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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Tree Planting Day in Sidi Bennour

By Fatima El Mrini, HAF Monitoring Officer (YCC) Planting trees in Sidi Bennour with Fatima El Mrini, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer and driver Mohamed bin Yassin Last month, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) monitoring team visited Sidi Bennour province (Casablanca-Settat region) on the annual tree-planting day in coordination with Al-Bar and Al-Ihsan Association for Development

Forests and Our Communities

Henry Prillaman I recently had the pleasure of attending a Forestry Roundtable discussing the importance of forests and how to best communicate their value to a wide range of people and communities. Presented by Beyond Trees Network and The US Forest Service International Programs, our roundtable consisted of: Hon. Marta Corella, mayor of Orea (Spain);

يوم مع البيئة

صفاء أكرجوط طالبة باحثة بالسنة الثانية ماستر القانون الاجتماعي ومنازعات الشغل/ متدربة في العيادة القانونية بمراكشفي إطار الشراكة المبرمة بين مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وجامعة القاضي عياض، كلية العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية في يونيو 2021، ممثلة في جمعية العيادة القانونية للدراسات والأبحاث والتي تهدف إلى تأطير 67 طالبا من مختلف التخصصات من تسعة ماسترات متخصصة في الدراسات

I’m Planting Green Machines

By Errachid Montassir, Country Manager – HAF Farmer-To-Farmer Program (From right to left) HAF-F2F Country Manager Errachid Montassir, former F2F Volunteer Hicham Amarouch, Dar America Deputy Director Staci Dawson, Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies Director Jennifer Rasamimanana, representative of the American Legation Itimad, and F2F member Hassan Ait Ouatouch. Exactly one year after

Benefits of Community Tree Planting and WorldTree

Abigail Hall HAF-UVA Intern There are three categories of benefits that come from tree planting in communities:  social, environmental, and economic. Socially, trees improve the aesthetic and environment in  which we live— they reduce stress, help children retain more information if they are able to  spend time in green spaces, and serve as a memorial

Tree Planting Day 2022: Faces of Hope

Ellen Hernandez HAF Writer/Editor Tree Planting in Ouaouizeght. (Photo: HAF, January 2022) 17 January 2022 — In the early morning hours, the entire team at High Atlas Foundation began to orchestrate an event that would last all day and take place from Tangier to Boujdour, from Oujda to Ouarzazate. Trees were planted at dozens of

Green Hope – Tree Planting Day 2022

Tune in as we plant trees across Morocco. On Monday, January 17, 2022, the High Atlas Foundation team along with hundreds of people from dozens of communities across Morocco will mobilize to together plant thousands of fruit trees during our annual tree planting event, which we are calling Green Hope this year. You’re invited to tune in on Facebook and Instagram throughout the day

Report about monitoring trees in 2021

By : Mohamed El Kadiri, YCC – USFS member This report summarises six months of field-work regarding monitoring trees in the Draa Tafilalte region, Azilal and Tata provinces. The process of monitoring fruit trees at the High Atlas Foundation ran from the beginning of April to the end of December 2021, a suitable  time for

تقرير حول الدورة التكوينة فيما يخص إدارة مشاتل الأشجارالمثمرة

عبد الاله بوكماز: متطوع بمؤسسة الاطلس الكبير في إطار برنامج ” ايكوزيا ” قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير يوم الاثنين 13  دجنبر2021  بدعوة السيد عبد الرحمان فتني مدير المكتب الوطني للسلامة الغذائية بمدينة الحاجب، الى فضاء “مشتل اقريش” بقرية أقريش وذالك للقيام بدورة تكوينية فيما يتعلق بإدارة مشاتل الاشجار المثمرة. بحضور عدد من المسؤولين بالمؤسسة والمتطوعين

Women’s Cooperative in Guercif Province Celebrates the Opening of its New Fruit Tree Nursery

French | Arabic (January 5, 2022 – Guercif, Morocco) The Al Khayr Women’s Cooperative with the support of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) held the Opening Ceremony for a new fruit tree nursery in the village of Maskarat, Ras Al-Qasr, Guercif province on Wednesday, December 29, 2021.The Governor of the Guercif province, Mr. Hassan Belmahi, participated in

Soil to Sky Webinar Review

by Mustapha Tarhbaloute At the beginning of November 2021, I joined the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), which organized a week of training for youth development in cooperation with the United States Forestry Service. We received information about the participatory approach and its characteristics and how it can affect community members by creating progress and improving

Update: Tree Planting in Gorrama

By Mohamed El Kadiri, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer As of the end of December 2021, 14,000 trees were distributed in Gorrama and 6,000 more olive trees are to be distributed by the first week of January 2022 in Meknes. Tree distribution in 2021 went well, with 60,000 having been delivered between Azilal province and the

Dear friends

Dear friends, Here’s a thought in relation to the sustainability of all our communities: each of us in our own way must give and give, and all that good received should be dedicated to self-reliant, independence-creating enterprises. The planting and monitoring of organic fruit trees that HAF accomplishes with communities is the Moroccan people’s enterprise, which

رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بجهة فاس مكناس

في إطار مشروعها الهادف لتوزيع مليون شجرة مثمرة بالمغرب قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبيرة بتوزيع أكثر من 80000 شجرة مثمرة على عدة أقاليم بجهة فاس -مكناس وتهدف  هذه العملية إلى المساهمة في الحد من التغيرات المناخية وتحسين مردودية وإنتاج الفلاحين ابتدأت عملية رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم إفران، بالضبط بواد إفران بتنسيق مع جمعية أيت لياس

Awareness workshop on Tree planting and its importance in human life.

Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) Today, Wednesday, December 23, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation, in coordination with the educational frameworks of the High School of the Alternative Education in the city of Oujda, organized an applied sensitivity workshop on planting trees and their importance in human life. The awareness-raising workshop was framed in

Taourirt School Tree Planting

By Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) On Saturday, December 04, 2021, the space of the Mohamed Belkhayat School in the city of El-Ayoun, Tourert province, witnessed a group of diverse and distinguished activities for the conclusion of school cooperation days celebrated by all educational components in Morocco. This was done to promote school

Monitoring Trees in Guercif

Lahcen Ben Moula Tree Monitoring Officer The visit to the province of Guercif is among the distinguished trips to monitor the trees that were distributed to farmers by the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with local cooperatives in order to inspect the condition of the trees and communicate with farmers while providing them with information

Land & Carbon Lab

Timo Reinitzer With our world’s population constantly growing and the scarcity of land rising, this is and will come at the cost of our world’s forests. Moreover, regarding the current alarming prognosis of climatologists, predicting a minimum of a 1.5°C rise in temperature by 2030, we are in desperate need of more reforestation through tree-planting

Managing water for climate adaptation and mitigation

By Timo Reinitzer, HAF intern What is the proper response to climate change? We all know that climate change is going to have an immense impact on our ecosystem, especially on water distribution. The question is rather what those will be and how to migite them. Africa will particularly face severe water shortages. As Professor

Spreading the Organic Farming Principle

Arabic version Errachid Montassir HAF Program Manager The U.S. Volunteer Jennifer Sopoci and the F2F team members with local farmers from Oulad Mbarek municipality – Beni Mellal region during a field visit Organic farming is an agricultural approach that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, crop residues, compost and biological pest control.

Hello again.

In this second installment of HAF program updates, we’re glad to share with you the latest on our collaborative work in renewable energies in Morocco. If you missed the first installment on tree planting, catch up here. Reminder: Tuesday, November 30 at 4:00 PM Morocco / 10:00 AM ET, we are hosting a one-hour event for you to be able

The Role of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms in Creating an Enabling Environment for the Sustainable Transformation of FNSSA Sector

by Julian Stoiber, Haf-Volunteer On November 24th, 2021, the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) LEAP4FNSSA held a webinar about “The Role of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms in Creating an Enabling Environment for the Sustainable Transformation of the FNSSA Sector.” The main objective of LEAP4FNSSA is to provide a tool for European and African institutions to engage in

Agricultural Development in Morocco Flourishes

Agricultural Development in Morocco Flourishes, Borgen Magazine. WESTBURY, New York — The High Atlas Foundation is helping Morocco’s local communities determine how they choose to develop their land and grow out of poverty sustainably. Like those in the northern Atlas Mountains, Morocco’s most vulnerable communities have long suffered from water scarcity, shaky access to land and unregulated

Fruit Tree Planting in the Bible

By Sarah Whiteside Throughout the Bible, trees are mentioned multiple times, often in relation to the production of fruit; the first mention of trees is in Genesis 11:9-10 where “God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds,

Food Cooperatives: Fighting Imbalance in the Food Value Chain

Bobby McDonough HAF-UVA Intern As the COVID-19 pandemic maintains its position as the international community’s chief issue to battle , its far-reaching effects can be felt particularly in poorer, marginalized communities. One obstacle that continues to grow in relevance is the subject of food security—the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of

Tree Monitoring in Errachidia Province

by Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager, and Mohamed El Kadiri, Tree Monitoring Officer Mohamed El Kadiri, Mohamed Ben Yassine, and Said Bennani visited Errachidia province to monitor fruit trees that the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) planted there with local communities. At the end of September, 12,000 fruit trees were monitored, as were 5,000 more in

Participatory Approach

By Lahcen Ben Moula Tree Monitor Officer, Oujda Region High Atlas Foundation Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, President of the High Atlas Foundation, organized an applied workshop on the participatory approach and its role in achieving sustainable development with the local population, during the second day of the training week organized by the High Atlas Foundation in

Civil Society Growth: Challenges and Opportunities

Advika Roongta HAF-UVA Intern The vital role of civil society organizations in furthering development goals is well established. Civil society organizations serve as important sources of information, help to hold governments accountable, advocate for a variety of causes, develop and offer policy alternatives, defend human rights, provide key goods and services, and so much more.

Entrepreneurs working for a greener Africa

By Henry Prillaman On October 27th, I had the pleasure of attending The World Resources Institute Land Accelerator Africa Impact Days program. We heard from top 15 innovative entrepreneurs out of 1,370 applicants pitch their unique businesses and ideas for creating a better and greener future for Africa. Their proposals were designed to show investors

Planting Trees and Mental Health

By Bobby McDonough HAF-UVA Intern HAF defines their mission as a “commitment to furthering sustainable development and supporting Moroccan Communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives.” The premier avenue through which this is accomplished is facilitating projects within marginalized, rural communities that educate community members on how to plant and raise trees— laying