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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Bouhlou Nursery

By Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF Program Coordinator (YCC)

Students from Oued Amlil visiting Bouhlou Nursery in Taza arranged by Mr. Aziz Rhmouni

Mr. Aziz Rhmouni with ReForestaction arranged a field visit from a group of students from Oued Amlil to the Bouhlou nursery in Taza. He explained that the idea was to teach them the first steps on how to create a plant nursery. Also, this club will follow the laying out and development of the nursery and collaborate with High Atlas Foundation (HAF) on some of the work. The program of the visit included a presentation about HAF’s missions and programs, and explanation of why we create tree nurseries, how we create them, and the importance of planting trees.

The students told him that they want to be in contact with the nursery from the building of it to production of the saplings, which was an amazing statement to hear from these children. They insisted that they come back and see its realization.

Forging Community Ties Through Celebrating Nature

By Jamal Maghiouzi, HAF Field Coordinator On January 12, the Amazigh people celebrated their New Year 2972 which corresponds to the Gregorian calendar of 2022, Hebrew calendar of…

When nature and culture converge

By Amal Mansouri, HAF Field Coordinator, DAKIRA HAF staff explaining the objectives of the tree planting activity to the students  at Abed Rahim Bouaabid-Saiss high school, Fez, 2022.…