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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Seeds Then and Now in Tassa Ouirgane

HAF President In 1993, for the month before my traveling to live in the Tifnoute Valley just south of Mount Toubkal, I lived in a small house on the outer edge of the village of Tassa Ouirgane, just north of Toubkal. There, I learned conceptually the delicate balance in meeting developmental and environmental goals at

In the Face of Trial, Plant Trees

HAF President Is it hubris, that in the face of worry and challenge and fundamental concerns about the future, that we put aside from what we may have, to plant trees for a tomorrow – a benefit for a distant day? May it actually be our nature to uphold nature, even when we are confronted

Gestion De L’environnement Et Developpement Durable

Etudiante en master En partenariat avec la Fondation Crédit Agricole du Maroc pour le Développement Durable (FCAMDD), High Atlas Foundation (HAF) a lancé un programme de plantation des arbres fruitiers organiques (amandier et noyer)  et de formation des agriculteurs en techniques agricoles dans la province de Taroudant, commune de Toubkal, région Souss Massa afin d’assurer

Bottom-Up, Top down on Corona Virus, and Love for One Another

President, High Atlas Foundation Marrakech Lake Ifni in the High Atlas Mountains We have learned so far what we seek and practice: that ingenuity, faster responsiveness, and tailored solutions are driven by communities and leaders more directly around us; and that absolutely essential material and informational support come from national initiatives and leaders and global

Green Planning: From Abstraction to Reality

.التخطيط الأخضر: من التجريد إلى أرض الواقع ، بقلم :لورا هيجنز- نيل، متطوعة في مشروع: من مزارع إلى مزارع، في مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير, Al watan Voice. HAF Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer At times, contemporary development strategies can appear generic, or disconnected, with potentially very broad, vague language.  The word “Green” has been tossed around so much in

Big Delivery Taken to the Schools of Demnate

On Friday, February 28, a new international convoy made its way to Demnate: the Moroccan contingent of High Atlas Foundation staff members Imane and driver/photographer Mohammed; Asmaa, the executive assistant for Yves Rocher Morocco; Jingxin from China, a HAF Intern; and me from France, also an Intern. We were pleased to have Asmaa present to

التشجيع على التشجير والمحافظة على البيئة بجبال حوز مراكش

متدرب بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في رحلة لجبال الأطلس الكبير الغربي بحوز مراكش على ارتفاع يقارب 1700 متر فوق سطح البحر. في جبال الاطلس تعد موطنا للعديد من الأنواع النباتية والحيوانية الفريدة تقطنها ساكنة تمارس في انشطتها الاقتصادية الزراعة وتربية الماشية، وجل السكان بهذه المناطق ناطقة باللغة الأمازيغية، ولما كان الأمر كذلك باعتبار الساكنة تمارس الأنشطة

Green Week in Practice with Les Ecoles Illou

HAF Volunteer On February 28, I went on with HAF staff member Hajiba and Mohammed, another volunteer, to the Illou private school to present two workshops on global warming. We were welcomed by the Director, Mrs. Illou, before going to a classroom where we met about 30 second-year students. During the workshop, Hajiba presented the

زيارة الى جماعة أدار اقليم تارودانت نواحي اساكي مرورا بدوار أمسوزارت جماعة تفنوت

تقني ميداني مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير عند وصولنا الى دوار امسوزارت مرورا بشق وسط الوادي المليء بالاحجار والمياه, والتقينا بممثلي الجمعية والسيد ابراهيم الذي سبق ان نسقنا معه  من قبل  وقمنا بتوزيع 2300 شجرة جوز و5000 شجرة لوز و موازاتا مع ذلك اعطينا  الحاضرين مجموعة من الإرشادات حول كيفية الحفاظ  على الأشجار بوضعها في ظروف ملائمة

Nzalat Laadam : L’ecologie Qui Rassemble

FHA voluntaire Le complexe de Nzalat Laadam qui rassemble près de 800 élèves comprend des classes allant du préscolaire jusqu’au collège, dans des bâtiments très colorés où des dessins et tableaux décorent les murs. Il se trouve à près d’une heure de route au Nord de Marrakech. Nous avons été formidablement accueillis dans cet établissement.

Encouraging Pupils’ Creativity as Sustainable Future Lever

HAF Volunteers On February 26th, we, two French interns, went with Imane to the Mohammed Abed el Jabiri dar Essalam secondary school that is located on the outskirts of Marrakech. There we met the biology teacher, who welcomed us warmly. Inside her laboratory, we carefully observed the student’s pieces of work that are both posters

La Haf Participe Avec Succes a La Semaine Verte 2020 Organisee a Marrakech

FHA Stagiaire, Etudiante en Master “Gestion de l’environnemt et développement” Marrakech accueille “la semaine verte 2020”, un événement très spécial organisé par l’association des enseignants des sciences de vie et de terre AESVT du Maroc. Cet événement, organisé jusqu’au 1er mars prochain, est en partenariat avec le secteur de l’environnement, de l’eau et des forêts

Gestion De L’environnement Et Developpement Durable

FHA Stagiaire, Etudiante en Master “Gestion de l’environnemt et développement” Ecosia se dirige de nouveau dans la province d’Al Haouz L’équipe du projet Ecosia, représenté par Mme Hajiba Boumasmar a programmé une visite dans la commune de sidi Badhaj de la province d’Al Haouz dans la région de Marrakech- safi, afin de rencontrer Mr El

Nurseries in the Magical High Atlas

HAF Volunteer The rocky terrains of the High Atlas Mountains are hard to navigate even for the most seasoned motorists, but our driver Hassan, a native Amazigh, knows by heart all their twists and turns. On our way to Tadmamt, he was humming to the relaxing melodies by Johnny Cash on the radio, while guiding

A Glimpse of the High Atlas Mountains

HAF Volunteer [Jingxin Wang is a college student from China who attends school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States. She is currently on a “gap year,” volunteering with HAF.] The trip to Nzalat Laadam was just like any other. If it weren’t for the ever-so-imposing red in the background, we could easily be driving

fighting the climate change monster by raising awareness among the younger generation

HAF Intern On the morning of the February 17, 2020, I’m going to pass the day with Imane, Karam, Nic and Yossef: international HAF convoy. In the car, the music gives the rhythm to the landscapes which pass before our eyes. Linkin Park and the Norman singer Orelsan are coming on the trip. I learn

Miracle Season

Dear Friend, I have often felt that each project is a miracle, literally. When we look back during times of shared evaluation, who could have known or predicted all the roads we would take or the partners that would make each step possible. And, somehow, with the grace of so many people, hundreds of thousands

From Ghmat to Sidi Ali Afaress: Discovering Rural Morocco

HAF Intern A parade of landscapes so beautiful and amazing at the same time: it’s hard to believe that the city of Marrakech is nearby. My young, Western eye is astonished by the contrast between our noisy, oil-smelling taxi and the four women with their donkey that we pass on a very narrow path. In

Raising Awareness Among Moroccan Pupils

HAF Intern On February 14th, I went with three members of the High Atlas Foundation to a primary school near the town of El Gara in the Berrechid Province. During this day, two workshops were organized in order to raise awareness about climate change among the young generation. The first activity was aimed at having

Tifaouine Angale: An Idyllic Human-Sized Cooperative

Tifaouine Angale, in Anougal in the South of Marrakesh HAF Volunteer Down to the village of Anougal, on February 11th, the Farmer-to-Farmer team visited this women’s cooperative for the first time. On this sunny day, a dirt road is leading us to the small village of Anougal. Olive trees, mountains, rocky constructions and dry rivers

Argan Oil

HAF Friend The argan-oil trade is a large and growing industry with fierce competition for customers. With big cosmetic brands integrating argan oil into their products, the demand is ever-increasing outside of the local Morocco market. As it grows in global popularity with social media “influencers” and those seeking organic products, women’s cooperatives have risen


HAF Intern This is the story of Selma, a little girl who is 11 years-old. She is one the 38% of the population who live in the rural areas, and of the mere 26% of girls living there who go to school. She lives in a small village in the heights of the Atlas Mountains,

Climate Change Workshops in Tassa Ouirgane and Imskar

HAF Project Manager On January 31st, 2020, I had the chance to travel with my colleagues Errachid and Amina and a former HAF volunteer Youssef to meet the women of Tassa Ouirgane Cooperative who are managing a HAF fruit tree nursery.I facilitated a workshop on climate change and environmental laws with five women and two men.

We Are Equals

HAF Volunteer At 8:30 on the morning of 5 February 2020, I met with High Atlas Foundation (HAF) staff member Amina and French volunteer Julie at the HAF headquarters; from there we took our backpacks full of notes, pens and sheets and walked for a couple of minutes, in order to get a cab towards

48 Days Left to Plant Trees

Dear Friend, Between now and the last day of March, we have just 48 days to plant trees that will bear fruit and sustainable livelihoods for generations. When we think of that young child, 50 or 100 years from now, eating a walnut that came from the work of our hands today, how can we let

Where Tradition Meets Climate Change

– WHERE TRADITION MEETS CLIMATE CHANGE, The Policy Times, By Nicolas Pantelick (HAF Volunteer), 13 February 2020. Rural Moroccans, in reckoning with their environmental degradation, have turned to an unusual source to restore their prosperity: tradition. Two weeks ago, I set out with three of my colleagues from the High Atlas Foundation (HAF, Marrakech) to the village of

Tree Nurseries Have Needs Too

Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer I am a late career American businessman. Currently, I volunteer about four times each year with NGOs in developing and middle-income countries. I assist across a range of business disciplines (marketing, sales, strategic planning, and organizational improvement.) Over the past 10 years, I have conducted 55 volunteer assignments in more than 20 countries.

Cooperation on a Common Project in Demnate

HAF Volunteer An HAF delegation went on February 4th to Demnate, small city in the Azilal province, to the east of Marrakech. The aim of this day trip was to create, in the near future, a tree nursery that could grow up to 100,000 saplings. Demnate, whose population used to be one-third comprised of Jewish

My First Experience with Haf

HAF Volunteer On January 15, my journey with Nora to Toubkal Mountains began with much enthusiasm and excitement. On the first day, we headed to the first village, “Missour,” where we felt very welcomed. We tried to create a comfortable environment for families, make the communication as smooth as possible, and establish a good atmosphere

زيارة ميدانية لسكان جماعة أنكال بأمزمير في حوز مراكش

محمد القادري :متدرب مع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في يوم الخميس 30 يناير 2020 كانت زيارة لمنطقة أمزميز بحوز مراكش مع السيدة حجيبة بومسمار مساعدة مشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير والسيد لحسن أيت واتوش وكانت الغاية من الزيارة تشخيص وضع لمدرستين بالمنطقة على أمل اعداد ملف لتهيئة احدى المدارس بالمنطقة من طرف فريق أمريكي متطوع، من خلال