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HAF Blog

Finding Common Ground in Multicultural Conversations
Dakira REMA University of Virginia

Finding Common Ground in Multicultural Conversations

by Zoe Costello, HAF-UVA student intern How can you sum up a topic as broad as gender or race in...
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Women’s Empowerment Workshop in Demnate
EU - Beni Mellal

Women’s Empowerment Workshop in Demnate

By Fatima Zahrae Lahlou As a student at the National School of Commerce and Management, I volunteered in an empowerment...
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A Vision for the Future: Tiznit’s Agricultural and Spiritual Cultivation
Dakira REMA University of Virginia

A Vision for the Future: Tiznit’s Agricultural and Spiritual Cultivation

Ryan Winegardner, UVA/HAF student-intern The road to Tiznit from Marrakech runs through the mountains, a landscape that floats and rises...
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The SDG Impact Assessment Tool – A Saving Grace for Sustainable Development?
University of Virginia

The SDG Impact Assessment Tool – A Saving Grace for Sustainable Development?

By Keely Fitzsimmons Cacti in the Souss-Massa region were devastated by the Dactylopius Opuntiae pest. Photo Credit: Keely Fitzsimmons This...
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Grafting: From Farm to Table
AGRICULTURE University of Virginia

Grafting: From Farm to Table

Addie Simkin HAF-UVA Intern On Monday I made couscous. That morning, we traveled to a HAF tree planting site to...
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Unanswered Questions are an Inevitable Facet of Life
University of Virginia

Unanswered Questions are an Inevitable Facet of Life

Zoe Costello HAF-UVA Intern While roaming through the winding hilly streets of the Tangier Kasbah, I made a friend. He...
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Tangier’s St. Andrew’s Church: An Anglican Church with an Andalusian Style

Tangier’s St. Andrew’s Church: An Anglican Church with an Andalusian Style

By Soukaina Kherdioui, HAF Dakira Cultural Coordinator    I still recall my first time visiting St. Andrew’s Church in Tangier...
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Development as an Anagram
Dakira REMA University of Virginia

Development as an Anagram

By Sabine Stratmann HAF-UVA Intern Three interns sitting across from me sparked a game to play. One girl suggested that...
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HAF’s Contribution to Stakeholders and Positive Business to Create Opportunities

HAF’s Contribution to Stakeholders and Positive Business to Create Opportunities

By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student The High Atlas Foundation is a beacon for multistakeholderism, contributing...
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UN 2030 Water Conference First Stakeholder Online Briefing

UN 2030 Water Conference First Stakeholder Online Briefing

By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Intern and University of Michigan Student Water has a complex relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals....
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” لقاء تواصلي للاستفادة من تجربة العيادة القانونية بالناظور “
Legal Aid Clinic

” لقاء تواصلي للاستفادة من تجربة العيادة القانونية بالناظور “

    يوسف مزدو مساعد مديرة المشاريع - صورة حول اللقاء التشاركي - قامت  مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مع شركائها – جامعة القاضي...
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” الصورة النمطية “
Legal Aid Clinic

” الصورة النمطية “

يوسف مزدو مساعد مديرة المشاريع   يشكل موضوع الصور النمطية في الآونة الأخيرة اهتماما واسعا بين فئات المجتمع ، لذلك...
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What You Need to Know About Quinoa

What You Need to Know About Quinoa

By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The F2F volunteer delivering a workshop to the members of Sanad...
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الدورة التكوينية التي نظمت من طرف العيادة القانونية بمراكش بشراكة مع جمعية اتحاد العمل النسائي بمراكش في موضوع :العنف ضد النساء؛ قراءة في القانون 103.13
Legal Aid Clinic

الدورة التكوينية التي نظمت من طرف العيادة القانونية بمراكش بشراكة مع جمعية اتحاد العمل النسائي بمراكش في موضوع :العنف ضد النساء؛ قراءة في القانون 103.13

بقلم عبد الحق الحيراني : طالب بسلك ماستر الدراسات القانونية والمدنية بمراكش نظمت العيادة القانونية بمراكش بشراكة مع جمعية اتحاد...
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عبر الشقوق لتبث الضوء فينا من جديد (HAF)تنبثق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير
AGRICULTURE Tree-planting

عبر الشقوق لتبث الضوء فينا من جديد (HAF)تنبثق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير

تهدف مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في إطار الاجراءات المتخذة لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة وبشراكة مع مصلحة خدمة الغابات والمياه الأمريكية  إلى تبني...
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Coring a Community
Dakira REMA University of Virginia

Coring a Community

By Addie Simkin   When geologists drill core samples, they’re making historic records in the form of cylinders of ice that...
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Tamount Ntourit: A Proactive Agricultural Cooperative

Tamount Ntourit: A Proactive Agricultural Cooperative

By Zineb Laadam HAF Program Manager At first glance, Mrs. Nezha Bazzi, and Ms. Hassna Bazzi look no different from...
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My First Camel Ride
Capacity Building

My First Camel Ride

By Kelsey Cashman, UVa Student and HAF Volunteer Camels tied to the ground, Photo by K Cashman, HAF I rode...
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لقاء مع طلبة جامعة كارلسون “CARLSON UNIVERSITY”

لقاء مع طلبة جامعة كارلسون “CARLSON UNIVERSITY”

تحدت السيد الرشيد منتصر  المدير الوطني لبرنامج من فلاح لفلاح الذي تشرف عليه مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير صبيحة يوم الجمعة 27...
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The Issue of Water

The Issue of Water

Kelsey Cashman HAF-UVA Intern Cover Photo: The 50m well in Rhamna with no water, Photo by K.Cashman The village had...
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  • +1 (646) 688-2946
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  • haf@highatlasfoundation.org