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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

“the journey of trees – 7.100 fruit trees from fés to the midelt region for sustainable community development”

by Celina Böhmer, HAF Intern In January, as part of the HAF team, project manager Said and interns Nisreen and myself, travelled from Marrakech to Fés and then to the Mideltarea. To learn about our first days in Fés, have a look atour former blog articles. Trees ready for being planted, donkeys ready for taking the

Eternalizing the Moment on Tree Planting Day

by Sofia d’Ávila Heidenreich Lacerda It was on the beggining of my second week of volunteer work at the High Atlas Foudation and my first time on a field trip with them. I had an incredible experience. On January 21st, the staff from HAF, partners, other volunteers and the local people worked together to make

Tree Planting Activity with Volunteers from Ocp and the Local Association of Anamer for Community Development

The volunteers from OCP, the HAF team and members of the local association planting the first tree together In the front: a carob tree sapling – ready for being planted! by Celina Böhmer, HAF Intern On Tuesday the 29th of January, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) facilitated a tree planting activity for volunteers from OCP and

Programmatic and Other Enduring Memories During My Stay in Jordan

Yossef Ben-Meir, Ph.D. President, High Atlas Foundation I’ve been back in Marrakech from Amman, Jordan, for about a week now, back into the swing of planting trees as far and wide as our teams and partners can before the end of March. I’ve been thinking about this blog, revisiting the truly beautiful experiences during my five day

Tree Planting Day with Ocp Volunteers in a Setti Fatma Community

by Juliana B. Feltrin HAF Volunteer from Brazil Yesterday, I had another great experience as part of the HAF volunteer team. We left the HAF office around 1:00 p.m. and headed toward the mountains. We arrived in the Setti Fatma commune and the landscape was even more beautiful. It was possible to have a great

Haf Celebrates Its 14th Tree Planting Day

By Errachid Montassir HAF Project Manager Every year, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) celebrates its National Tree Planting Day on the third Monday of January, which coincides with Martin Luther King Day, by planting trees with farmers, women, and youth across various Moroccan regions.  This year, the event came on the 21st of January, a

A Green Action for a More Sustainable Living in Meknes

Gabriella Moocarme Project Manager Leadership Development Institute Al-Akhawayn University While Ifrane was getting covered under a white sheet of snow, I was glad to join Abdelillah Ghmiza–a representative of the High Atlas Foundation–for a tree planting day in the warmer region of Meknes on that Monday, 21st of January 2019. The High Atlas Foundation organised the

Tree Planting Is a Key to Success

Financial Manager and Women Empowerment trainer Annually, on the third Monday of January, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) holds a high-profile day of national tree planting across Morocco.  On this day—the 21st of January this year—Fatima Zahra Laaribi, HAF’s financial Manager, and Abderrahim Baddah, HAF’s nursery caretaker, headed toward Amizmiz, a small mountain town located 60

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تحتفل بحدث التشجير بمجموعة من المناطق بالمملكة المغربية

عبدالهادي كستيح متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير دعت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير الاثنين الماضي والموازي للواحد والعشرينمن ينايرالجاري الساكنة المحلية المغربية لغرس آلاف الأشجار التي قامت بتوزيعها بمناسبة “يوم غرس الأشجار”، وهو حدث سنوي تقوم به المؤسسة، نظرا لما له من مساهمة في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية عبر المملكة المغربية. وكباقي المناطق التي تشتغل بها المؤسسة عرفت

Les Trésors Cachés De Sidi Zouine

Par Karam Yann Volontaire FHA  Honnêtement je ne savais pas comment commencer cet article, ce qui m’attendait durant cette sortie allait au-delà de ce que j’imaginais. Commençons alors par le tout début. A huit heures du matin, je rencontrai mes deux compagnons du voyage, Kerstin et Juliana pour prendre un grand taxi de la gare

Save Oxygen!!!: High Atlas Foundation’s Tree Planting Day

Youssef El Moussaoui HAF Volunteer Once in a lifetime experience. Annually, on the third Monday of January, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organizes a nationwide tree planting campaign. On this January 21st 2019, the HAF team planted trees with communities in many places, including Sidi Bouathmane (Ait Imloul). Ait Imloul is an arid village about 20

About the Tree Day

by Juliana B. Feltrin HAF Intern The HAF National Tree Day was very rewarding. We went to the Sidi Zouine Hospital, to plant trees. We were greeted by Mustafa, the president of Association El Wafa, who told us about the place. We started counting the amount of trees that would be planted, together with children

HAF’s National Tree Planting in Morocco, 21 January 2019, Mlk Day-USA

It was a beautiful day today, the 21st of January 2019, meeting farmers and members of associations, meeting high school students, kindergarteners, and municipal representatives. We loved today, learning from elderly people who planted fig trees 80 years ago, and from volunteers who planted pomegranate trees at a newly constructed school.  We were in villages,

Trees for Learning and Teaching

by Rachael Diniega Peace Corps Morocco Volunteer My town’s middle and high school campus with olive trees Fifty trees for the middle and high school, and over one hundred trees for the elementary school, equaling more than 150 chances for youth in my town to dig in the soil, care for another living organism, and

Tree Bien! a Few Final Words on My Internship with HAF

Manon Burbidge Lund University HAF Intern – Marrakech As the sun sets on my three months with the High Atlas Foundation in Marrakech, I return to the experiences I have had, the lessons I have learned and the people I have met. My first two weeks were jam-packed with field visits and outings to diverse

Morocco Environment and Sustainability News Round-Up: 10th-18th January

Manon Burbidge Lund University HAF Intern – Marrakech Morocco to Invest $14bn in Renewable Energy Morocco is working towards achieving its goal of 52% renewable energy by 2030 by putting $14bn of investment into the renewable energy sector. Included amongst larger scale projects are installations of off-grid solar capacity which will reach 1000 rural villages

Press Release: Tree Planting Day Provides Economic, Social and Environmental Development Across Morocco

French version Arabic version MEDIA RELEASE                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday 17th January 2019 Tree Planting Day provides economic, social and environmental development across Morocco Moroccan communities are being invited to plant thousands

An Open Space for Open Minds

Celina Boehmer, HAF Intern This week, part of the HAF-Team is travelling from Marrakech to Fes and then to Midelt area to collect and distribute 7100 trees to local communities. Our first stop was Fes, where we picked up the 7100 trees for the communities. We arrived in Fes and went to the Abdelaziz Ben

7,100 Trees Grown in Fes Nursery Improving Livelihoods in Midelt

HAF volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow On Monday, project manager Said Bennani, volunteer Celina, and I began our weeklong excursion to Fes and Midelt for environmental workshops and tree-planting activities.  On Tuesday, we visited the Abdelaziz Ben Driss child protection center to conduct an environmental workshop with the boys, plant trees, and help load 7,100

Participtory Environmental Workshops for Lwidan Rural Commune, Haf and Oes

Errachid Montassir HAF project The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) and the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) continue to spread the vision of protecting the environment amongst the next generation, with the presence of Moroccan civil society members. Lwidan rural commune in Marrakech region was our stop this time, where we

Building Gabions and Fostering Autonomy in Tassa Ouirgane

By Nisreen Abo-Sido, HAF Volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow Last week, I joined HAF Project Manager, Amina El Hajjami, and an engineer from Agence du Bassin Hydrauliques on a visit to Tassa Ouirgane village to assess the feasibility of constructing gabions along the river for flood-prevention.  A member of the local association guided us and explained the

Rooting for a Sustainable Future: Combining Tree-Planting Activities and Environmental Workshops in Morocco

 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is committed to promoting sustainable development, using a participatory-action approach to address challenges identified by communities.  While partnering with community members, local associations, schools, municipal governing bodies, and other stakeholders, HAF believes in the efficacy of sustained communication and meaningful involvement in fostering skills and methods to enact positive

Morocco Sustainability and Environment News Round-up 20.12 – 31.12

Manon Burbidge Lund University, Sweden HAF Inter- Marrakech French Development Agency Lends €50 Million to Improve Moroccan Water Supply The Moroccan Electricity and Drinking Water Bureau (ONEE) received €50m to implement a drinking water resilience project in Morocco’s northern provinces, including Al-Hoceima, Driouch and Taounate. The project will strengthen water production, increase storage autonomy and improve

Tree-Planting at the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine

By Aitana Arias, HAF volunteer Members of the HAF team had the chance to visit the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine and get involved with the village community. HAF has previously planted trees in schools but this time we had the chance to plant trees at a hospital yard for a good reason: to make

Last Moments to Support Haf in 2018!

Greetings Friends, Here we have a final moment in 2018 where we can give to uplift the course of families, communities, schools, cooperatives, women’s groups, and youth. Morocco is creating opportunities for its people by encouraging through its policies and programs public participation in all aspects of development. For local communities of the nation to

The Communities in Draa Tafilalet Deserve Their Own Fruit Tree Nursery

 By SAID EL BENNANI, Project Manager Crossing the High Atlas Mountains—from Marrakech to Ouarzazate—to get to the Ighrem N’Ougdal commune, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) decided with the Jewish community in Morocco and all of the local authorities to start planning the first fruit tree nursery in the Draa Tafilalet region. This follows the successful

Moroccan Communities Engage in Environmental Development

Project Manager Traveling to the Bouchan commune was my first field visit with the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), when I was a volunteer in 2016. I had the chance again this year to take part in the tree-planting event and an environmental workshop with local farmers from the same village at the school. The weather

Exploring Carbon Credit Potentials to Support Community Development

By Nisreen Abo-Sido, HAF Volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow Last week, HAF President Yossef Ben-Meir, program assistant Hassan Ait Ouatouch, a couple of forestry engineers and I visited farmers and community leaders in the villages of Aghbalou and Anamer, and in the Azilal Province to discuss the potential of carbon credits to support development projects

An Experiential Conference That Elevated Haf’s Work

The High Atlas Foundation (HAF)–partnering with the Holling’s Center for International Dialogue (DC/Istanbul) and the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research at the University of Central Florida–hosted a conference from November 15th-17th for the community and government partners, other thought leaders, and the staff and volunteers of HAF.  Together, we explored the complexity

ورشات بيئية لفائدة ساكنة جماعة ايت الطالب بإقليم الرحامنة

عبدالهادي كستيح متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير  يأتي الصباح ليذكرنا بإشراقة جميلة ويوم جديد ويعطينا أمل جديد للاستمرار في تحقيق أهداف نبيلة.  بصفتي متطوع مع مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير حظيت بشرف الانضمام الي ورشة بيئية لفائدة ساكنة دوار أعربات رفقة مجموعة من طلاب الجامعة الخاصة بمراكش وتحت اشراف مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير وبدعم من المكتب الدولي للمحيطات و الشؤون