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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Awareness workshop on Tree planting and its importance in human life.

Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC)

Today, Wednesday, December 23, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation, in coordination with the educational frameworks of the High School of the Alternative Education in the city of Oujda, organized an applied sensitivity workshop on planting trees and their importance in human life.

The awareness-raising workshop was framed in order to spread the culture of afforestation and the preservation of the environment for the benefit of the students and to clarify the importance of trees in human life and the role they play for the continuation of life on earth. So that what trees provide is invaluable from the fruits that the farmer benefits from, as well as the consumer who enjoys its taste. It also provides shade to protect us from the sun’s rays and brings aesthetics to life through its landscape. In addition to its role as a home for a group of birds that place their nests above the branches and a hideout for many insects that live with us on planet Earth.

In the sensitization workshop, we may learn about the role of trees in the continuation of human life as a source of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide that spreads in the air due to pollution. Therefore, the environment must be preserved by participating in planting more trees and encouraging the process of planting and taking care of the trees in our surroundings by not throwing garbage or destroying tree branches and cutting them.

After the sensitization workshop, 20 saplings of the argan tree were distributed to the students to participate in the planting process. During the planting process, they were provided with a set of information and steps that must be followed to properly plant the seedling.

The workshop was concluded with the planting of 20 Argan trees in the institution’s space to create a natural space called the argan tree planted by the children’s fingers. The educational frameworks expressed that integrating education on the environment into the educational space is among the gains that students must learn and establish in their minds the terminology of preserving the environment and in Their hearts love nature and the initiative to contribute to activities that seek to plant trees and encourage the culture of afforestation as a way to preserve our planet.

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