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حوار مع حمد: المشرف على المقبرة اليهودية بمدينة صفرو

English Version أسبوع الوئام العالمي بين الأديان حوار مع حمد: المشرف على المقبرة اليهودية بمدينة صفرو  صفرو، المغرب بقلم: أمل منصوري     تقع مدينة صفرو في سفوح جبال الأطلس المتوسط، على بعد 27 كيلومترا جنوب مدينة فاس، حيث تزخر المدينة بتاريخ متنوع ومئات السنين من التضامن الديني. بهدف التعرف على ماضي المدينة التعددي، انطلقت

Memories of the Jewish Community in Southern Morocco

A young hijabi woman wears a silver necklace that resembles an upside-down hand

العربية World Interfaith Harmony Week Glimpsing Memories of the Jewish Community in Southern Morocco: Hnni and Massa Fatma’s Family Aguerd, Taroudant Province, Morocco By Jamal Maghiouzi Massa Fatma is Massa Rachida’s grandmother, and she is 80 years old. She was born in Aguerd village, and she moved to Irazane when she got married. She has

ذكريات مع الطائفة اليهودية جنوب المغرب: هني وعائلة السيدة فاطمة

A young hijabi woman wears a silver necklace that resembles an upside-down hand

English Version أسبوع الوئام العالمي بين الأديان لمحة عن ذكريات حول الطائفة اليهودية جنوب المغرب: هني وعائلة السيدة فاطمة أكرض، إقليم تارودانت، المغرب بقلم: جمال مغيوزي السيدة فاطمة هي جدة السيدة رشيدة، وتبلغ من العمر 80 سنة. ولدت بقرية أكرض، وانتقلت إلى قرية إيرازان عندما تزوجت. ظلت تعتني بوالدتها منذ وفاة والدها. يقطن أفرادا آخرين

حوار مع فاطمة الزهراء المجدوبي: المشرفة على كنيس ابن دنان في فاس

English Version أسبوع الوئام العالمي بين الأديان حوار مع فاطمة الزهراء المجدوبي: المشرفة على كنيس ابن دنان في فاس فاس، المغرب كان تكليفي بمهمة رعاية الكنيس شرفا لي. أشعر وكأنني حملت مشعل والدي الذي أمضى سنوات في الحفاظ على الكنيس. بعد وفاة والدي، كلفتني الطائفة اليهودية في فاس بهذه المهمة،  وشعرت بالفخر لتكليفي بمثل هذه

Fatima-Zahra El Majdoubi: The Caretaker of Ibn Danan Synagogue

العربية World Interfaith Harmony Week An Interview with Fatima-Zahra El Majdoubi: The Caretaker of Ibn Danan Synagogue in Fes  Fes, Morocco   “Being assigned to take care of  the synagogue was an honor for me. I feel like I held the torch that my father had carried for years to keep the synagogue intact. After

قصة مدرسة خالدة لن تنسى

People in professional dress pose facing the camera with one row seated and another standing behind them. The photograph is in black and white.

أسبوع الوئام العالمي بين الأديان قصة مدرسة خالدة لن تنسى المنزل، المغرب اسمي محمد مباشر، وولدت سنة 1939. اشتغلت مدرسا للغة الفرنسية بمدرسة الرياض، وهي مدرسة ابتدائية بمدينة المنزل، إقليم صفرو، قبل أن أتقاعد سنة 2002. أبلغ من العمر حاليا 83 عاما، وأسعد دائما بمشاركة قصتي عن 42 عاما من التدريس بمدرسة كانت معروفة بأنها

A School to be Remembered

People in professional dress pose facing the camera with one row seated and another standing behind them. The photograph is in black and white.

  World Interfaith Harmony Week A School to be Remembered El Menzel, Morocco   “My name is Mohammed Moubachir, and I was born in 1939. I worked as a French Language teacher in Ryad school, a primary school based in El Menzel, Sefrou Province, before I retired in 2002. I’m currently 83 years old, and

Bolstering Women’s Development in Rural Morocco

by Noah C. Kohlmayer, HAF intern In September 2020, the project of bolstering women’s development in rural Morocco was initiated. Since then, the project has shown great progress and results. It has been implemented within the AEIF 2020, which is coordinated by the US Embassy in Morocco. This project aimed to provide two groups of

Agricultural Development in Morocco Flourishes

Agricultural Development in Morocco Flourishes, Borgen Magazine. WESTBURY, New York — The High Atlas Foundation is helping Morocco’s local communities determine how they choose to develop their land and grow out of poverty sustainably. Like those in the northern Atlas Mountains, Morocco’s most vulnerable communities have long suffered from water scarcity, shaky access to land and unregulated

Tree Cities of the World

By Hanane Ait Yamine, HAF Volunteer Celebrating global leadership in urban and community forestry Urban forests help define a sense of place and well-being where people live, work, play, and learn. The Tree Cities of the World program is an international effort to recognize cities and towns committed to ensuring that their urban forests and trees are

Sustainable Development through Mother Tongue and Multilingualism

Promote sustainable development through multilingualism – opinion, The Jerusalem Post. • Arabic: Nabd, 14 August 2021. • French: Liberte-Algerie, 25 August 2021. by Yossef Ben-Meir and Ellen Hernandez Human languages family tree, 2014. When community meetings are held to determine priority development projects in villages, in neighborhoods, in schools, in agricultural fields—wherever they may take place—we want

Crop Preservation Methods in Morocco

تقنيات تخزين وحفظ المحاصيل الزراعية في المغرب/ تأليف: أليسا أندروود, Al Bayader. By Alyssa Underwood Farmers employ a variety of post-harvest crop storage to protect crops from post-harvest damage. Many of the methods employed in developing countries and on small-scale farms are traditional methods that use local resources. Modern storage methods use modern technology to

Progress at the Imegdale Nursery

By: Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager and HAF Team Imegdal Nursery, Morocco. On June 4, 2021, Project Manager Said Bennani and a group of volunteers visited the Imegdal and Tassa Ouirgane nurseries. The first stop was the Imegdal nursery, where they met nursery caretaker Hassan Ait Ba on the new nursery land. To date, five

Updates on the Tadmamt and Akrich Fruit Tree Nurseries

By Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager and HAF Team HAF Project Manager Said Bennani, Driver Abdelghani Kastih, and volunteer Youssef Tahri, all visited the Tadmamt and Akrich nurseries on June 3, 2021, to start off an insightful visit and viewing of the communities. The first stop was in Tadmamt, where they met assistant nursery caretaker

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation, Maravi Post. Zuha Afzal | 2021 HAF-UVA Intern Abstract The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is an international development organization based in Morocco whose mission is to promote sustainable development. By supporting and empowering local communities on capacity building, clean water initiatives, pro bono legal aid, youth

The Legal Clinic at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes

By Kaoutar El Kadi, Legal Aid Assistant, CJFD  Immigrants do not leave their families, friends, and lives in vain. Misery, environmental degradation, and oppression can make life difficult to bear. When war directly threatens the lives of people, flight is sometimes the only option for survival. The reasons why people migrate are multiple and complex.

From Hopes to Water: Barriers to Girls Fulfilling Their Educational Dreams

By Aira Matin, HAF-UVA Intern Education in rural Morocco is a work in progress. Building from the core of the community, there is a need for a better investment in education as well as promoting the power of giving girls an education. Yet some communities in rural Morocco often do not see the value in

In the Hospitality of Sidi Kaouki

By Safae Ben Karroum HAF Program Coordinator Members of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy met with the HAF to plant trees as part of their initiative “The Social Solidarity Project to Reduce the Negative Effects of the Covid-19 Virus.” Since its establishment in 2000, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has witnessed continuous growth and success in

When Fighting Human Trafficking Means Protecting Migrants

How Morocco Can Protect Migrants in Efforts Against Human Trafficking, Morocco World News, By Nicole Luz. Nicole Luz An increased level of global awareness about the issue of human trafficking has shown many that slavery is not a thing of the past, but that it has rather just taken new forms. The UN Office on

The Role of Women in Mimouna: A Moroccan-Jewish Celebration of Creation and Cultural Diversity

Mimouna, Women, and Morocco’s Creative Cultural Diversity, Morocco World News, By Shivani Lakshman  HAF-UVA Intern. By Shivani Lakshman HAF-UVA Intern On Tuesday, April 6, the Mimouna Association hosted a virtual event titled “Celebrating Mimouna: From a Feminine Perspective.” The Mimouna Association is a non-profit founded in 2007 by Muslim students aiming to promote and preserve

The High Atlas Foundation and University Cadi Ayyad Sign a Partnership Agreement

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, HAF President On Friday, March 26, 2021, Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) President Professor Moulay Lhassan Hbid and myself, HAF’s President Yossef Ben-Meir, signed a partnership agreement at the Wilaya of Marrakech-Safi. Also in attendance were Dr. Driss Ouaouicha, the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education in Morocco, and the Wali

Al-Haouz: The High Atlas Foundation Inaugurates the Solar Irrigation System in the Akrich Nursery

Written by MAP Ecology in Arabic Translated into English by Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) celebrated the inauguration of a solar irrigation system in the Akrich nursery in the rural commune of Tamslouht, Al-Haouz province. The nursery produces seedlings intended for later distribution to regional farmers and schools. The

Marrakech: Discovering the Akrich Nursery, at the Heart of a Jewish Cemetery

Written by Hajar Toufik, Journalist, in Arabic Translated into English by Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) continues to develop its projects relating to the creation of organic tree nurseries by using the arable land belonging to the Moroccan Jewish community.  Nearly ten years ago, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF),

Be the Change You Wish to See: Reflecting on Generation Share: Changemakers of Morocco

This article highlights the key message of the Generation Share Changemakers World Digital Tour for Morocco.  Webster Hill IV, HAF Spring Intern Before I begin, I have a simple request to ask of you: take a moment to step outside into the natural environment and look around. What is one issue that you notice and

Unfavorable Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Morocco

Why Morocco Must Address Climate Change’s Threats to Water Resources, Morocco World News, By Megan Williams and Megan Sprotte HAF-UVA Interns. Megan Sprotte and Megan Williams HAF-UVA Interns Climate change is impacting water resources in Morocco, creating aggravated conditions as a result of both the environmental characteristics and social vulnerability that are present in the

The Decentralization of Renewable Energies: Youssoufia, a City with Potential

By Zainab Hachoumi HAF Volunteer A meeting of the MSP steering committee members with the citizens of Youssoufia, March 2021. Youssoufia is one of the rapidly growing provinces in the region of Marrakech-Safi. It is known for its phosphate production, crafts, and traditional textiles. The area where it is located allows it to have a

Decentralization of Renewable Energies: Akrich is the First Step of Many

By Zainab Hachoumi, HAF Intern Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator The general assembly of the Moroccan Platform for the Decentralization of Renewable Energies visiting Akrich. The High Atlas Foundation together with GermanWatch and the steering committee of the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Project (MSP) have been carrying out their work on the decentralization of renewable energies

Fundraising in the Time of Covid-19, and After: Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities

Written by Tahi Wiggins and derived from a presentation by Hudson Ferris, hosted by NCheng LLP With the massive economic trauma brought on by the covid-19 pandemic, one may expect that charitable giving would have taken a similar downturn. However, such was not the case. Although the beginning of the pandemic saw an 8% dip

تجربة زراعية مغربية بين الأمس واليوم

بقلم: محمد القادري منذ سنة 2000، ظلت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تدعم التنمية في المغرب، حيث اعتمدت منذ ذلك الحين على أساليب وطرق متعددة من أجل وضع خطة طريق للسير بالتنمية المستدامة في البلاد. لقد بدأت كمرحلة أولى بتوعية سكان الجبال والقرى عبر تنظيم تكوينات وورشات تهدف الى تطوير مهارات وقدرات الأفراد في المجتمعات المحلية أثناء

Achieving Environmental and Economic Sustainability Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management

Shivani Lakshman HAF-UVA Intern Lake Ifni at the Toubkal National Park; Morocco’s oldest and largest protected area. Courtesy of the High Atlas Foundation, 2018. The Moroccan government recently laid out a new forestry strategy intended to meet five major goals: sustain natural resources in forests and National Parks, engage local users in forest management, promote