Historic Marrakech Mellah

By Max Bone HAF Intern  Marrakesh  This past Thursday, the High Atlas Foundation, a Moroccan organization dedicated to sustainable development, and the Mimouna Association, a Moroccan organization aspiring to preserve the history of the Moroccan ancient Jewish community, joined together to find lasting project solutions for the Mellah community. Over a traditional Iftor meal, HAF

New Voices to the Old: Sprouting Progress in Marrakech’s Mellah

By Aichatou Haidara Aanya Salot HAF Interns On the 24th of May, the office of the High Atlas was brimming with a total of 91 people as the High Atlas Foundation staff and the people of Marrakech’s Mellah gathered for Iftar, the breaking of fast. Marrakech’s Mellah proves to be a religious and geographical testimony to the historic

Meet a 2015er: Yossef Ben-Meir

– Meet 2015er: Yossef Ben-Meir, U.N. Dispatch, Mythili Sampath Kumar (staff writer), 18 February 2015. This blog post is taken from an article written by Mythili Sampathkumar and published on February 18, 2015 for UN Dispatch. This is the second installment of our new “Meet a 2015er” series that profiles the women and men who are helping to

Advancing Participatory Democracy in Essaouira Province

HAF is very proud to be the recipient of an additional grant from the National Endowment for Democracy to transfer the type of training we have implemented in the community in Al Haouz Province to Essaouira Province, on Morocco’s Atlantic Coast. In order to ensure a broad geographical coverage, we plan to hold community meetings in three key locations

US Students Visit Jewish Sites in Essaouira-Mogador


On 14 July, HAF was pleased to welcome a group of US high school students, in Morocco to study Arabic to the site of our cultural heritage project in Essaouira. Over the last months, HAF and partners have been working to rehabilitate the Muslim, Christian and Jewish cemeteries of Essaouira. The group of 35 teenage students and their leaders, including Ms.