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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Planting Hope: Fruitful Partnerships in Dakhla and the Sahara

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The High Atlas Foundation is an organization committed to inspiring the next generation of environmentally-conscious individuals. Recently, the HAF team planted fruit trees with schools in Dakhla, which marked the beginning of a successful collaboration in the region.Three schools participated in the fruit tree planting – Nahda

Seeds of Change: Empowering Saharan Nomadic Farmers through Tree Planting

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Tree planting in the desert. Credits: Volunteer Recently, HAF embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor: planting trees with the Saharan nomadic community for the first time. During initial community forums between HAF and the Saharan nomads, there was significant interest in growing fruit trees despite the challenge of

Students See Grassroots Development in Action at Akrich Nursery

By Lydia Grossman, HAF’s intern On March 16, 2023, the High Atlas Foundation hosted students from the UVA Darden School of Business on a day trip to visit the Akrich Nursery in Al Haouz province outside of Marrakech. As a remote intern with HAF based in Rabat, I had the opportunity to attend this trip

Groundwater: Potential and Pitfalls for Africa

By Aleksander Esmann HAF Intern The webinar “Groundwater: Potential and Pitfalls for Africa” took place on March 20, 2023, as a side event of the UN 2023 Water Conference. This session discussed the groundwater program of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), including case studies on the benefits of groundwater development and institutional advances

أثر التغيرات المناخية على حقوق الإنسان

– اليوم العالمي للمياه : أثر التغيرات المناخية على حقوق الإنسان, Masra Lyoum. بقلم أميمة خليل الفن، مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير رشاشات تسقي شتلات أشجار الفاكهة في مشتل تسيره نساء في جبال الأطلس الكبير، المغرب. يوليوز 2021. تصوير: مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير يحتفل العالم في 22 مارس من كل سنة باليوم العالمي للمياه، وهي مناسبة ترتكز على زيادة

Looking Back on Memories

By Ibtissam Niri Program Manager In order to complete conducting impact assessments with host organizations that benefited from F2F technical assistance in 2020, I went to Ouarzazate and Taroudant for three days and met again with people there. Thursday morning, Mr. Hassan the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) driver, our tree planting colleague Safaa Ben Karoum, and I

Visiting tree nurseries and farmers with Cultivaid

Mustapha Tarhbaloute, HAF Tree Monitoring Coordinator On February 21, Executive Director Tomer Malchi and Chief Technical Officer Ben Cohen from the not-for-profit organization called Cultivaid visited the team members of the High Atlas Foundation and community tree nurseries that HAF supports. We started with the nursery at the Jewish cemetery in Akrich, where we saw

The Future of Land Restoration in Africa: From Billions of Dollars to Billions of Trees

By Emilie Changeux, HAF’s Intern On February 22nd, the World Research Institute, Realize Impact, and Barka Fund organized an amazing webinar on the future of sustainable restoration finance. Presenting a number of experts and entrepreneurs who have developed methods to help fund mid-sized sustainable restoration organizations in Africa, this meeting was incredibly educational to the

House Of Life Brochure Announcement – English (2023)

Dear friend, We at the High Atlas Foundation are so proud to share with you our updated House of Life brochure for 2023 and this beautiful 9-minute short film called Seeds of Memory, which spotlights our work in and near Akrich. A decade ago, we were transplanting the first fruit tree saplings grown there—at the pilot interfaith nursery in

Announcing HAF’s Carbon Offset Program Brochure 2023

French version Dear fellow change-maker, On behalf of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), I am honored to present to you our new carbon offset program brochure for 2023. This year, we are planting four million seeds and saplings with communities across Morocco, and we are eager to be a part of your institution’s sustainability efforts. Together, we can

Tree Planting Day at the Abdellah Oueld Bahia School

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab region The first tree planting day event I participated in as a new HAF member was very meaningful to me. I witnessed the greatest miracle of all. Life. It was a perfect, sunny day. I met with the team members at Abdellah Oueld Bahia School to plant fig and

Tree Planting Day: Let’s plant together

By Youssef Mazdou, HAF Program Assistant Saman and Ms. Kabira plant olive trees in Ftala. Photo: HAF staff The sun was shining and there was a sense of hope and anticipation that filled the morning of Monday, January 16th. It was the third Monday of January, which is the day the High Atlas Foundation (HAF)

Planting Day of January 16

by Larbi Didouqen The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) makes the third Monday of January a national meeting point for planting trees and the official opening of the tree crop campaign. During this commemorative day, all HAF staff in collaboration with partners and volunteers dedicate themselves to planting trees in school spaces, agricultural and forestry grounds,

Tree Planting Day 2023: Standing Together, Growing Together

Ellen Hernandez HAF volunteer writer The HAF Family Literacy team plants trees with an artisanal women’s cooperative in Rhamna province on the organization’s Annual Tree Planting Day, January 16, 2023. Photo: High Atlas Foundation Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” – Dr. M. L. King, Jr. From Al

High Atlas Foundation Plants Thousands of Trees with Moroccan Communities for Annual Tree Planting Day on January 16

النسخة العربية Version française Press Release MEDIA CONTACT: Safae Ben Karroum Program Coordinator, Tree Planting Tel. +212 (0) 62 550 4527 safaebenkarroum@highatlasfoundation.org High Atlas Foundation Plants Thousands of Trees with Moroccan Communities for Annual Tree Planting Day on January 16 Marrakech, Morocco – The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), a non-profit organization based in Marrakech and

Community Tree Planting in Aghbalou

By Rachel Bartkowski, HAF intern January 16th marked HAF’s Annual Tree Planting Day, with thousands of trees being planted in a variety of different sites in Moroccan communities. As a new volunteer at HAF, such a hands-on day in the field made for a very exciting first day. It was an honor to be able

Women Who Moved the Mountain in Tassa Ouirgane

French Version  El Hassane Ahmatay, HAF Volunteer Celebrated on December 11th each year, International Mountain Day is an opportunity to highlight the riches and vulnerabilities of high altitude territories, as well as the role of women in the mountains for sustainable development. Morocco, which has major mountain ranges that have shaped its history and identity, is

Les Femmes Ont Fait Bouger La Montagne A Tassa Ouirgane

English Version Par: El Hassane Ahmatay Le 11 décembre de chaque année, le monde entier célèbre la Journée internationale de la Montagne, qui est toujours une occasion pour mettre en relief les richesses et les vulnérabilités des territoires en haute altitude, ainsi que le rôle de la femme montagnarde pour le développement durable. Notre pays,

Webinar – Restoring Degraded Forests and Landscapes in Drylands

By Aleksander Esmann, HAF intern “Restoring Degraded Forests and Landscapes in Drylands” was the fifth webinar in a series of webinars on “Landscape Restoration in the Arab Region,” organized by FAO (Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations). Action Against Desertification  After the general introduction, the first topic discussed was desertification and the most

Forest-based Landscape Management: The Lebanese Context

By Aleksander Esmann “Forest-based Landscape Management: The Lebanese Context” was the sixth webinar in a series of webinars on “Landscape Restoration in the Arab Region”, organized by FAO (Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations) in collaboration with the Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI). The first topics discussed were their general strategy and the community-based

Monitoring of Fruit Trees in the Fès-Meknes Region

By Abdelilah Ghmiza, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) In coordination with the Al Mishaal and Rifak association, the High Atlas Foundation distributed around 2140 almond, pomegranate, olive, and fig trees in the province Fes-Meknes, benefitting more than 80 farmers from the region. The project’s objectives are raising awareness among local community members about the importance of

مشتل يحمل بهجة ومستقبل

حميد حنتوم/ متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير خلال مشاركتي في غرس شجرة زيتون مع أطفال دار الطفل باب اغمات تتعدد مشاغل الناس وتتنوع أعمالهم لدرجة أن بعضهم لا يجد وقتا لنفسه أو لحياته الشخصية هذه الاعمال لا يمكن عدها أو إحصاؤها وكلها مرتبطة بالماديات، إلا أن العمل المهم الذي ينبغي أن يكون للإنسان حيز مهم منه

غرس الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم بولمان

بقلم عبد الإله غميزة قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بتوزيع حوالي 26.000 شجرة بإقليم بولمان الذي يظم مجموعة من القرى والمدن كميسو،اوطاط الحاج، إيموزار مرموشة، والمرس، التي استفادت من مبادرة غرس مليون شجرة مثمرة من بينها اللوز، الرمان،  الزيتون التين موزعة كالاتي 14478 شجرة مثمرة موزعة بايموزار مرموشة التي تقع في منطقة جبلية يبلغ ارتفاعها 1700

Monitoring Trees in El Mengoub Province of Figuig

by Lahssan Ben Moula HAF-YCC Monitoring trees planted in February 2022 Picture by HAF Monitoring trees with farmers is an essential step in tracking the process of planting trees and their growth in the areas benefiting from the initiative. It opens the way for us to communicate with farmers and assist their agricultural activities with

لقاء فلاحي إقليم تارودانت وتقييم الأشجار لسنة 2022

من إعداد: يوسف الطاهري، مسؤول عن توزيع، رصد وتقييم الأشجار بجهة سوس ماسة لقاء ممثل المؤسسة يوسف الطاهري لفلاحي فرية توكنيسم_ جماعة تلكجونت انطلقت عملية رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة التي تنظمها مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير ككل سنة بمعظم جهات وأقاليم المغرب، تأتي هذه المرحلة بعد عملية توزيع الأشجار بدءا من  شهر نونبر الى شهر أبريل من

The Relevance of Participatory Methods for Managing Agricultural Production

Cyrena Matingou UVA-HAF Intern Imerdal, July 2021. In a time of uncertainty, from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the inevitable impacts of climate change, bolstering Morocco’s ability to produce its own food is crucial. As a result, participatory methods for managing agricultural production are a vested interest for the Moroccan government and economy.

President Ben-Meir at the UN Webinar for The Target Plant Concept and Ecological Restoration

By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Intern and University of Michigan Student A community olive tree nursery in the Meknes area (HAF, 2022) On July 21, HAF’s President Yossef Ben-Meir spoke at the United Nation’s Series of Webinars on Landscape Restoration in the Arab Region during their Second Webinar entitled The Target Plant Concept and Ecosystem Restoration.

Monitoring in Bouaarfa

By Abdelilah Ghmiza, YCC tree monitoring officer The City of Bouarfa, located in the Figuig province in the southeast of Morocco, became an important area when manganese was discovered there at the start of French colonization. The local people there, who come from the Bani Eguil tribe, began planting cumin in November and harvesting it

Tree Planting in Ourika

By Susana Fernandez Tuesday of this past week, I along with a few of my fellow interns at HAF got the opportunity to join the tree planting team and visit a location in the Al Haouz province. At this site they are planting almond, carob, and olive trees; in total 40,000 trees are going to

Cut, Fit, Stitch: From Ourika to the OR

By Cyrena Matingou We spent two days this week in the mountains of Ourika Valley on vast plots of land. On Tuesday, we were more engaged with the tree planting team, and I genuinely felt I was helping further HAF’s mission, but Monday presented me with an invaluable learning experience. Abdeljalil Ait Ali introduced us